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View Full Version : Police Union Drops Biden for Trump Amid Anti-Police Activism

07-16-2020, 07:16 PM
There's still time for Trump, and more than enough time for Biden to screw up and have information finally exposed. Hillary had huge leads for awhile as well. But if any chance of that, he had better change some things and quick, and stay on top of it.

And things like this help surely. I think the further left hurts him more and more.


Police Union Drops Biden for Trump Amid Anti-Police Activism

In a rare nod from a union, President Donald Trump has earned the endorsement from the National Association of Police Organizations because of his "steadfast and very public support" for law enforcement.

Trump's public support for police officers "during this time of unfair and inaccurate opprobrium being directed at our members by so many" was praised by NAPO President Michael McHale in a letter he wrote to the president, obtained by The Washington Times.

"We particularly value you directing the attorney general to aggressively prosecute those who attack our officers," McHale added.

The NAPO represents more than 1,000 police unions and 241,000 sworn officers, according to the report.

Democrats tend to receive widespread support from leadership of unions in recent political history, but the NAPO broke from that in 2016, refusing to endorse Trump or his Democrat opponent Hillary Clinton. NAPO did support former President Barack Obama and Biden in 2008 and 2012, per the Times.

"Biden seems to have abandoned the police and his support for the police because it is not popular to support the police at this time," Detectives' Endowment Association President Paul DiGiacomo told the Times.

"It's disappointing, but most politicians are doing that. I feel that if you support us, stand your ground. We don't deserve not to be supported."

The defund the police movement might cost Biden endorsements from other unions as well, DiGiacomo told the Times.

"Right now, I can't see any police or law enforcement group backing him after what he said dancing around the subject of policing in America," DiGiacomo added to the Times.

Biden's support from anti-police movements is shaping his platform, according to NAPO Executive Director Bill Johnson.

"I think police officers and associations look at Joe Biden today, and it's hard not to contrast the candidate today with the senator of 15 or 20 years ago," Johnson told the Times. "Mr. Biden, like a lot of candidates, moved to the left party during the primaries, but once it was clear that he was going to be the nominee, he didn't stop."

The contrast in candidates in terms of supporting police funding is far more easy to see than to ignore, Johnson added to the Times.

"It is very fair to say that officers are concerned by what they've seen and not seen," he told the Times. "It would be so welcome to receive even just a word of encouragement and, on the other side, condemn the violence and deadly attacks that are ongoing against the police.

"The public presentation of Mr. Biden's campaign regarding law enforcement makes us very concerned about what his administration would look like with support for rank and file officers."


07-16-2020, 07:29 PM
Hey Joe... now repeat after me... “I should not stab in the back a group of people who had my back when I ran for VP in 2008 and 2012”

Joe, you fucked over a bunch of decent men and women who took an oath to defend the Constitution and then you expect them to back you?

Are you tripping Joe?

P.S. About that “defending the Constitution” thing. You ought to take some lessons from our men and women in blue

P. P.S. ..... Joe, and some lessons in courage from our men and women in blue is a good idea too