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07-26-2020, 10:01 AM
Lots of unrest last night, and it was all planned.

I wish they would go in hard and stomp them down and drag each and every person out. This only continue because they were emboldened. And now, it's like a war zone, and the Dems still support them and their fighting with any authorities.


The plan:

SATURDAY: Antifa Cells Announce Day Of Retribution Across US After Feds Quell Riots In Portland

Antifa splinter cells are planning a day of terrorism across the country in retaliation for the feds doing the job that Portland police won’t do after they took control of the rioting mobs. Tomorrow, Saturday, July 25th, is being dubbed J25, and actions are planned in several cities.


Seattle Riot: Police Arrest 25 After ‘Explosives’ Thrown at Officers

The Seattle Police Department declared a riot and arrested 25 people after “explosives” were thrown at officers when a protest turned violent in the city’s Capitol Hill neighborhood on Saturday.

FOX 10 reports:

Up to 1,000 protesters gathered about 2 p.m. Saturday for a peaceful march in solidarity with unrest and violent demonstrations in Portland. By 4 p.m., crowds had broken away from the protest, setting fires to construction trailers at the Juvenile Detention Center and attacking camera crews. […]

Police reported multiple explosions in the area and multiple fires, including one inside the East Precinct, where rioters breached a security fence to vandalize the building. Police are investigating “possible explosive damage” to the walls of the East Precinct and more explosives being thrown at police.

Seattle police said the protesters were arrested for assaults on officers, obstruction, and failure to disperse. Prior to announcing the arrests, police shared a photo of flammable objects being hurled at officers.


Demonstrators Attack Federal Buildings in L.A. in Solidarity with Portland

The Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) declared a tactical alert on Saturday evening, mobilizing officers in response to attacks on federal buildings downtown by demonstrators who had marched in solidarity with protests in Portland.

Several federal buildings were vandalized and had their windows smashed. Demonstrators also blocked traffic in the area.

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/07/25/lapd-mobilizes-after-demonstrators-attack-federal-buildings-in-downtown-los-angeles/

Oakland: Rioters ‘Peacefully Marched’ Before Attacking Police, Federal Buildings

Rioters “peacefully marched” on Saturday evening in Oakland, California, before attacking police, damaging federal buildings, and vandalizing private property, according to media reports.

The “protest” had been a show of solidarity with violent demonstrations in Portland, Oregon, which have targeted a federal courthouse. President Donald Trump recently sent federal law enforcement officers to defend the building after Mayor Ted Wheeler (D) refused to act to stop the violence.

In response, there were solidarity protests by Black Lives Matter activists in Los Angeles, Oakland, and elsewhere — which were likewise violent.

The San Francisco Chronicle reported:

Downtown Oakland was on high alert Saturday night following a protest that drew thousands of people in a show of solidarity against racial injustice and in support of protesters in Portland, Ore.

While most of the crowd remained non-destructive, a fire was set at the Alameda County Superior Courthouse and police station windows were smashed hours after protesters had peacefully marched from Frank H. Ogawa Plaza along Broadway.

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/07/26/oakland-rioters-peacefully-marched-before-attacking-police-federal-buildings/

07-27-2020, 12:30 PM
Agreed. Enough was enough for me a couple of months ago. Not doing anything then has only emboldened these fuckwits.

Not blaming any one person because this is an "American thing", but why can't we EVER -- just once -- be proactive? We always have to wait for crap to get out of hand and it's thousands times worse to deal with.

07-27-2020, 12:55 PM
Agreed. Enough was enough for me a couple of months ago. Not doing anything then has only emboldened these fuckwits.

Not blaming any one person because this is an "American thing", but why can't we EVER -- just once -- be proactive? We always have to wait for crap to get out of hand and it's thousands times worse to deal with.
When the police know no one has their backs and now they maybe held personally liable, they’re going to just throw down yellow markers and call sanitation to wash the concrete

Black Diamond
07-27-2020, 01:00 PM
Agreed. Enough was enough for me a couple of months ago. Not doing anything then has only emboldened these fuckwits.

Not blaming any one person because this is an "American thing", but why can't we EVER -- just once -- be proactive? We always have to wait for crap to get out of hand and it's thousands times worse to deal with.

Seems some thought it would be good to allow dem governors and mayors to destroy themselves

07-27-2020, 01:25 PM
Seems some thought it would be good to allow dem governors and mayors to destroy themselvesI'm all for it. Just not at the expense of a Nation.

Also, that idea looks good on paper. In real life, the left doesn't care and will vote for them again next election. See:Mayor Marion Barry. Hillary Clinton. Just to name a couple.

Black Diamond
07-27-2020, 02:39 PM
I'm all for it. Just not at the expense of a Nation.

Also, that idea looks good on paper. In real life, the left doesn't care and will vote for them again next election. See:Mayor Marion Barry. Hillary Clinton. Just to name a couple.
I think trump was too.

08-07-2020, 08:29 PM
Suspend the writ of habeas corpus in these cities

Arrest the mayors replace them with military officers

Then go after the rioters with the military

Place them in detention camps indefinitely

Drag their asses before a military tribunal, hang them for treason if found guilty

I have a feeling things will quiet down quick

Lincoln did this in 1861, Trump may have to do it today