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Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-24-2020, 08:05 AM

Tom Cotton Introduces Bill to Prohibit Federal Funding for Schools Using ‘1619 Project’ Curriculum
Zachary Evans
National ReviewJuly 23, 2020, 2:26 PM

Senator Tom Cotton (R., Ark.) introduced a law on Thursday that would prohibit federal funding for schools that incorporate curriculum from the New York Times‘s “1619 Project.”

The 1619 Project, named after the year when colonists first brought slaves to the U.S., attempts to retell American history by emphasizing the importance of slavery in the country’s earliest years. However, historians have criticized the project for basic “factual errors” and a ” displacement of historical understanding by ideology.” (One example of such an error in the project is the assertion that the colonies revolted from British rule in order to preserve slavery.)

“The New York Times’s 1619 Project is a racially divisive, revisionist account of history that denies the noble principles of freedom and equality on which our nation was founded,” Cotton said in a statement. “Not a single cent of federal funding should go to indoctrinate young Americans with this left-wing garbage.”

According to Cotton, the bill would not affect federal funding allocated to low-income or special-needs students.

The Times has announced plans to incorporate material from the project in public school curricula. Districts in several major cities including Chicago, Ill., and Washington, D.C., have adopted some of these materials.

Writer Nikole Hannah-Jones won a Pulitzer Prize in April for her lead essay for the project.

Yet again we get to see what a socialist/leftist propaganda tool the New York Times truly is...
If ever a paper needed to be dismantled in this nation it is that treasonous propaganda unit hiding under the guise of being a legitimate and fair newspaper..--Tyr

07-24-2020, 08:22 AM
Yet again we get to see what a socialist/leftist propaganda tool the New York Times truly is...
If ever a paper needed to be dismantled in this nation it is that treasonous propaganda unit hiding under the guise of being a legitimate and fair newspaper..--Tyr

I've been posting and reading about the 1619 Project since it was announced. Indeed, I'm getting about 20 comments an hour right now on fb from closed teacher groups on my take. LOL! I may be fb banned for first time ever, though I've been very polite, if direct.

To ban the use of the 1619 project would be as wrong as for a school to make it the basis of it's American history curriculum. We don't 'ban' or shouldn't be banning materials. We should however be teaching how to critically evaluate materials that are used.

Right now the darling Zinn educated young teachers are quiet for a bit; I asked, "So, who is incorporating discussion of slave labor in China and the American businesses that are reaping huge profits from the human rights abuse? If so, have you also included the donations of those companies to the groups rioting this summer in large, American cities? What do you think the students will think of this? Will they want to abandon Nike, Apple, etc.? So far, no takers, but a few likes.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-24-2020, 10:08 AM
I've been posting and reading about the 1619 Project since it was announced. Indeed, I'm getting about 20 comments an hour right now on fb from closed teacher groups on my take. LOL! I may be fb banned for first time ever, though I've been very polite, if direct.

To ban the use of the 1619 project would be as wrong as for a school to make it the basis of it's American history curriculum. We don't 'ban' or shouldn't be banning materials. We should however be teaching how to critically evaluate materials that are used.

Right now the darling Zinn educated young teachers are quiet for a bit; I asked, "So, who is incorporating discussion of slave labor in China and the American businesses that are reaping huge profits from the human rights abuse? If so, have you also included the donations of those companies to the groups rioting this summer in large, American cities? What do you think the students will think of this? Will they want to abandon Nike, Apple, etc.? So far, no takers, but a few likes.

In a way I disagree with idea that banning is wrong. If government force is used to incorporate(as in brainwashing kids in school with misinformation/propaganda) then equal force may be applied as in dismantling the damn newspaper, imho.
Our side will never win the battle if we insist on using lesser force to meet the fight.And that is what has been going on since the 1960's.
The opposing side gets to operate with as much force as they can muster, can apply and we must abide by some erroneously applied principle of being more fair, less forceful and a kinder gentler soul..
Wars are about violence, battles are won with force-- force must be met with equal or greater force, imho.
Those seeking this nation's destruction desperately want us to just keep on playing the good guys , while they get to keep on doing anything they like.
In my opinion comes a time when principle be damned. Let blood flow equal to the evil that is intended to be heaped upon us and our future generations.
They play win at any costs, time we joined that as we did so in WW2, when we started firebombing German cities to kill tens of thousands of german civilians. When we nuked two Japanese cities that were not military targets. We did that to kill tens of thousands of civilians..
Comes a time when playing nice just does not cut it my friend. imho..
What is going on is a war, tho' most of us tend to not look at it that way-- but reality says it is...
These vermin are playing for keeps-- have no care how many millions they must kill to win..-Tyr