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View Full Version : Gunny, It's Analysis Time

07-25-2020, 11:40 AM
Dig in, some of your favorite people all gathered under one tent of evilness:


No, Silly Libs, Trump Isn't Hitler. But This Tyrant Just Might Be a Modern Version of the Nazi...
BY TYLER O'NEIL JUL 24, 2020 3:53 PM EST

Cultural observers far wiser than I have long noted that the current decade feels like the 1930s. American society is becoming more polarized; nationalism is on the rise; an economic crisis has emerged; wars and rumors of wars loom on the horizon. America — and much of the world — is facing a political crisis best understood in generational terms. The left has pushed this fatuous idea that Donald Trump is the modern reincarnation of Adolf Hitler. This is, quite frankly, absurd. But a real would-be Hitler is actually on the rise, and he is threatening to start another World War. When considering potential analogues to Adolf Hitler or Benito Mussolini, more than one candidate comes to mind.


Abbey Marie
07-25-2020, 06:25 PM
A true Basket of Deplorables.

07-25-2020, 06:35 PM
A true Basket of Deplorables.

I can't wait to get Gunny's take on this, I'm betting the grandkids have him tied up and in a corner. ;)

07-25-2020, 08:01 PM
I can't wait to get Gunny's take on this, I'm betting the grandkids have him tied up and in a corner. ;)Recep Erdogan.

I can do this all day :)

07-25-2020, 08:33 PM
Recep Erdogan.

I can do this all day :)

He's bad, but in a Mussolini way, not the evil genius or backing of a Hitler. Once Hitler cancelled reparation payments Germany was a powerhouse again. China has that + power.

Black Diamond
07-25-2020, 08:33 PM
I would go with Xi if anyone.

07-25-2020, 08:35 PM
I just want to give thanks that The Gunny has been freed to play with us again! :laugh2:

07-26-2020, 10:00 PM
I just want to give thanks that The Gunny has been freed to play with us again! :laugh2:Not tied up by grandkids. We have brush pickup twice a year and they're 2 out of 3 years for announcing it during a hurricane week. I've been trimming trees for 3 days. It took me 3 days to work myself up to doing it :) Figured I might as well finish the job right. My trees have high and tights :)

The article:

After pondering the article, I have come to the conclusion that the author did not go too far out on a limb to say anything. His statement could apply to Julius Caesar's conquest of Gaul then proclaiming himself Emperor of Rome. And any war in between. Power, money and brainwashing the masses by one means or another are always at the base.

On China I can point out this: China has been at war with the World while the World - and especially US - slept. China did not get the deal it wanted from Trump and we have had nothing but chaos and disease since. Coincidence? China's been caught/accused constantly of technology theft. China is in every part of our lives. They're in our technology. Our education systems. They're in our closets. We put them there.

When all this started, we were the United States of America. Now? We're 50 states doing their own thing because the left, who is firmly against 10th Amendment Rights, is using the 10th Amendment to basically declare sovereignty. Agitating said unrest is a bunch of Marxists, Muslims, and other assorted ne'er do wells smokescreening themselves behind black lives.

Divide and conquer. We couldn't win a war against China or Russia right now and we better hope somebody comes to their senses before either/or decide to come after us. That will happen just as soon as China can guarantee the World any-and-everything we have provided the World since WWII. China will tell us to fuck off and cover any threat we try to mount from "allies".

And I HAVE TO point out this Abbey : Donald Trump states pretty much the same thing (with the Dems and MSM ignoring it or relegating it to "Page 3") and I agree with his stances against Chinese technology.

07-26-2020, 10:33 PM
Not tied up by grandkids. We have brush pickup twice a year and they're 2 out of 3 years for announcing it during a hurricane week. I've been trimming trees for 3 days. It took me 3 days to work myself up to doing it :) Figured I might as well finish the job right. My trees have high and tights :)

The article:

After pondering the article, I have come to the conclusion that the author did not go too far out on a limb to say anything. His statement could apply to Julius Caesar's conquest of Gaul then proclaiming himself Emperor of Rome. And any war in between. Power, money and brainwashing the masses by one means or another are always at the base.

