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07-18-2020, 01:52 PM
What I've been saying. And much of that accounts for why such rising infections but not as many deaths as before.

And 6 strains running around, all with different levels of contagious and death rate. I would imagine this is a part of why some areas are hit hard within a state and some areas in the same state doing better. Just a guess but makes sense with all of the data.

And the stupid parties purposely testing the limitations of the virus continue, and not just in NY. And these younger idiots don't realize they are taking a chance on their own lives, and ability to be spreaders. I've been reading more and more people testing positive with zero symptoms. Only tested due to sports or other reasons. Folks like that go around spreading it and not being aware.


Young people are increasingly driving COVID-19's spread

Younger Americans eager to get back to their social lives are increasingly responsible for the spread of the coronavirus, risking their own health and that of their family and friends under what health experts say is the misguided impression that the virus cannot cause them harm.

Health departments across the country are reporting that younger people are making up larger shares of the total number of those infected with the virus. The greater infection rates among young people are occurring both in states that are getting a handle on their outbreaks and those that are not.

“In these trends, we are seeing the impact of our collective decisions. We are jeopardizing the gains we made as a state,” Washington state Health Secretary John Wiesman said Friday, pointing to an increase in hospitalizations among people between the ages of 20 and 39. “[T]he actions each one of us takes now will determine what happens next.”

In early June, just 10 percent of those who tested positive in Rhode Island were in their 20s. By the end of the month, that share had doubled. The average age of a Rhode Islander who tests positive fell from 47.5 years old to 39.2 years old in a week.

Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan (R) said this week the percentage of those under 35 testing positive for the virus is now 84 percent higher than it is for those over 35.

In New Mexico, 44 percent of those who are testing positive for the virus are under 30 years old, according to state health data. In Illinois, there are more infections among people aged 20-29 than among any other age group. In California, those in their 20s make up the largest cohort of cases, followed closely by people in their 30s.

"There is a sense that a lot of young people, you’re young, think you’re invincible,” California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) said at a June 24 press briefing. “That can be a selfish mindset.”

There are signs, too, that even children are vulnerable to the disease. More than 10 percent of confirmed cases in Arizona, Washington and Tennessee are among those under the age of 20, an analysis by Bloomberg found.

Public health experts think younger people may be under the impression that the coronavirus can do them no harm, after early signs showed that the virus was less likely to lead to severe outcomes among young adults. After months of disruptive lockdowns, they may be more interested in returning to some semblance of normalcy than in continuing to make the sacrifices necessary to bring the virus under control.

But while younger people are at less risk than those who are older, they are not immune. Data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show that about 3,000 people in the United States under the age of 45 have died of COVID-19.

Rest - https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/507905-young-people-are-increasingly-driving-covid-19s-spread

Scientists identify six different types of coronavirus with increasing severity levels

Six distinct types of coronavirus have been identified by scientists in a breakthrough that promises to save lives by flagging the highest-risk patients.

Analysis of thousands of cases by artificial intelligence software has revealed different "clusters" of symptoms and ranked them in order of severity.

Headache and loss of smell are common to all six groupings, but the range of symptoms varies widely after that.

Scientists at King's College London (KCL) found that patients with the sixth type of Covid-19 are nearly 10 times more likely to end up needing breathing support than patients in the first group.

This is significant because often patients only deteriorate to a critical stage several days after after showing symptoms. The new ranking system should flag up the highest-risk cases and give doctors the opportunity to intervene earlier.

Rest - https://news.yahoo.com/scientists-identify-six-different-types-185531392.html

Underground parties continue to dismiss social distancing rules

We exclusively reported in May that lockdown-flouting speakeasies were opening. Now, more clubs are being called out for packed parties that don’t follow social distancing rules.

According to Gothamist, “underground parties have been taking place every weekend in the city, spread via WhatsApp chat groups and text chains with promoters asking people not to publicize the illicit events.”

There have been multiple leaked videos of revelers at the Williamsburg Hotel, but a rep told Gothamist, “We enforce a strict policy of masks, and have severely limited capacity.”


07-18-2020, 02:29 PM
From what i have seen of today's society, young people just don't give a damn about the consequences of their actions. Why should they? They have had it constantly drilled into their heads by the left that they can find a bail out for their irresponsible behavior if only us people on the right weren't in their way.

Some old person dies as a result of my actions? Who gives a shit? Must have been his time to go:rolleyes:

Black Diamond
07-18-2020, 02:36 PM
From what i have seen of today's society, young people just don't give a damn about the consequences of their actions. Why should they? They have had it constantly drilled into their heads by the left that they can find a bail out for their irresponsible behavior if only us people on the right weren't in their way.

Some old person dies as a result of my actions? Who gives a shit? Must have been his time to go:rolleyes:

Yeah no respect for elders. No respect for the past. Disrespect and disdain for history and those who have made their plush life possible.

07-18-2020, 02:46 PM
From what i have seen of today's society, young people just don't give a damn about the consequences of their actions. Why should they? They have had it constantly drilled into their heads by the left that they can find a bail out for their irresponsible behavior if only us people on the right weren't in their way.

Some old person dies as a result of my actions? Who gives a shit? Must have been his time to go:rolleyes:

I think there's some of this. I also think there's some of the stupid kids I knew that drove over 110 mph between Milwaukee and Chicago suburbs at 12:30 at night-because they were late for curfew. Just dumb and believe they are immortal.

Black Diamond
07-18-2020, 02:59 PM
I think there's some of this. I also think there's some of the stupid kids I knew that drove over 110 mph between Milwaukee and Chicago suburbs at 12:30 at night-because they were late for curfew. Just dumb and believe they are immortal.

Most of us were dumb once. Most survived but some didn't. Wisconsin's drinking age being lower than Illinois' probably played some role in things akin to what you're describing??
I don't like the anti-American sentiment of those under 30. icansayit seems to think it was worse in the late 60s?? I would like a discussion on that. I graduated in 1993 and didn't see any of this disdain for American tradition. Most radical thing kids did was vote for Clinton. :lol :

07-18-2020, 03:02 PM
Most of us were dumb once. Most survived but some didn't. Wisconsin's drinking age being lower than Illinois' probably played some role in things akin to what you're describing??
I don't like the anti-American sentiment of those under 30. @icansayit (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=3857) seems to think it was worse in the late 60s?? I would like a discussion on that. I graduated in 1993 and didn't see any of this disdain for American tradition. Most radical thing kids did was vote for Clinton. :lol :

The age cohort right before mine-sort of sandwiched between those old enough for Nam and those not. My group, not old enough, were not so anti-war or 'hippy like,' those only a couple years older, yes.

Abbey Marie
07-18-2020, 03:24 PM
This is the generation that decided to pigeonhole the entire baby boomer generation into the derogatory term “Karen”. Some of it is probably kids just going along with the crowd, but there really does seem to be a general dismissal of older folks altogether.

Black Diamond
07-18-2020, 03:45 PM
This is the generation that decided to pigeonhole the entire baby boomer generation into the derogatory term “Karen”. Some of it is probably kids just going along with the crowd, but there really does seem to be a general dismissal of older folks altogether.

Or just "ok boomer". Such arrogance. Part of me will laugh my ass off if all their ideals come to fruition and then bite them in the ass.