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View Full Version : N.Y. State Police Union Demands Troopers Be Removed From NYC

07-19-2020, 01:44 PM
deBlasio is a moron and so is anyone backing his BS. If I was a NY State trooper I'd be all for pulling out of NYC.

BTW, had deBlasio given up his security? Didn't think so. Let all these gung ho police defunders give up their armed security, THEN talk.

People have been railing about governors screwing up, but how about the Dem Mayors who don't know their asses from holes in the ground?

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 9:22 AM PT — Sunday, July 19, 2020Mayor Bill de Blasio signed legislation banning chokeholds despite a surge in violence in the city. One America’s Caitlin Sinclair has more from New York.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=139&v=XWJpRIOKRwo&feature=emb_ logo

07-19-2020, 08:10 PM
oops :)

Hot Dogger
07-20-2020, 02:53 PM
Their demand comes across as filthy Marxist agitation. We need to outlaw the police union and all other civil service unions. Who are they to make such demands? State cops serve citizens of the entire state not just citizens of their choosing, and any cop who goes against any citizen should be immediately fired.

07-20-2020, 03:09 PM
Like I said yesterday, NYC is in horrible shape. Gun crimes, assaults, robberies and more. The criminals know it's open season. His liberal ways shot the place down the shitter in record time. And now he\ll pull crap like this, and then later blame the police for rising numbers. :rolleyes: