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View Full Version : Sports are pissing me off

07-03-2020, 02:03 PM
And no, not because of kneeling. That was bad enough, and I wish they would choose a different time and way to seek change.

The NBA is, at least for this season, allowing players to forego their names on the back of their jerseys, and replace them with whatever slogan they want. Of course some will use it for humor, then some for some causes and tons of political garbage. Worst decision ever. I DO NOT want to go to a game and pay MY money, or tune in the television to enjoy a game, only to see guys running around as human billboards. And not a thing to do with prohibiting or censoring, it's about sports.

The Washington Redskins likely are no more. Well, the Redskins part. After all of these changes around the nation, they are almost obligated to do so or be canceled somehow. So they are in the midst of discussions, and the name will be changed.

And now the NFL may allow players to place names of victims of police violence on their jerseys and helmets? I feel for those who lost their lives. I think if justice was ignored, it needs to be rectified. I have no problem with the players supporting and/or getting involved. But not during the game and taking advantage of the viewers wanting to watch football games. Again, it's a sport, and that's not what people pay for, it's not what brings in billions. I respect them and their message, just not during games. Don't change what works to appease damn political messages.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-03-2020, 03:14 PM
And no, not because of kneeling. That was bad enough, and I wish they would choose a different time and way to seek change.

The NBA is, at least for this season, allowing players to forego their names on the back of their jerseys, and replace them with whatever slogan they want. Of course some will use it for humor, then some for some causes and tons of political garbage. Worst decision ever. I DO NOT want to go to a game and pay MY money, or tune in the television to enjoy a game, only to see guys running around as human billboards. And not a thing to do with prohibiting or censoring, it's about sports.

The Washington Redskins likely are no more. Well, the Redskins part. After all of these changes around the nation, they are almost obligated to do so or be canceled somehow. So they are in the midst of discussions, and the name will be changed.

And now the NFL may allow players to place names of victims of police violence on their jerseys and helmets? I feel for those who lost their lives. I think if justice was ignored, it needs to be rectified. I have no problem with the players supporting and/or getting involved. But not during the game and taking advantage of the viewers wanting to watch football games. Again, it's a sport, and that's not what people pay for, it's not what brings in billions. I respect them and their message, just not during games. Don't change what works to appease damn political messages.

And players will be vilified unless they endorse/promote/display liberal/leftists causes.
You can bet your last nickel on that. This is ass kissing to the the extreme, imho.
I myself in these last few years have basically gave up on all major sports except football.
And now with football bowing down to BLM, I am about to let it go too.
That would leave me with only caring about boxing and ultimate fighting(cage matches).
Then so be it....--Tyr

07-03-2020, 03:45 PM
And players will be vilified unless they endorse/promote/display liberal/leftists causes.
You can bet your last nickel on that. This is ass kissing to the the extreme, imho.
I myself in these last few years have basically gave up on all major sports except football.
And now with football bowing down to BLM, I am about to let it go too.
That would leave me with only caring about boxing and ultimate fighting(cage matches).
Then so be it....--Tyr

Ass kissing is exactly what is taking place, and pandering, and fear & some outright stupidity.

Folks doing many dumb things out there and literally playing out the "I have black friends" thing in many other ways. Instead of speaking out and/or agreeing with a message, they are doing stupid things to garner attention for whatever reason while doing so.

Sports will continue to succeed just fine without change. If the league wants, spend the $$$ to make change instead of visuals. There's a time and place for everything. They can do so many good things for 20 hours of the day. I encourage such, and use their fame... all the above. But then let us paying fans watch or go to a game as it's always been, and let us all confront the issue head on when and where appropriate.

Abbey Marie
07-03-2020, 04:44 PM
We are not watching anymore. And no pool either. First time in forever.

Black Diamond
07-03-2020, 04:54 PM
We are not watching anymore. And no pool either. First time in forever.

How does it feel?

Abbey Marie
07-03-2020, 04:54 PM
How does it feel?

It feels necessary.

07-03-2020, 09:15 PM
I quit watching the NFL years ago. I think the last time the Steelers won the SB. It was because of the NFL and ruining the game. I might check the scores next day in the news to see how the Cowboys blew it this time :laugh:

The NBA is a different story. I was a die-hard Spurs fan. No attention, small market team won only 5 titles in 10 years. No respect :rolleyes:

I quit watching them when Popovich, who was/maybe still is, a brilliant coach, decided to used his position to badmouth Trump at every turn. I'm not buying a ticket for the moonbat's politics. It's to coach my team. It was really a shock actually because Spurs players are always so conservative in their behavior. The psycho ones like the year we had Rodman don't stay long.

Anyway, I'm hoping MLB doesn't piss me off because if all else fails I'll put on a ball game. Or college sports.

Can't wait to see how all this crap screws u p the Olympics which is supposed to be politics free :rolleyes:

07-03-2020, 09:28 PM
I just found this on Youtube....Un F'in Believable...


Abbey Marie
07-04-2020, 10:07 AM
Those two guys in the video are awesome!

07-04-2020, 10:13 AM
I just found this on Youtube....Un F'in Believable...


I just listened to this with Abbey... and it was great! Loved it! These guys are absolutely right, and were entertaining also.

Not sure why you would think anyone would get pissed off, ICSI?

07-04-2020, 10:19 AM
I quit watching the NFL years ago. I think the last time the Steelers won the SB. It was because of the NFL and ruining the game. I might check the scores next day in the news to see how the Cowboys blew it this time :laugh:

The NBA is a different story. I was a die-hard Spurs fan. No attention, small market team won only 5 titles in 10 years. No respect :rolleyes:

I quit watching them when Popovich, who was/maybe still is, a brilliant coach, decided to used his position to badmouth Trump at every turn. I'm not buying a ticket for the moonbat's politics. It's to coach my team. It was really a shock actually because Spurs players are always so conservative in their behavior. The psycho ones like the year we had Rodman don't stay long.

Anyway, I'm hoping MLB doesn't piss me off because if all else fails I'll put on a ball game. Or college sports.

Can't wait to see how all this crap screws u p the Olympics which is supposed to be politics free :rolleyes:
Agreed, Gunny. Popovich is a brilliant coach, but spouts off like an a-hole thinking that NBA coaches are in a position to tell people what to think about politics. What a jerk.

I was a big Sixers fan, but am dropping the NBA and NFL now. Both leagues are full of a bunch of a-hole players and managers, and I can’t watch sports played by people I dislike. I also resent the leagues for inviting politics into the game itself. I watch sports to get away from that stuff. Correction - I USED TO watch sports to get away from that stuff.

07-04-2020, 10:25 AM
These Uncle Tom's are in trouble :rolleyes:

I think we've ALL been saying the same things they are for years. I know I have. There's no profit in ending the facade of racism.

07-04-2020, 12:06 PM
I just found this on Youtube....Un F'in Believable...

"I don't even think they have a black national anthem in Africa"

So they want to get rid of the American national anthem and then play a "black national anthem"? Trying to "fix" things by color.

The answer is not to make every situation about black people, or black history, or black moments, or black sorrow. That will only lead to more division. The answer is UNITY and COMMUNITY.

Some say no one ever puts up ideas to fix things, answers, things other than bitching about it or blaming either side. revelarts mentioned that even republicans do this or that, but it doesn't end up fixing much in the end. Former ideas about fixing police, or any brutality and such, haven't done an awful lot to fix all the issues. Tossing money at it didn't fix the issues. Democrats make promises and lead many major black communities, and things don't get fixed. Folks state to concentrate on weapons, gangs and black on black crime, but the issue remains. Socioeconomic issues blamed and having money tossed, but doesn't fix it. A leader here or there will be fired/swapped/resign to start anew, but things are not fixed. I could go on and on, but the truth is, so many issues pertaining to racial division still exist in our country.

