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View Full Version : Tammy Duckworth - Potential Biden VP pick

07-07-2020, 03:35 PM
She suddenly popped into the equation a few weeks back and picking up more and more with her name in the news. She's a decorated war hero, so they describe her, but unfortunately the helicopter she was in shortly after being called up for service was shot down. She broke her arm, lost her right leg entirely and her left leg below the knee.

A tough cookie for sure, and an honorable woman and a brave woman. But really did nothing heroic as far as military is concerned, and she received a purple heart of course & Air Medal & Army Commendation Medal.

After the military, it was directly into politics. In charge of the Illinois department of VA for 3 years. Failures, complaints and whistleblowers. Got to be known nationally when speaking at 2008, 2012 & 2016 Dem conventions.

Look, she's probably earned the right to do this, but it annoys me nonetheless. Depending on where she goes and speaks, she changes whether she comes out showing her prosthetic legs or not, or a wheelchair at times, sometimes powering herself and other times being pushed. And all more than her right to do so. But sure as hell seems like she uses them in many many arguments over the years, and in many many speeches while running for various seats and what not. Perhaps smartly to her advantage, but still irks me.

The failures at the VA. She blocked over 1100 promotions of senior military members - to protect a democrat within the military and all part of the impeachment BS - Vindman.

She spoke out big time and voted against Justice Kavanaugh. Been reached out to many times to get comment on similar about Joe Biden, and the Tara Reade sexual assault allegations (which disappeared), and she too disappears by ignoring requests.

And the latest of course, she made news yesterday over comments by Tucker Carlson. He points out her stance on basically not giving a crap if George Washington statues are taken down. He points out that you cannot condemn such a person due to the military background, but points out certain things and asks why do these people hate America?

And she replies to walk a mile in her legs and the media goes gaga. But they don't address the things Tucker pointed out, nor would they ask or expect answers from her.

I think all of his choices suck. And absolutely wouldn't want to see any of them be president of the USA, and that's likely what they would be.

07-07-2020, 04:12 PM
She suddenly popped into the equation a few weeks back and picking up more and more with her name in the news. She's a decorated war hero, so they describe her, but unfortunately the helicopter she was in shortly after being called up for service was shot down. She broke her arm, lost her right leg entirely and her left leg below the knee.

A tough cookie for sure, and an honorable woman and a brave woman. But really did nothing heroic as far as military is concerned, and she received a purple heart of course & Air Medal & Army Commendation Medal.

After the military, it was directly into politics. In charge of the Illinois department of VA for 3 years. Failures, complaints and whistleblowers. Got to be known nationally when speaking at 2008, 2012 & 2016 Dem conventions.

Look, she's probably earned the right to do this, but it annoys me nonetheless. Depending on where she goes and speaks, she changes whether she comes out showing her prosthetic legs or not, or a wheelchair at times, sometimes powering herself and other times being pushed. And all more than her right to do so. But sure as hell seems like she uses them in many many arguments over the years, and in many many speeches while running for various seats and what not. Perhaps smartly to her advantage, but still irks me.

The failures at the VA. She blocked over 1100 promotions of senior military members - to protect a democrat within the military and all part of the impeachment BS - Vindman.

She spoke out big time and voted against Justice Kavanaugh. Been reached out to many times to get comment on similar about Joe Biden, and the Tara Reade sexual assault allegations (which disappeared), and she too disappears by ignoring requests.

And the latest of course, she made news yesterday over comments by Tucker Carlson. He points out her stance on basically not giving a crap if George Washington statues are taken down. He points out that you cannot condemn such a person due to the military background, but points out certain things and asks why do these people hate America?

And she replies to walk a mile in her legs and the media goes gaga. But they don't address the things Tucker pointed out, nor would they ask or expect answers from her.

I think all of his choices suck. And absolutely wouldn't want to see any of them be president of the USA, and that's likely what they would be.Let's straighten something out here because I have seen it for years, it is left-driven, and annoys the Hell out of me.

Speaking as vet, a disclaimer is not required each and every time a pathetic Dem who is a vet tries to hide behind it and/or get a free pass for being stupid, or bad behavior. Now, if we are going to question her being a vet or the characterization of her service, do your homework and bring your lunch. I know nothing more of this woman than she served, and for that, "Thanks for your service, Tammy. Sorry you got hurt. Add your name to the list since the 1770s and don't EVEN try and base a political campaign around that fact or I will be on it like white on rice.

Time in service has nothing to do with her being a POS, IL Dem and there is no other kind. They wrote the book on political corruption and IMO are even worse as a bureaucratic institution than DC. Obviously not looking for the moderate vote.

BUT, as we all know, ANY attack on her as a POS IL Dem will default right into "you're not honoring her service". Good point. I am not. Want to honor her service? Hold a parade. If she's going to run on her service and hide behind her wheelchair and/or crutches, depending on her mood apparently, then she's fair game as far as I'm concerned just as Murtha and Kerry were.

07-07-2020, 05:14 PM
Yup, and she pulls out the lost leg thing at the slightest hint of criticism coming her way. She has regular prosthetic legs and clothing, but she did earn the right to her own choice. But at certain times she likes the patriotic leg thing and pulls out her red, white and blue legs. Or come out dramatically in her wheelchair. But no, you cannot criticize her or call her intentions, agendas, opinions or a damn thing into question without being ripped.

Her politics and decisions are fair game in my book. When she doesn't care about history, former presidents and our monuments and statues, it's also fair game. IMO, any vote/decision/opinion of hers that is politically based, is open and fair game to discuss or shred apart no differently than any other congress critter. And it's those things that irritate some, or open her opinions and agendas up for discussion.

