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View Full Version : Rep. Dan Crenshaw Says Democrats Want To ‘Destroy The Things That Bring Us Together’

07-27-2020, 12:44 PM
Some thought that 2016 was voting for the lesser of 2 evils. My thoughts back then were 'what damage could be done by criminal Hillary running the show'. But IMO, I think the Democrats are 10x worse just 4 years later.

Biden losing his faculties and hiding from the public is just the beginning. They are hiding that, along with his corrupt past, Ukraine and his son.

But what comes along with him is absolutely terrifying. The folks he is talking about, some he would bring on board most likely, and the many that would be likely to be 'running our country'. Would he step down if things got visibly worse? Oy.

And the crazy talk from them and the things they want and would try to accomplish - would be the most harmful time to our nation, also just my opinion.

And Crenshaw points it out - they aren't hiding it, they are stating out loud what they want. But most this year are paying attention to the virus and extended protesting and violence. But everyone had better pay attention.


‘Take Them At Their Word’: Rep. Dan Crenshaw Says Democrats Want To ‘Destroy The Things That Bring Us Together’

Texas Republican Rep. Dan Crenshaw said Monday that Americans need to “start listening to the Democrats” because he says they proposing policies that Americans don’t want.

“I think a lot is at stake and my suggestion to the American people is start listening to the Democrats, we have to listen to what they are telling us,” Crenshaw told Fox News’ “Fox & Friends” in reference to the upcoming November election.

“They talk about defunding the police, they talk about making excuses for violent mobs — let’s take them at their word: they want to destroy the things that bring us together, our common bonds, our founding, our love of country.”

Although some Democrats, like New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, have enthusiastically endorsed defunding the police, presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s campaign has suggested that he is not in favor of that policy.

Crenshaw attacked the Democrats for wanting “to dismantle … our economic freedom, our border security, our energy sector, all of it. I don’t think most Americans want that.

Instead, he insisted Americans are yearning for “a renewed sense of faith in the country” and that Republicans must provide policy and direction “to restore faith in our police force, restore safety in our communities and we want to rebuild our economy.”

The congressman cited the pre-coronavirus economic boom as “the greatest economy that our country has ever known” and said it was time to start rebuilding the nation’s infrastructure.

The former SEAL outlined what he said was a “clear choice in 2020.” He said “it’s chaos versus safety and security, it’s socialism and doubling your tax rates versus economic freedom, it’s government takeover of your health care versus keeping the doctor that you trust.”

Crenshaw also said the Democratic Party today has moved even further left than it was under former President Barack Obama “and people need to realize that.”
