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View Full Version : Who Says Two Wrongs Make A Right? Oh Yeah, NYC

07-25-2020, 09:40 PM

JULY 25, 2020
LIFE IN DE BLASIO’S NEW YORK: FDNY official defends excluding famed 9/11 firefighter from procession for being white. (https://nypost.com/2020/07/25/fdny-official-defends-excluding-famed-9-11-officer-from-procession/) “A top FDNY official says it’s ‘most definitely’ acceptable to exclude a white firefighter from a ceremonial unit based solely on his skin color, The Post has learned. Cecilia Loving, the department’s chief diversity and inclusion officer, is defending a decision to kick Lt. Daniel McWilliams — one of three firefighters in the iconic 9/11 Ground Zero flag-raising photo — off a color-guard procession so it would be all-black. . . . Loving said it’s okay to replace a white member with an African-American to ‘uplift our identities and our separate ethnicities in order to instill a sense of pride and community and support for one another.'”
It’s almost as if the real role of “Chief Diversity Officers” is to justify blatant racial discrimination.

07-25-2020, 09:42 PM

Way more than 2 wrongs here, lots and lots of wrongs. Too many wrongs. ;)

07-26-2020, 09:09 AM

Or not. Nothing ever surprises me anymore. Especially in NYC. Great place to make some good money working, and a great place to go with friends and party and have fun. Do NOT want to live there, crime has NEVER really been good if you ask me & there were always certain places in NYC/Bronx/Queens/Brooklyn that you simply don't go to after dark. Did so myself at every location at every hour. :) <-- not a wise idea, wouldn't do the things I did again.

The goal AGAIN I say is and should be all about UNITY. Showing these men, black and white together, doing great things and working together - THAT is what you want. Take a white man out, a deserving white man, and replace with all black for appearance? That is only going to create division.

Abbey Marie
07-27-2020, 10:10 AM
Ever get the feeling that blacks won’t be satisfied until they own white slaves? I’m serious.

07-27-2020, 10:41 AM
Ever get the feeling that blacks won’t be satisfied until they own white slaves? I’m serious.
In all honesty, it seems more like white young people and some 60s hippies working blm

07-27-2020, 11:24 AM
In all honesty, it seems more like white young people and some 60s hippies working blm


Watch the videos of those rioting against the police in Portland. Almost all white. Seems like many blacks are mainly peaceful and protesting and the BLM movement, but when the violence and destruction sets in, most is white. No exclusively for either, but mainly, IMO. I've seen quite a bunch of videos shot by black folks to have proof of the many things being destroyed are by white folks, even though they will likely be blamed.

At the same time, other black folks are out there looking for the unreasonable. Not get rid of racism and bring about equality and unity.... but rather own an entire state so as to segregate? Crazy reparations talk, abolishing the police talk and too many other stupid things.

07-27-2020, 12:32 PM

No, it's not okay.

Abbey Marie
07-27-2020, 01:52 PM
I think it’s both, but they have different wish lists.

Antifa types: overthrow Capitalism
Blacks: reparations, and ultimately, they seem to need some sort of revenge for feeling “less than” for 150ish years.

Hence my thought that they will never be satisfied. Unless maybe if they get to make us The slaves. I know it sounds extreme, but that’s my current thinking.