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07-26-2020, 10:34 AM
`Hopefully they don’t sell their souls like the other professional pu$$ies have done.`


07-26-2020, 01:47 PM
I love this guy!! --- This guy is actually John Krupinsky. He's a minor league hockey coach from Connecticut.... aside from this... whether this team, this league, or any team in any league - if folks want to protest a cause or movement - they should do so like a few teams have done already, and I think the Yankees. Both teams even, can kneel in complete unity. Do so for a few minutes or however long they feel necessary. And then stand in unity and respect for our flag and national anthem. They will be doing so for TODAY, for America, for TODAY's freedom, and the many lives that were lost. To respect our country and pay respect to the many that shed their blood for that flag.

THEN - as I said in the past, and I think could now be even more effective, would be to have a conference of sorts with athletes themselves with leaders of their choice to voice the issues and work towards unity and change. And today? Imagine a handful of famous athletes from many sports to get together as one? I think this would be easily accomplished.


Here's a direct video of it.


And a story on it:

Danbury hockey coach to players: Respect national anthem or get out

DANBURY — A minor league hockey coach and local police sergeant went viral this week after he was caught on camera telling his team to respect the national anthem, or quit.

“We’re not women’s soccer, we’re not the NFL. If there’s anyone here who’s going to be disrespectful to either the American or the Canadian national anthem, then grab your gear and get the f— out of here now, because you’ll never see the ice in this arena,” John Krupinsky, an assistant coach of the Danbury Hat Tricks, told his players.

The video was filmed a few weeks ago when the Hat Tricks began training for the upcoming season. Krupinsky told Fox New’s “Fox and Friends” Thursday that recent events in other sports catalyzed him to make the speech.

“We don’t have that problem in hockey,” he said. “We’re better than that.”

Krupinsky, who is also a sergeant at the Danbury Police Department and a board member of the local police union, was unapologetic in his television appearance.

“It’s really important to me, I take pride in my country. The flag — I’ve unfortunately seen it covering too many coffins — and I think we can take time out to give two minutes of respect to our soldiers, our firemen, to our policemen. I don’t think that’s asking too much and I’m not going to apologize for asking players to show a little bit of respect when it’s either the American or Canadian national anthem,” he told the show’s hosts.

Despite his vehement defense of the speech, Krupinsky was also quick to counter claims that he wasn’t allowing players to adequately express their First Amendment right to protest.

Rest - https://www.newstimes.com/local/article/Danbury-hockey-coach-to-players-Respect-national-14090569.php

And regarding the video, just a couple of the recent comments:


07-26-2020, 10:10 PM
`Hopefully they don’t sell their souls like the other professional pu$$ies have done.`

​https://twitter.com/i/status/1287360017545527296I don't like it at all. Yankee sport. Well, it WAS when I was growing up. Then some Einstein decided to "import" it down here :rolleyes:

BUT ... If they stick to their guns, I'll buy some of their merchandise :)