There is no one answer to fix things. Getting rid of bad apples in the police alone will not fix things. Nor will defunding or abolishing the police. These so called fixes would only lead to a worse society filled with crime. Simply retraining police alone will not fix the issue. I think bad apples need to go, and others as they are found over time. I think firings and prosecutions of proven wrongdoing by police will then have others think twice and I believe over time it gets better. I also think there needs to be a ton of interaction between the community and the police. Most folks now only see the police when getting pulled over, or otherwise some negative reason to need their presence. I see tons of videos with the police meeting with the community and some great conversations. That from rap stars with them, to athletes, to interactions with little children playing in the streets. Over time, no quick fix here, the community needs to not only see the change within the police department, but learn to respect them and have fun with them and understand what they do, and why & when. An all around respect needs to be earned between the communities and the police. Over time, instituting many changes, and work from all sides, it CAN change. This is just the police I am speaking of and just the tip of the iceberg.

I do not think reparations in any way will fix or even help any racial division. It will do little more than put us further in tremendous debt. Whether tossing money at individuals or the community as a whole, is simply not the answer. It teaches some to feel entitled, or deserving. It will teach others laziness. This in no way will have either side see anyone more respectfully.

Schooling and education. One of the best things in America, opportunity to improve. But I understand it's not that easy, folks don't get to wake one morning and just leave a neighborhood and pick any school. It needs to start at home from childhood. The respect, the homework, the dinner table, the absenteeism and going every day and earning a grammar school education and working all the way up. And the schools, the teachers, should be ensured to hopefully be as good as any other public schooling. But ensuring safety is paramount for new teachers. And hopefully that starts at the dinner table and in a generation you have an entirely new school system, black or white. Continue on up throughout college. Opportunity to be there, to EARN ones way in, and taught how to handle things financially and geared towards ones future. Get rid of as much of indoctrination as possible. Make possibilities happen. Just a few sentences, but I think education from kindergarten to 12th grade is HUGE. A kids entire future may be molded based on those years, what they are taught at home and in school, and how well they do and how many doors they open for their future. Believe it or not, I think this, not police, is one of the biggest things that can be fixed over time in order to see some great change.

Crime and drugs. Needs to be fixed in many ways. I believe the visible crime and drugs lead to more. And when more and more kids are wearing their "bling" and hundreds of hundred dollar bills, while they make $80 a week at Mickey D's - becomes enticing. Shouldn't be hard to steer a child the right way, to shun that garbage on the corners and understand that their lives will change and they will earn money legally and have homes and wives/husbands and families and all they can dream of and strive for - and be alive to get there.

Healthcare I think comes along with all of the above. When a parent does all that is good and decent, they will likely have insurance of some form on their own or via their employer. This helps their family too. And when kids start young, stick with an education and get involved in sports and other activities.... They will love playing the sports, they will make friends of the right kind, they will have alternatives in life than seeing the bling crew on the street corner. This normally leads to all kinds of good and decent things for them, now and in their futures. And when it's their time, they will likely follow suit like their old man or Mom and have insurance, family.... something better to show than prison or death or non-stop racial division.

Criminal justice and prison. Enough with the majority of drugs in the drug war, and especially related to sending folks to prison for such crimes. Now if someone is found with 100 kilos of deadly heroin onto our streets, away they go. But if someone is nailed with a 1lb or marijuana for personal use, or busted in the park smoking a joint with friends - no need to imprison folks for that, IMO. Difficult for people to pick and choose which drugs get the harsher treatment and which don't, which are more harmful than the others. Maybe as an honest person who may, just may, have tried most here or there, even if only once. :) :) Anything, in my opinion, that is pharmaceutical and made with deadly concoctions, no need to have that garbage around. But if someone is smoking a plant, which is 100% natural, and has never taken anyone's life before - then I fail to see the harm, and certainly fail to see why so many people with petty smoking and possession crimes are sitting in jail. Need a revamp on just a couple of less or fully harmful drugs if no harm is done to society at all. And of course in addition, the penalties need to apply equally across the board. If a first time crime for a black person, it should be no different than a first time crime penalty of a white person. Same with all crimes, IMO. Same with all sentencing. In fact, Lady Liberty is blind, and our justice system SHOULD already be being applied equally. But not always the case.

Just the tip of the iceberg as I said, and only 5 or 6 quick touching of things I think need fixing. I do think republicans are out there with similar messages, and stated better than this dummy, but the lessons and the message seem to get lost quite quickly. The fix is many things. Each one needs to be addressed individually, IMO. And there will not be change overnight, in a week or maybe not even a year or two. It needs the addressing of many issues, and time needs to be taken, both sides need to come in understanding and fully willing to make change. It CANNOT be a fight. Folks CANNOT rip things down, or destroy communities in order to force change.

07-04-2020, 12:33 PM
"I don't even think they have a black national anthem in Africa"

So they want to get rid of the American national anthem and then play a "black national anthem"? Trying to "fix" things by color.

The answer is not to make every situation about black people, or black history, or black moments, or black sorrow. That will only lead to more division. The answer is UNITY and COMMUNITY.

Some say no one ever puts up ideas to fix things, answers, things other than bitching about it or blaming either side. @revelarts (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=1760) mentioned that even republicans do this or that, but it doesn't end up fixing much in the end. Former ideas about fixing police, or any brutality and such, haven't done an awful lot to fix all the issues. Tossing money at it didn't fix the issues. Democrats make promises and lead many major black communities, and things don't get fixed. Folks state to concentrate on weapons, gangs and black on black crime, but the issue remains. Socioeconomic issues blamed and having money tossed, but doesn't fix it. A leader here or there will be fired/swapped/resign to start anew, but things are not fixed. I could go on and on, but the truth is, so many issues pertaining to racial division still exist in our country.

There is no one answer to fix things. Getting rid of bad apples in the police alone will not fix things. Nor will defunding or abolishing the police. These so called fixes would only lead to a worse society filled with crime. Simply retraining police alone will not fix the issue. I think bad apples need to go, and others as they are found over time. I think firings and prosecutions of proven wrongdoing by police will then have others think twice and I believe over time it gets better. I also think there needs to be a ton of interaction between the community and the police. Most folks now only see the police when getting pulled over, or otherwise some negative reason to need their presence. I see tons of videos with the police meeting with the community and some great conversations. That from rap stars with them, to athletes, to interactions with little children playing in the streets. Over time, no quick fix here, the community needs to not only see the change within the police department, but learn to respect them and have fun with them and understand what they do, and why & when. An all around respect needs to be earned between the communities and the police. Over time, instituting many changes, and work from all sides, it CAN change. This is just the police I am speaking of and just the tip of the iceberg.

I do not think reparations in any way will fix or even help any racial division. It will do little more than put us further in tremendous debt. Whether tossing money at individuals or the community as a whole, is simply not the answer. It teaches some to feel entitled, or deserving. It will teach others laziness. This in no way will have either side see anyone more respectfully.

Schooling and education. One of the best things in America, opportunity to improve. But I understand it's not that easy, folks don't get to wake one morning and just leave a neighborhood and pick any school. It needs to start at home from childhood. The respect, the homework, the dinner table, the absenteeism and going every day and earning a grammar school education and working all the way up. And the schools, the teachers, should be ensured to hopefully be as good as any other public schooling. But ensuring safety is paramount for new teachers. And hopefully that starts at the dinner table and in a generation you have an entirely new school system, black or white. Continue on up throughout college. Opportunity to be there, to EARN ones way in, and taught how to handle things financially and geared towards ones future. Get rid of as much of indoctrination as possible. Make possibilities happen. Just a few sentences, but I think education from kindergarten to 12th grade is HUGE. A kids entire future may be molded based on those years, what they are taught at home and in school, and how well they do and how many doors they open for their future. Believe it or not, I think this, not police, is one of the biggest things that can be fixed over time in order to see some great change.

Crime and drugs. Needs to be fixed in many ways. I believe the visible crime and drugs lead to more. And when more and more kids are wearing their "bling" and hundreds of hundred dollar bills, while they make $80 a week at Mickey D's - becomes enticing. Shouldn't be hard to steer a child the right way, to shun that garbage on the corners and understand that their lives will change and they will earn money legally and have homes and wives/husbands and families and all they can dream of and strive for - and be alive to get there.

Healthcare I think comes along with all of the above. When a parent does all that is good and decent, they will likely have insurance of some form on their own or via their employer. This helps their family too. And when kids start young, stick with an education and get involved in sports and other activities.... They will love playing the sports, they will make friends of the right kind, they will have alternatives in life than seeing the bling crew on the street corner. This normally leads to all kinds of good and decent things for them, now and in their futures. And when it's their time, they will likely follow suit like their old man or Mom and have insurance, family.... something better to show than prison or death or non-stop racial division.

Criminal justice and prison. Enough with the majority of drugs in the drug war, and especially related to sending folks to prison for such crimes. Now if someone is found with 100 kilos of deadly heroin onto our streets, away they go. But if someone is nailed with a 1lb or marijuana for personal use, or busted in the park smoking a joint with friends - no need to imprison folks for that, IMO. Difficult for people to pick and choose which drugs get the harsher treatment and which don't, which are more harmful than the others. Maybe as an honest person who may, just may, have tried most here or there, even if only once. :) :) Anything, in my opinion, that is pharmaceutical and made with deadly concoctions, no need to have that garbage around. But if someone is smoking a plant, which is 100% natural, and has never taken anyone's life before - then I fail to see the harm, and certainly fail to see why so many people with petty smoking and possession crimes are sitting in jail. Need a revamp on just a couple of less or fully harmful drugs if no harm is done to society at all. And of course in addition, the penalties need to apply equally across the board. If a first time crime for a black person, it should be no different than a first time crime penalty of a white person. Same with all crimes, IMO. Same with all sentencing. In fact, Lady Liberty is blind, and our justice system SHOULD already be being applied equally. But not always the case.

Just the tip of the iceberg as I said, and only 5 or 6 quick touching of things I think need fixing. I do think republicans are out there with similar messages, and stated better than this dummy, but the lessons and the message seem to get lost quite quickly. The fix is many things. Each one needs to be addressed individually, IMO. And there will not be change overnight, in a week or maybe not even a year or two. It needs the addressing of many issues, and time needs to be taken, both sides need to come in understanding and fully willing to make change. It CANNOT be a fight. Folks CANNOT rip things down, or destroy communities in order to force change.Reparations -- need another word because "reparations" are deserved/earned -- will lead only to a demand for more reparations.

A lot of the problem is blacks don't want a fix. They want a handout disguised as something owed them because an ancestor was a slave 160 years ago. They are brought up in a culture that has taught them to believe they are owed, and don't want to hear anything else. They're STILL waiting for Uncle Abe to make everything wonderful for them. THIS is one of the biggest problems. No one can fix the "slave mentality" they bring themselves up in.

Between the MSM, left/Dems and black activists who are making a LOT of money over "racism" have no desire to fix the problem. The whole goal of the left is to keep us divided. If we're so busy squabbling over the table scraps that hit the floor, no one's paying attention to the ones making off with whole bird.

So yeah, there's no one thing, and in fact, there are many. Too many to fix when it isn't in the best interest of half the argument to fix them. In the meantime, you got the new kids on the block using them as a smokescreen for their commie crap because that bunch just doesn't want to work. They're entitled too.

It's going to take a war, regardless the means used, and unfortunately, the revolutionaries usually win. They lose in the end but that is no solace to what they have destroyed. The people that make up "the right" don't have what it takes to win, much less make things right. They're too busy being divisive among themselves.

07-04-2020, 12:36 PM
BTW, the NFL isn't THAT stupid (debatable depending on topic). If a football fan had to choose which games to write off watching, it would be the first ones. IF there is any kind of a stand by viewers against the new policy, it'll quietly go away.

If I had the money, I'd pay people I know are fans to not watch the games.

Black Diamond
07-04-2020, 12:47 PM
BTW, the NFL isn't THAT stupid (debatable depending on topic). If a football fan had to choose which games to write off watching, it would be the first ones. IF there is any kind of a stand by viewers against the new policy, it'll quietly go away.

If I had the money, I'd pay people I know are fans to not watch the games.
Don't underestimate the stupidity of Goodell. I hope they take a huge hit. And the NBA too. Both leagues are a shadow of what they used to be anyway; even aside from this political horseshit.

07-04-2020, 12:49 PM
Don't underestimate the stupidity of Goodell. I hope they take a huge hit. And the NBA too. Both leagues are a shadow of what they used to be anyway; even aside from this political horseshit.I stand corrected. I forgot about Goodell. Never mind :)

07-04-2020, 02:43 PM
I just listened to this with Abbey... and it was great! Loved it! These guys are absolutely right, and were entertaining also.

Not sure why you would think anyone would get pissed off, ICSI?

I was just suggesting the IDEA they make fun of so well would piss some off at first.

These two guys are great. Wish the rest of the Country could see, and hear them.:clap:

07-04-2020, 05:32 PM
Agreed, Gunny. Popovich is a brilliant coach, but spouts off like an a-hole thinking that NBA coaches are in a position to tell people what to think about politics. What a jerk.

I was a big Sixers fan, but am dropping the NBA and NFL now. Both leagues are full of a bunch of a-hole players and managers, and I can’t watch sports played by people I dislike. I also resent the leagues for inviting politics into the game itself. I watch sports to get away from that stuff. Correction - I USED TO watch sports to get away from that stuff.I was Dr J's biggest fan and anybody says otherwise better lace 'em up :laugh: I wore Ponies and could finger roll. I had to unlearn doing it so I could make a layup off the board the right way :laugh:

When he went to the Nets?, I was done with the Sixers and no longer lived on the East Coast. Miami didn't have a team then anyway. San Antonio got the Dallas Chaparrals in the league merger so we got Gervin and the A-Train anyway.

The leagues are ruining (well, ruining more than they were before) the games for the fans. The officiating sucks and so do the pussy rules. They want to cave to a bunch of political bullshit as well? I got better things to do than sit in front of the tube for 3 hours and find out what a bunch of half-literate athletes think politically.

07-04-2020, 05:57 PM
I was Dr J's biggest fan and anybody says otherwise better lace 'em up :laugh: I wore Ponies and could finger roll. I had to unlearn doing it so I could make a layup off the board the right way :laugh:

When he went to the Nets?, I was done with the Sixers and no longer lived on the East Coast. Miami didn't have a team then anyway. San Antonio got the Dallas Chaparrals in the league merger so we got Gervin and the A-Train anyway.

The leagues are ruining (well, ruining more than they were before) the games for the fans. The officiating sucks and so do the pussy rules. They want to cave to a bunch of political bullshit as well? I got better things to do than sit in front of the tube for 3 hours and find out what a bunch of half-literate athletes think politically.

No way, I was definitely Dr J's biggest fan. :cool: Okay, let's lace 'em up and meet on the court. Did you get to see him in his ABA days with the Nets? That must have been incredible. I saw his entire Sixers career, and that will never be matched, in my opinion.

Btw, back when I joined the board, here's an excerpt from my interview, conducted by my buddy Tyr:
5. Who are your heroes past and/or present? Feel free to include family members if desired and tell us why they are/were so special.

Here are three favorite heroes of mine
1. Julius Erving – One of the greatest NBA players ever, inventor of the tomahawk dunk, and did it all with a ton of class. Michael Jordan was following Dr J’s footsteps, except without the class.

07-04-2020, 06:11 PM
No way, I was definitely Dr J's biggest fan. :cool: Okay, let's lace 'em up and meet on the court. Did you get to see him in his ABA days with the Nets? That must have been incredible. I saw his entire Sixers career, and that will never be matched, in my opinion.

Btw, back when I joined the board, here's an excerpt from my interview, conducted by my buddy Tyr:
5. Who are your heroes past and/or present? Feel free to include family members if desired and tell us why they are/were so special.

Here are three favorite heroes of mine
1. Julius Erving – One of the greatest NBA players ever, inventor of the tomahawk dunk, and did it all with a ton of class. Michael Jordan was following Dr J’s footsteps, except without the class.
I recall sitting there in front of the tube watching him reach from behind the backboard and finger roll the ball in against the Lakers in the 80 finals. I just sat there and stared until the replay confirmed, yes, he DID just do that. Was Game 7 I think, and the Sixers were down and the Lakers had taken out Cheeks, Toney and Jones. Dawkins probably had already fouled out:rolleyes:. (Dirty, cheating scum).

