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Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-20-2020, 09:16 PM

Associated Press
St. Louis couple charged for pulling, waving guns at protest
Associated PressJuly 20, 2020, 3:54 PM
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ST. LOUIS (AP) — St. Louis’ top prosecutor on Monday charged a husband and wife with felony unlawful use of a weapon for displaying guns during a racial injustice protest outside their mansion.

Mark and Patricia McCloskey, who are white, are both personal injury attorneys in their 60s. Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner told The Associated Press that their actions risked creating a violent situation during an otherwise nonviolent protest last month.

“It is illegal to wave weapons in a threatening manner — that is unlawful in the city of St. Louis,” Gardner said.

An attorney for the couple, Joel Schwartz, in a statement called the decision to charge “disheartening as I unequivocally believe no crime was committed.”

Supporters of the McCloskeys said they were legally defending their $1.15 million home.

Gardner is recommending a diversion program such as community service rather than jail time if the McCloskeys are convicted. Typically, class E felonies could result in up to four years in prison.

Several Republican leaders have condemned Gardner's investigation, including President Donald Trump, Missouri Gov. Mike Parson and Sen. Josh Hawley, who has urged Attorney General William Barr to undertake a civil rights investigation of Gardner. Parson said in a radio interview Friday that he would likely pardon the couple if they were charged and convicted.

Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt said in a statement Monday that he filed a brief requesting that the charges be dismissed under the state's Castle Doctrine.

“The right to keep and bear arms is given the highest level of protection in our constitution and our laws, including the Castle Doctrine," Schmitt said in the statement. “This provides broad rights to Missourians who are protecting their property and lives from those who wish to do them harm.”

Sen. Josh Hawley, R-MO, said on Twitter that the charges were an “unacceptable abuse of power and threat to the Second Amendment." He called for a federal civil rights investigation into the St. Louis Circuit Attorney’s Office to "determine whether this investigation and impending prosecution violates this family’s constitutional rights.”

Gardner said Trump, Parson and others are attacking her to distract from “their failed approach to the COVID-19 pandemic” and other issues.

St. Louis, like many cities across the country, has seen demonstrations in the weeks since George Floyd’s death in Minneapolis, and the McCloskeys' home was initially incidental to the demonstration on June 28. Several hundred people were marching to the home of Democratic Mayor Lyda Krewson, a few blocks from the McCloskeys' home. Krewson had angered activists by reading on Facebook Live the names and addresses of some who had called for defunding police.

The McCloskeys live on a private street called Portland Place. A police report said the couple heard a loud commotion and saw a large group of people break an iron gate marked with “No Trespassing” and “Private Street” signs. A protest leader, the Rev. Darryl Gray, said the gate was open and that protesters didn't damage it.

Mark McCloskey confronted protesters with a semi-automatic rifle, screamed at them and pointed the weapon at them, according to a probable statement from police officer Curtis Burgdorf. The statement said Patricia McCloskey then emerged with a semi-automatic handgun, yelling at protesters to “go” and pointing the gun at them. Protesters feared “being injured due to Patricia McCloskey’s finger being on the trigger, coupled with her excited demeanor,” the statement said.

No shots were fired.

Photos emerged as memes on both sides of the gun debate.

Trump spoke by phone with Parson last week to criticize Gardner's investigation. Parson, when he was in the Legislature, co-authored Missouri’s “castle doctrine” law that justifies deadly force for those who are defending their homes from intruders. He has said that the McCloskeys “had every right to protect their property.”

Gardner declined to discuss why she decided the castle doctrine didn’t apply.

Schwartz said the McCloskeys “support the First Amendment right of every citizen to have their voice and opinion heard. This right, however, must be balanced with the Second Amendment and Missouri law, which entitle each of us to protect our home and family from potential threats.”

Gardner, St. Louis’ first Black circuit attorney, has been at odds with some in the St. Louis establishment since her election in 2016. Most notably, her office charged then-Gov. Eric Greitens with felony invasion of privacy in 2018 for allegedly taking a compromising photo of a woman during an extramarital affair. The charge was eventually dropped, but Greitens resigned in June 2018.

A private investigator Gardner hired to investigate the claims against Greitens was later indicted for perjury for allegedly lying during a deposition. His case is pending.

Gardner also has butted heads with police leaders, especially after she developed an “exclusion list” of more than two dozen officers who were barred from serving as primary witnesses in criminal cases over what Gardner called credibility concerns. The move angered Police Chief John Hayden, who also is Black.

In January, Gardner filed a federal lawsuit accusing the city, the police union and others of a coordinated and racist conspiracy aimed at forcing her out of office. The lawsuit also accused “entrenched interests” of intentionally impeding her efforts to change racist practices.

Several Black leaders in St. Louis have expressed support for Gardner, including Democratic U.S. Rep. William Lacy Clay, who has said protesters “should never be subject to the threat of deadly force, whether by individuals or by the police.”


This story has been updated to remove an incorrect reference to a second charge, a misdemeanor. No misdemeanor charge was filed.

They are now setting a new standard.
You are not allowed to defend your property, your home, your family or your life!
You are to be at the mercy of the mob!
They are establishing mob rule-- as they are in league with the mob.
These people doing this need to be arrested --as it is not just corrupt, criminal- it is truly a part of the process to destroy and remake this nation.
If they are allowed to get way with establishing this new insane standard(protecting evil--protecting mobs) -this nation is doomed...
A sad and tragic fact.....
All of this is political, its criminal, its corruption, its evil, its sedition, its treason, its an attempted destruction of this nation by the dem party and its allies!!!!!!! -- -Tyr

07-20-2020, 09:19 PM
Is this the same couple from the video a couple of weeks ago?

07-20-2020, 09:24 PM
Is this the same couple from the video a couple of weeks ago?

Yep. The governor has already said that he will pardon them.

06-17-2021, 10:05 PM
Plead guilty.


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-18-2021, 06:46 AM
An example of the usual idiots setting the standard that mobs are to be untouchable.
Especially if they are black.
Thus that means government and courts say that - white people are to be victims and accept whatever the protected black mob decides to dish out.


Every person has the right to self-defense!

This more and a very clear example of what the ffing dems and liberals are, imho.
Enemies of this nation. A fact..-Tyr

06-18-2021, 12:27 PM
Plead guilty.


I don't think the alternatives and prospects sounded good. Going to trial may have ended differently, and with today's things the way they are and with BLM and more involved, they may have been made an example.

At the same time, I said the next day after those events that it was stupid of them to put their fingers on the triggers and hold them the way they did. Simply standing guard with a gun at your side and perhaps things would have been different. :dunno:

06-18-2021, 12:48 PM
There is a difference between "defending your property" and pulling guns on a group of people that happen to be marching down your street. Of course, there is an obvious reason why some believe the couple are heroes and others believe they need to be prosecuted.

06-18-2021, 12:55 PM
There is a difference between "defending your property" and pulling guns on a group of people that happen to be marching down your street. Of course, there is an obvious reason why some believe the couple are heroes and others believe they need to be prosecuted.

I wouldn't really say they pulled a gun on anyone. They stood there solely with their weapons in front of their property. The problem was the reckless nature in which they did so. Now, going out into the street and grabbing someone or detaining someone with a gun, that I would consider pulling a gun. Either way, they had guns out and acted inappropriately. They aren't heroes, but not hardened criminals either. People that need proper training on how to use their weapon to protect their home. Too late now!

06-18-2021, 03:11 PM
An example of the usual idiots setting the standard that mobs are to be untouchable.
Especially if they are black.
Thus that means government and courts say that - white people are to be victims and accept whatever the protected black mob decides to dish out.


Every person has the right to self-defense!

This more and a very clear example of what the ffing dems and liberals are, imho.
Enemies of this nation. A fact..-Tyr

You greatly overstate any sort of danger they, or their property, was actually in.

I wouldn't really say they pulled a gun on anyone. They stood there solely with their weapons in front of their property. The problem was the reckless nature in which they did so. Now, going out into the street and grabbing someone or detaining someone with a gun, that I would consider pulling a gun. Either way, they had guns out and acted inappropriately. They aren't heroes, but not hardened criminals either. People that need proper training on how to use their weapon to protect their home. Too late now!

She, at least, was waving it around and pointing way more than just standing there with a weapon.

06-18-2021, 07:46 PM
Stupid people. They made their stand then caved to a plea bargain. Wonder what the threats we DON'T and won't hear are? Neverending harassment? :rolleyes:

I have no problem with what they did, and I'd do the same. You come around here with your racist, faux-protest shit and I'll run you off, at gunpoint if need be. I DO have a problem with them not being wise to how the rules play out in St Louis as far as brandishing a firearm goes.

So I guess it's okay to trespass on anyone's lawn you have a beef with in St Louis as long as you aren't white.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-18-2021, 09:53 PM
Stupid people. They made their stand then caved to a plea bargain. Wonder what the threats we DON'T and won't hear are? Neverending harassment? :rolleyes:

I have no problem with what they did, and I'd do the same. You come around here with your racist, faux-protest shit and I'll run you off, at gunpoint if need be. I DO have a problem with them not being wise to how the rules play out in St Louis as far as brandishing a firearm goes.

So I guess it's okay to trespass on anyone's lawn you have a beef with in St Louis as long as you aren't white.

Reality-- yet again we see how we are told we may not defend ourselves, our property, our right to peace.
Bullshit media tells us that, dems cry that and government goes along.-Tyr

06-19-2021, 01:02 PM
She, at least, was waving it around and pointing way more than just standing there with a weapon.

Yes, she did in fact walk out from their cement patio and walkway. The husband stood his ground, but she did walk out towards the street about 8-10 feet from him, and panned the crowd with the gun - finger on trigger. I don't see charges properly for him, as his actions seemed closer to normal IMO. She not only lifted the gun upwards but also had her dumbass beotch finger on the trigger the entire time she did so. She was definitely reckless with her behavior. But I think showing people you have a weapon to protect yourself is different than pulling a gun on someone as we normally know the terminology. But I agree, she took it to another level by raising and aiming, even if just in general.