On China I can point out this: China has been at war with the World while the World - and especially US - slept. China did not get the deal it wanted from Trump and we have had nothing but chaos and disease since. Coincidence? China's been caught/accused constantly of technology theft. China is in every part of our lives. They're in our technology. Our education systems. They're in our closets. We put them there.

When all this started, we were the United States of America. Now? We're 50 states doing their own thing because the left, who is firmly against 10th Amendment Rights, is using the 10th Amendment to basically declare sovereignty. Agitating said unrest is a bunch of Marxists, Muslims, and other assorted ne'er do wells smokescreening themselves behind black lives.

Divide and conquer. We couldn't win a war against China or Russia right now and we better hope somebody comes to their senses before either/or decide to come after us. That will happen just as soon as China can guarantee the World any-and-everything we have provided the World since WWII. China will tell us to fuck off and cover any threat we try to mount from "allies".

And I HAVE TO point out this @Abbey (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=11) : Donald Trump states pretty much the same thing (with the Dems and MSM ignoring it or relegating it to "Page 3") and I agree with his stances against Chinese technology.

I agree with your analysis, once you got going on it. I think the author's point was to start the discussion regarding there are a myriad of players that have the Hitler, 'evil intent' but only the one, which you wisely chose, with the capability. Either the evil ones band together, which is certainly easier said than done, as wanna be Hitler types don't play nice with others or they break into fights amongst themselves. While the later doesn't preclude war with the West-which it would be, feeble or not, it would buy time.

07-27-2020, 11:34 AM
I agree with your analysis, once you got going on it. I think the author's point was to start the discussion regarding there are a myriad of players that have the Hitler, 'evil intent' but only the one, which you wisely chose, with the capability. Either the evil ones band together, which is certainly easier said than done, as wanna be Hitler types don't play nice with others or they break into fights amongst themselves. While the later doesn't preclude war with the West-which it would be, feeble or not, it would buy time.I don't see the "wannabe Hitler" and China as the same critter. I think the Hitler comes from HERE. I also believe that threat is more immediate than China.

China is yet another threat we should have taken care of in 1945-49. I can say it a million times and still get no traction: The Eastern mindset is not ours; and, we have repeatedly, constantly and continuously assessed them by OURS. Win now, If not now, by the end of the week. Or we will lose interest and quit.

China and Islam both don't care how long it takes to win so long as they win in the end. They're in for the long haul. If it takes a century, so be it. The goal remains and they stay focused on it regardless distractions. Similarity ends there. China has been smiling in our faces while infiltrating our infrastructure since 1949. Why should they rist world war and direct confrontation when they can sit back and watch us do their work for them?

Islam wants to just kill us all. It too is willing to wait for centuries, as it has proven. Different road, same goal.

Same time, China's been getting its way for too long and they're spoiled. Trump upset their little dream and they are retaliating. To the point of our internal control at the moment is tenuous at best.

Then there's the 2020 election. Saw this mentioned in another thread but it plays into this one. The left is going to prop Biden up. The all-important question/answer is going to be who his running mate is. This of course is just guess work, using the current facts. Whoever the DNC picks as his running mate will make or break the election for the Dems, and as a consequence, for us. I think it's pretty much a given Biden will be declared incompetent as soon as possible following the election should the Dems win.

Now suppose his running mate is AOC? Before anyone splutters, it IS in the realm of possibility, and if I was running the Dems it would be her. Doesn't matter how stupid she is nor how many lies she tells nor how many people on the right are pointing to it and wringing their hands in angst. We STILL got Barrack Obama and I can remember typing my ass off pointing out each and every lie he told and every chickenshit move he made.

And this isn't just right against left. It's right against the MSM and left. The MSM is still melting down because it didn't get to pic the Republican candidate in 2016 as it has done pretty much since 96.

It is my opinion that AOC could get enough of the young/anarchist/marxist/white-guilt/American guilt votes to pull a Biden win. He's dumped and AOC is President. There's your Hitler. And she'll have the remainder of Biden's term, plus two of her own to take over. It won't be her running things. It will be the Marxist organization she plays puppet for.

Just a guess :)