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View Full Version : Antifa is a hoax

07-27-2020, 11:15 AM
What, nearly 60 days straight in Portland? I have watched like 500 videos of events taking place there. Antifa dressing up as mom's, antifa dressing up as veterans. They are showing up with backpacks, wearing helmets, carrying protective shields and umbrellas to protect from incoming projectiles, endless leaf blowers to push tear gas back at police, a damn hand saw to cut through the fencing, their own mass fireworks, and frozen bottles and whatever else they can toss at the police. To say they aren't there, or that it's a hoax, is asinine and denial and lying in the face of the truth as they usually do. And of course, the videos out there in the thousands are apparently all a hoax too. :rolleyes: And of course the violence is fake and they are all peaceful.


Democrats Start to Worry Support for Portland Riots Will Help Trump

The first signs of worry emerged early Monday as some opponents of Trump, surveying the damage after a weekend of nationwide riots, began to worry openly if supporting “peaceful protests” in Portland, Oregon, would hurt Democrats.

Led by former Vice President Joe Biden, Democrats have insisted that the riots targeting a federal courthouse and federal law enforcement officers in Portland are actually “peaceful.” They have been supported by media that downplays violence committed by the “protesters” and highlights anything the officers do to defend themselves or to disperse the crowd. The Democrats have also demonized federal law enforcement for merely doing what local authorities have refused to do.

Last week, Biden accused federal law enforcement of “brutally attacking peaceful protesters” in Portland. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) called the officers “stormtroopers” and Majority Whip James Clyburn (D-SC) called them “Gestapo.” Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti said that the demonstrators “represent the best of our democratic ideals.”

But after a weekend of violence across the nation in “solidarity” with Portland, some Democrats are thinking twice.

Lanny Davis, the close Clinton ally who urged long ago, that President Donald Trump be removed from office, tweeted: “Violent protesters lighting fires and using violence in Portland should wear @realDonaldTrump buttons. That is who they are helping.Progressives in Portland need to call them out, including the Mayor. ReTweet please. Don’t allow violent people help @realDonaldTrump.”

Joe Scarborough, the MSNBC host who was once a Republican congressman and friend of Trump, but has since emerged as a vehement opponent of the president, tweeted: “How does breaking windows at a courthouse, setting fire to a federal building, firing guns in crowds, and committing acts of vandalism forward any cause? Actually, don’t bother because there is no good answer. It is self-destructive to any cause you promote.”

And House Judiciary Committee Chairman Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY) tried to deny Sunday that the Portland demonstrations were violent at all — perhaps realizing the political damage that the violence might imply:


Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/07/27/democrats-start-to-worry-support-for-portland-riots-will-help-trump/

07-27-2020, 11:36 AM
Speaking of the hoax and the folks that aren't there... :rolleyes:

And just a handful of videos at the bottom.


Portland Protesters Breach Fence Around Federal Courthouse

PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) — Authorities declared a riot early Sunday in Portland, Oregon, where protesters breached a fence surrounding the city’s federal courthouse building where U.S. agents have been stationed.

Police described via Twitter the “violent conduct of people downtown” as creating a “grave risk of public alarm.” Police demanded people leave the area surrounding the courthouse, around 1:20 a.m. Sunday, and said those who fail to adhere may be arrested or subject to teargas and impact weapons.

By 1:40 a.m., both federal officers and Portland police could be seen on the streets, surrounding the courthouse, attempting to clear the area and deploying teargas.

Protesters remained in the streets past 2:30 a.m., forming lines across intersections and holding makeshift shields, as police patrolled and closed blocks abutting the area. Multiple arrests were made, but it wasn’t immediately clear how many.

In the hours leading up to the riot declaration, thousands of people gathered in the city Saturday evening for another night of protests as demonstrations over George Floyd’s killing and the presence of federal agents sent by President Donald Trump showed no signs of abating.

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/news/portland-big-protest-crowds-again-over-us-agents-presence/

No violent protesters...




