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07-09-2020, 04:22 PM
Jill Biden must loathe Joe:


The Morning Briefing: Jill Biden Wants to Trash Her Husband's Dignity to Be Edith Wilson 2.0

Jill Biden Is the Real Democrat Running for President
This first came up during a VIP Gold chat I did with Hot Air’s Ed Morrissey and Townhall’s Kurt Schlichter back in early May. We were discussing Joe Biden’s obvious decline and wondering whether he had anyone who loved him enough to stop this spectacle. We all know that his son Hunter is a little too busy with cocaine, his Chinese overlords/business associates, and avoiding his baby mama to care about Pops embarrassing himself. It’s Dr. Jill Biden who should be looking out for her man, but she seems to revel in his spotlight, no matter how painful it is to watch.

I said then that I truly believe Jill Biden wants to be Edith Wilson 2.0. Woodrow Wilson’s wife basically ran the White House after his stroke in 1919. She only had to do that for two years. I’m pretty sure that Jill Biden would like at least an eight-year run at the gig.

When Crazy Joe the Wonder Veep’s handlers first began letting him do videos from his quarantine basement, Jill was often sitting at his side, grinning like a proud mother whose idiot underachieving kid had just successfully recited the alphabet for the first time. It was, quite frankly, very creepy to watch.

I’m still convinced that the overarching Democratic National Committee plan is to get Biden elected, whisk him back to the basement until Inauguration Day, then tell everyone that he’s had a medical situation of some sort shortly after that. Then his progressive VP can take over the job of running the country off a progressive cliff.

I am also firmly convinced that Jill Biden has other plans.


07-09-2020, 04:34 PM

Abbey Marie
07-10-2020, 01:59 PM
Jill Biden must loathe Joe:


Hmm. I can tell you that Delaware folks love Jill.