The second half was Dr J vs the Lakers and he almost beat them by himself. Even Jordan never impressed me like that. Jordan had a team AND a bench. I think Jones believed in a 2 deep bench :rolleyes:

One thing about Dr J and Jordan that impressed me is BOTH were good for the sport and set good examples.

You don't want to mess with me, bro. I got two new pair of Reeboks and a Spalding in the closet. Along with my Kevin McHale, white boy ankle brace and this Iron Man junk for my knee I got when I was in the hospital. I am good to go. Considering I haven't played in 20 years :) Probably break an ankle first time I tried to pivot :laugh:

07-04-2020, 08:37 PM
Gunny, is this the move?


I remember this play. The best single play I've seen, imho. Finals, Sixers vs Lakers, and it got a standing ovation at the LA Coliseum.

07-04-2020, 09:31 PM
Gunny, is this the move?


I remember this play. The best single play I've seen, imho. Finals, Sixers vs Lakers, and it got a standing ovation at the LA Coliseum.That was it. I was like, they had him out bounds. Like Magic says, he HAD TO come down. I thought it was over. And he pulls that shot off.

I agree that is the BEST play I have seen on a basketball court, or off for that matter. It STILL makes you say F-N A! :laugh:

07-04-2020, 09:40 PM
Totally agree!

Btw, I meet your pair of Reeboks and raise you a pair of Nikes and will meet you on the court. I've got a kind of Adrian Dantley style on the court - which is to say 'tenacious'. Win or lose, you would be hobbling the next day. :cool:

Abbey Marie
07-04-2020, 10:46 PM
Best quote in Basketball, and I heard Him say it from my seat at the game:

Patrick Ewing to his defender: “You gonna hold my hand all night?”

07-06-2020, 03:14 PM
Totally agree!

Btw, I meet your pair of Reeboks and raise you a pair of Nikes and will meet you on the court. I've got a kind of Adrian Dantley style on the court - which is to say 'tenacious'. Win or lose, you would be hobbling the next day. :cool:Got my memory sort of working again. It was Game 4. Might as well have been Game 7. Probably why I remember it as the Sixers last gasp.

I also previously promoted Bobby Jones to coach when it was Cunningham. Jones was their token white boy guard and he WAS "the bench". It WAS "only" 40 years ago. I had long hair :laugh:

I'm good with the Reeboks. I won't buy a Nike product. AND, they're 90s throwbacks so I'm good in them. You ain't going to hurt me, even if you can take a rat trap to the finger and not cry :laugh: I play EVERY sport like Jack Lambert. Even ping pong :laugh2:

07-07-2020, 12:33 PM
THIS is REALLY going to gripe my ass but I'm going to have to bite the bullet and buy a stinking, lying cheating, dirty Washington Redskins flag or hat or something. The very idea makes me want to puke, but the idea of changing their name is even worse. Changing the name of my most hated enemy a rival of yesteryear is just wrong.

And for WHAT? Anybody here ever see or hear anyone call injuns "redskins" outside Hollywood movies? The Native Americans themselves described themselves as "red skin". Now, if their name was the Washington Injuns, I could see them complaining, even though that word too is merely a result of illiterate whites.

Next on the chopping block: "Engine". After all ...:rolleyes:

07-07-2020, 06:46 PM
The Washington Redskins don't need to change their name. Just change the logo: ;)


07-07-2020, 08:55 PM
The Washington Redskins don't need to change their name. Just change the logo: ;)

12747No offense, but I'm just not feeling the fear with that on the side of a helmet :smoke:

07-08-2020, 10:14 AM
Might as well just call themselves the 'Washington Democrats' to remind future generations how the name change came to be.

Abbey Marie
07-08-2020, 11:07 AM
Might as well just call themselves the 'Washington Democrats' to remind future generations how the name change came to be.

Washington Wimps
Washington Cavers
D.C. Capitulators
D.C. Chicken-Hearts

07-08-2020, 11:57 PM
They Are The "DEAD SKINS" (like the skin removed from baby boys when they are circumsized in the hospital.) NO DIFFERENCE!
