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View Full Version : Cuomo - worst Covid-19 record in the world

07-21-2020, 08:59 AM
And now he's a hero for this? Anyone can look at the numbers and say "what the F happened to NY" :rolleyes:


Killer Cuomo Now Lecturing Georgia Mayors on Coronavirus Policy – After Compiling Worst Record of Any Leader in the World!

Cuomo received an award in Savannah this week after he compiled the worst coronavirus record of any leader in the world.

Andrew Cuomo is the hero of the left.

New York state and Governor Cuomo had THE WORST Coronavirus death ratio in the world — higher than any state (except New Jersey) and higher than ANY COUNTRY!

New York state under Cuomo’s leadership forced nursing homes to take in sick coronavirus patients. The policy resulted in at least 4,900 coronavirus deaths in New York state nursing homes.

It was a New York state directive approved by Governor Cuomo that forced infected people into nursing homes.


It took 4,900 deaths and over 40 days before New York state corrected their coronavirus nursing home policy.

Then in May Governor Cuomo was asked about the huge number of deaths in New York nursing homes.

Cuomo replied, “Older people, vulnerable people are going to die…That’s going to happen despite whatever you do.”


But Governor Andrew Cuomo has NO SHAME.
The New York Governor is currently traveling and assisting Georgia Democrat mayors with their coronavirus planning.
That is just sick and creepy!

Cuomo reached out to Atlanta Mayor Keisha Bottoms.

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/07/stunning-killer-cuomo-now-lecturing-georgia-mayors-coronavirus-policy-compiling-worst-record-leader-world/