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07-28-2020, 10:52 AM
I am appalled at what is purporting as a hearing. It is a lynching.

07-28-2020, 11:15 AM
And he just said yesterday that antifa in Portland is a hoax. And now a hearing is no hearing, just lobbing of accusations and grandstanding for the television. Dems are an absolute disgrace.

Black Diamond
07-28-2020, 02:09 PM
Kath bringing out the L-word. :cool:

The dems are destroying themselves and they don't even know it.

07-28-2020, 02:10 PM
I've had enough with this bullshit hearing. They had ZERO intention of asking questions and getting answers to the truth. This was a drive-by shooting. Making statements and accusations and are not letting Barr respond at all, and cutting him off and being scumbags whenever he tries to answer questions with the truth - of which they have no intent on wanting.

They are pulling the same shit they did with prior investigations and the impeachment. Using it as a TV opportunity to make statements of guilt against both Barr and Trump - basically a setup trashing, doing so for upcoming political reasons. If they TRULY wanted answers, they would let the man answer.

Nothing more than a press conference if you ask me, filled with endless BS, as usual.

Black Diamond
07-28-2020, 02:21 PM
The dems will continue to hang themselves with this impeachment rope

07-28-2020, 03:52 PM
And he just said yesterday that antifa in Portland is a hoax. And now a hearing is no hearing, just lobbing of accusations and grandstanding for the television. Dems are an absolute disgrace.

The Democrat Party should be declared illegal and dissolved. I am not saying that on a whim.

The party is guilty of sedition, obstructing justice, and conspiring to overthrow a duly elected president. It is my opinion that DNC money is funding some of the unrest that we are seeing.

I am willing to go so far as to suggest that the high officials in that party should be investigated into their possible role in the riots we are seeing. That includes the Speaker if the House and Senate Minority Leader.

Frankly, it would make my day to see Nadler, Pelosi, and Schumer, among others, perp walked out of the Capital building on prime time TV.

07-28-2020, 04:11 PM
I've been looking for a link to video Jordan showed today in hearing, but not finding anything that I can post. This is as close to video, though you'll have a few minutes of hearing. It's powerful, though a few images are repeated which wasn't necessary as there's plenty to fill the time:


07-28-2020, 04:28 PM
I've been looking for a link to video Jordan showed today in hearing, but not finding anything that I can post. This is as close to video, though you'll have a few minutes of hearing. It's powerful, though a few images are repeated which wasn't necessary as there's plenty to fill the time:


Starts at 7:07 mark.

07-28-2020, 07:16 PM
Congressional hearings and media questions at Whitehouse press conferences - they both used to be about asking relevant questions and trying to find out important information. But that was a long time ago. Things are not that way now.

Now they have nothing to do with relevance or finding out any facts. Now they are only about badgering members of Republican administrations. (Yes, only Republicans; I never see it the other way around) Now they are only about creating bad optics for the other party. Now they are only about 100 per cent pure crap. I just wish I could find a button that would flush that whole bunch of badgering Congressman down to the cesspool they forever belong at the bottom of.

07-29-2020, 12:03 PM
A class act he was not.


‘You’re A Real Class Act’: Barr Gets Sarcastic When Nadler Tries To Deny Him A Five-Minute Break

Things got a little more tense during an already heated House Judiciary Committee hearing Tuesday when Democratic New York Rep. Jerry Nadler tried to deny Attorney General Bill Barr a five-minute break.

“Sorry, Mr. Chairman, could we take a five-minute break? Could we take a five-minute break, Mr. Chairman?” Barr asked as Nadler was about to introduce another questioner.

“No!” Nadler shouted.

A GOP congressman spoke up and insisted that granting such breaks is “a common courtesy of every witness.”

“I waited 45, an hour for you this morning,” Barr said, referring to a minor car accident that caused Nadler to be late for Tuesday’s hearing. “I haven’t had lunch. I’d like to take a five-minute break.”

“Mr. Attorney General, we are almost finished,” said Nadler. “We are going to be finished in a few minutes. We can certainly take a break but uh …”

“You’re a class act,” Barr chuckled. “You’re a real class act.”

“After this, if you still want a break, we can have a break,” said the New York Democrat.

“No, he wants a break now!” said Republican Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan. “And you just [unintelligible] rudeness, which is now on display. Let’s let the attorney general have a break.”

When Nadler finally assented, Barr sighed and said, “Thank you, Mr. Chairman.”


And THIS is exactly how I felt yesterday watching some of this. It was clearly a hit job and no interest in truth. :rolleyes: And she is right, you could have just propped up a picture and learned the exact same amount yesterday.

Martha MacCallum Grills Rep. Eric Swalwell On Barr Hearing: ‘Could Have Just Propped Up A Picture And Yelled At It’

Fox News anchor Martha MacCallum grilled California Democratic Rep. Eric Swalwell about Democratic House Judiciary members’ questioning of Attorney General Bill Barr during Tuesday’s hearing.

MacCallum called the day’s fireworks a “raucous hearing” before introducing Swalwell on Tuesday night’s “The Story with Martha MacCallum.” She then asked the congressman why his House Democratic colleagues wouldn’t let Barr “breathe and answer” questions.

“How is that a fair process?” she asked.

“Well, the Attorney general doesn’t need an ice-cream cone before he sits down …” Swalwell joked.

“No, but he needs to be allowed to answer the question,” MacCallum interrupted.

“He’s a big boy, he answered the questions,” said Swalwell before pointing to a “productive” exchange between the two.

MacCallum pointed out House Democrats “wouldn’t let him answer a single question.”

“They kept saying, ‘oh, give me back my time, give me back my time.’ So here’s my question,” MacCallum asked. “Your committee has wanted him to come in here for a long time, right? I might think myself and a lot of other Americans wanted to see the exchange, because many of you have accused him of sidling up to the president, acting on his behalf. This was a golden opportunity for the country to hear what his answer was, and they didn’t get to hear what his answer was and I’m wondering if there was a fear that if he was given that opportunity that he might be persuasive to some people.”

The two went back and forth on comments during the hearing before MacCallum played a clip of an exasperated Barr saying after getting interrupted: “This is a hearing. I thought I was the one that was supposed to be heard.”

“Good question,” said the Fox News anchor. “I mean, you could have just propped up a picture of him and yelled at it.”

“I don’t think he’s as weak as you are describing him,” Swalwell joked.

“You brought him in there to answer questions and then you didn’t give him a chance to answer,” she said. “It doesn’t matter what side of the fence you are on, anybody can watch that process and say that it was not a hearing. That was not a hearing.”