NO ONE in politics should get a free pass from criticism on their politics based on a disability or their service or anything. And the MSM would lover her to be the nominee, as then they would yank that card out left and right to tough questions and concerns. :rolleyes:

07-07-2020, 05:38 PM
Yup, and she pulls out the lost leg thing at the slightest hint of criticism coming her way. She has regular prosthetic legs and clothing, but she did earn the right to her own choice. But at certain times she likes the patriotic leg thing and pulls out her red, white and blue legs. Or come out dramatically in her wheelchair. But no, you cannot criticize her or call her intentions, agendas, opinions or a damn thing into question without being ripped.

Her politics and decisions are fair game in my book. When she doesn't care about history, former presidents and our monuments and statues, it's also fair game. IMO, any vote/decision/opinion of hers that is politically based, is open and fair game to discuss or shred apart no differently than any other congress critter. And it's those things that irritate some, or open her opinions and agendas up for discussion.

NO ONE in politics should get a free pass from criticism on their politics based on a disability or their service or anything. And the MSM would lover her to be the nominee, as then they would yank that card out left and right to tough questions and concerns. :rolleyes:Again, as a vet, I have no tolerance for that shit. It dishonors those who served and sacrificed honorably without trying to make a buck off of it.

I have no problem speaking out but I bet most of the Neocons in DC quiver in their shoes when they see her coming. Until somebody stands up to the left's antics, the left isn't going to quit using them. Why should they? They've been a huge success for decades.

07-07-2020, 05:46 PM
Duckworth has been using her missing legs to get elected since she left the service. Yes, she was injured as a helo pilot...And so were thousands of other Americans who also lost limbs, sight, and continue to suffer from PTSD.
Having been in the military only became a BIG deal for Politicians when they managed to BELITTLE other veterans who didn't actually get a PURPLE HEART, or injured unless...THEY WERE DEMOCRAT PRETENDERS like John Kerry, and that other idiot who BRAGGED about serving in NAM when he was proven to be lying. Namely...present Senator Blumenthal who said he MISSPOKE and his Fellow Democrat Liars...just looked the other way.

If Biden picks COL. (BUTTER)DUCKWORTH. He's only doing it because the DNC told him so, and she will try to GRAB the hearts of people who DO NOT PAY ATTENTION to facts.

Otherwise. As a fellow Veteran. I wouldn't respect her for being another Phony Liberal working to Destroy America.

07-07-2020, 06:54 PM
I've seen her interviewed and came away whatever the opposite of impressed is. I didn't know about the leg or the veteran things. Actually, how long did she serve? If she was in the helicopter crash right after she started, then it sound like she hardly served at all. I sympathize for the injuries, but no more than someone who has a bad car crash here in the States.

Overall, I think that the fact that she has made the short list for VP pick is a very sad reflection on our country.

07-07-2020, 07:06 PM
I've seen her interviewed and came away whatever the opposite of impressed is. I didn't know about the leg or the veteran things. Actually, how long did she serve? If she was in the helicopter crash right after she started, then it sound like she hardly served at all. I sympathize for the injuries, but no more than someone who has a bad car crash here in the States.

Overall, I think that the fact that she has made the short list for VP pick is a very sad reflection on our country.She's black? I don't know. But, disabled vet, black, female, loony-left Dem. Sounds qualified as Hell for a Dem to me, and it would amount to nothing more than pandering for votes. If she could prove she was 1/millionch Hispanic and Cherokee, and gay, she'd have all the left's bases covered.

In real time, was I head of the DNC? I'm picking who I want to be President. They know what's wrong with Biden. They're going to foist his successor on him, and us if they can.

07-07-2020, 08:25 PM
She's black? I don't know. But, disabled vet, black, female, loony-left Dem. Sounds qualified as Hell for a Dem to me, and it would amount to nothing more than pandering for votes. If she could prove she was 1/millionch Hispanic and Cherokee, and gay, she'd have all the left's bases covered.

In real time, was I head of the DNC? I'm picking who I want to be President. They know what's wrong with Biden. They're going to foist his successor on him, and us if they can.


07-07-2020, 08:44 PM

07-08-2020, 10:21 AM
Sweet, Tucker doesn't fall for the attacks from the left, and the attacks claiming he is somehow attacking her for her service or losing her legs. :rolleyes: Any excuse to avoid the questions.

So after the first night of BS from her and her supporters, when Tucker merely went over her stance on monuments and such... him and his team reached out to her. They wanted to get her on the air to discuss her position. You would think a politician would take the opportunity to correct others, correct Tucker if she truly feels he was wrong & to take the opportunity to get her name and word out there.

But she knows she can't fight him or dispute him. So her answer was that she will not meet with him or be on air - unless he first apologizes to her. Oh brother, not another. Perhaps he wasn't wrong? And he wasn't.

So on air he goes and touches upon it anyway as you see above in AT's post. And he nails her good, with facts and things she cannot dispute, unless she wants to lie some more.

I honestly don't think she is good for America. She is NOT the one I want in a position to be president so so easily. Not a far left hack. Not with her history.

Abbey Marie
07-08-2020, 11:15 AM
I thought Biden pledged to choose a black woman? She looks and is at least half Thai. Is she part black?

07-08-2020, 11:30 AM
I thought Biden pledged to choose a black woman? She looks and is at least half Thai. Is she part black?

Nope she isn't. And when asked if Biden should vote for a black woman as so many supposedly want, she ignores that question too.

Says her mother is Thai Chinese. Hard to say with her father, Franklin Duckworth. He was in the American military and had quite a history of wars, being in WW2 and Vietnam. He was born in Maryland. I can't find a ton about his ancestry, but a picture is below, surely doesn't look black.

BUT BUT BUT - times when she has been questioned, and others too - they point out "we should have a black woman VP" - or "we should have an Asian VP".

How about "we should have the most qualified person as VP"?? :rolleyes: