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View Full Version : Antifa Rioters Fire Mortars at Seattle Police Stations, Smash Windows at Amazon...

07-21-2020, 10:21 AM
How many times have I said "this shit has got to stop" - and yet it continues. And the MSM mainly ignores it, until someone tries to step in and stop them, then they speak up about how wrong that person/group is. And it only grows, it only gets worse.


Antifa Rioters Fire Mortars at Seattle Police Stations, Smash Windows at Amazon, Starbucks, Walgreens

On Sunday, what began as a peaceful protest in Seattle devolved into violent riots, vandalism, looting, and arson. Antifa rioters tore a devastating path through the city, smashing windows at the municipal courthouse and at various businesses — including storefronts for Amazon Go, Starbucks, and Walgreens — they targeted both the West Precinct Police Station and the East Precinct Police Station (the site of the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone Occupied Protest last month). They fired mortar-style fireworks at both stations, causing a fire in the East Precinct station.

“According [to] the Incident Commander, individuals within this group appeared to be very organized and this appeared to be a very concerted effort at property damage of certain businesses and government facilities,” Seattle Police said in a statement.

“Arson/Bomb detectives along with members of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms are conducting the follow-up investigations related to the arson and the fireworks. Detectives will be following up on the reported property damage and looting incidents. This remains an active and on-going investigation,” the police added.

Antifa rioters ravage Seattle

According to local law enforcement, a peaceful protest began at Westlake Park at 10:30 a.m., yet about three hours later, another group showed up, wielding baseball bats. As the group (likely antifa and Black Lives Matter rioters) marched south, “individuals within the group broke windows and tagged buildings with paint. The group headed south to the Seattle Police Headquarters and Seattle Municipal Court where they broke windows and spray painted both buildings. The demonstration then marched northbound on Third Avenue, where some businesses were targeted by individuals with more smashed windows, looting, and graffiti on the walls.”

Andy Ngo, editor-at-large at The Post Millennial, shared footage showing “anarchist black bloc rioters in Seattle” attacking the Amazon Go store. One of the rioters attempted to block the videographer from filming the destruction, holding up a sign reading, “GOOD COPS QUIT.” As the videographer captures footage of a rioter spray-painting “Raze Amazon,” another rioter approaches the videographer, ordering him or her to drop the phone.

Rest - https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/tyler-o-neil/2020/07/20/antifa-rioters-fire-mortars-at-seattle-police-stations-smash-windows-at-amazon-starbucks-walgreens-n664762

Abbey Marie
07-21-2020, 11:20 AM

Yup, all I see on TV are videos of people like this being “manhandled” as they are arrested.

07-21-2020, 07:11 PM
I am tired of hearing news stories that refer to "mostly peaceful protesters" or "what began as a peaceful protest" when they are referring to a protest that turned violent. These euphemisms for violent protests make me feel completely disgusted.

The protests that were meant to convey a message to the rest of the world ended 2 months ago. If there were any protests like that ever.

What we have now are thug protests meant to intimidate, to destroy other people's property, to act out random violence, and to see just how far they can yanks the chains of spineless, pandering Democrat mayors and governors. Oh, and also to get on TV, to get the news media to push their cause (once they figure out what it is), and to see what kind of intimidation they can cook up toward advertisers.

These lowlife protesters should get a taste of what life is like in other parts of the world, to see how easy they really have it.

Black Diamond
07-21-2020, 07:49 PM
I am tired of hearing news stories that refer to "mostly peaceful protesters" or "what began as a peaceful protest" when they are referring to a protest that turned violent. These euphemisms for violent protests make me feel completely disgusted.

The protests that were meant to convey a message to the rest of the world ended 2 months ago. If there were any protests like that ever.

What we have now are thug protests meant to intimidate, to destroy other people's property, to act out random violence, and to see just how far they can yanks the chains of spineless, pandering Democrat mayors and governors. Oh, and also to get on TV, to get the news media to push their cause (once they figure out what it is), and to see what kind of intimidation they can cook up toward advertisers.

These lowlife protesters should get a taste of what life is like in other parts of the world, to see how easy they really have it.

Yeah there is a lot of coddling going on.

07-21-2020, 08:20 PM
Seattle's not that far from Portland.

07-22-2020, 07:07 PM
I am wondering. Is it possible for the military to move into these cities, round up the rioters and instead of jailing them, send them to federally run internment camps indefinitely?

FDR did this with the Japanese, I wonder if the President has the authority to do this

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

07-22-2020, 08:21 PM
I am wondering. Is it possible for the military to move into these cities, round up the rioters and instead of jailing them, send them to federally run internment camps indefinitely?

FDR did this with the Japanese, I wonder if the President has the authority to do this

Sent from my iPhone using TapatalkSince you asked :)

Seattle is home to Joint Base "Whatever". Used to be McCord AFB and an Army Fort they combined with BRAC.

Anyway, they have more than plenty of folk to take a city.