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Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-29-2020, 05:26 AM

NBC Sports BayArea
Giants play Black national anthem in powerful ceremony before home opener
Alex Pavlovic
NBC Sports BayAreaJuly 28, 2020, 8:38 PM

Oracle Park has had two decades worth of home openers, but Tuesday's was unlike any of the previous ones. The Giants have spent the last week protesting systemic racism and using their platform to promote equality, and that was the theme of a 25-minute ceremony before Tuesday's game against the Padres.

Public address announcer Renel Brooks-Moon led the ceremony, which included moments of silence for civil rights leaders C.T. Vivian and representative John Lewis, both of whom passed away this month, and a performance of "Lift Every Voice and Sing," the Black national anthem, by the Stanford Talisman.

"In 1919, the NAACP proclaimed it as the Black National Anthem, for as you will hear, it is a rallying cry for freedom," Brooks-Moon said. "The song is also a prayer, and a protest, and a reminder that the struggles of the past are still alive today, and that these struggles must be met with hope, with courage, with perseverance, with faith.

"This performance is dedicated to the memories of those who have unjustly lost their lives to systemic racism and to all black leaders who have led the fight for equality and human rights."

The Giants also played a video in which Farhan Zaidi, Gabe Kapler and other members of the organization spoke about the movement. "Make no mistake on where we stand," Kapler said in the video. "We are going to take action."

[RELATED: Kapler explains why silence about injustice isn't an option]

During the national anthem, Kapler once again took a knee, along with Mauricio Dubon, Jaylin Davis, Pablo Sandoval, Mike Yastrzemski, Antoan Richardson and several other Giants.

Proving yet gain that this nation is self-dooming its own existence.
By singling out one race to honor and exalt based upon ancient history and a reverse prejudice fostered by the socialist dem party, its allies, anarchists, communists, and those of the black race hellbent on creating a culture where they may rule and wreck vengeance upon the whites.
We are watching propaganda , divide and conquer being employed by socialist dems, mainstream media, globalists vermin, anarchist vermin, hate-filled BLM vermin and those of our own government seeking to destroy this nation as it was founded- as well as a multitude of foreign enemy elements..
Just as Hitler demonized the Jews- we are now seeing that play out here -with a new target-- the white people. imho....---Tyr

07-29-2020, 09:20 PM
"May you all rot in hell, you ungrateful elitists……"

"I come from a long line of military vets. My father was a Vet and was present in Europe after the Battle of the Bulge. Great Uncle George was wounded in World War One. Uncle Frank served in both Korea and Vietnam, and my dear cousin Phillip Joe, died as a result of the Vietnam War, unable to cope with being the only survivor in his Platoon after a VC attack. (Many others served as well.)

I will never forget the day I enlisted, tears in my eyes and swelling with pride as I took the Oath. Then coming home and putting my enlistment papers on the dining room table, and walking to my room, not saying a word. Dad comes home from work, sees the paperwork, and comes into my room, tears in his eyes, and dragging me first to the VFW and then the American Legion, to let his friends know what I had done.

With my enlistment, I had joined a select fraternity.
One leave, I returned to the town of my birth in Oklahoma, to see Grandma and Aunt Betty and others. The first Sunday morning, I was “ordered” to put on my uniform where Aunt Betty then took me to church. Unknown to me, she had let everyone know that I was in town, in the Air Force and on leave.

The church was packed with people I knew from 10 plus years earlier, and others I did not know. They were there for church, but they were also there to see me and wish me luck. (Such is small town America.)

Now, as I look at the spoiled brats of the NFL, I have feelings of disgust for all of the players, the coaches, the owners, and the NFL league officials.

The NFL and its millionaire players are doing similar to the Vets and the people of the US today, as to what happened to returning Viet Nam vets in the late 60’s and early 70’s. For all practical purposes, these elitist fools are spitting on each of us, showing us their complete disregard for our service, our dedication, and our loyalty to the US.

Yes, the players have their right of free speech to protest, but that free speech has been given to them on the backs of those who have served our country through the military. For all too many Vets, they made the ultimate sacrifice to protect that right.
I too, have the right to protest your actions. And I choose to do so. My protest has taken the form of never watching another NFL football game, going to a game, or buying any product that is NFL affiliated.

For me, you have forfeited all rights to my supporting you. You have “spit” on me, on all Vets, current military, police and all of middle America and the small towns and cities of America.
May you all rot in hell, you ungrateful elitists……"



Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-29-2020, 09:34 PM
"May you all rot in hell, you ungrateful elitists……"

"I come from a long line of military vets. My father was a Vet and was present in Europe after the Battle of the Bulge. Great Uncle George was wounded in World War One. Uncle Frank served in both Korea and Vietnam, and my dear cousin Phillip Joe, died as a result of the Vietnam War, unable to cope with being the only survivor in his Platoon after a VC attack. (Many others served as well.)

I will never forget the day I enlisted, tears in my eyes and swelling with pride as I took the Oath. Then coming home and putting my enlistment papers on the dining room table, and walking to my room, not saying a word. Dad comes home from work, sees the paperwork, and comes into my room, tears in his eyes, and dragging me first to the VFW and then the American Legion, to let his friends know what I had done.

With my enlistment, I had joined a select fraternity.
One leave, I returned to the town of my birth in Oklahoma, to see Grandma and Aunt Betty and others. The first Sunday morning, I was “ordered” to put on my uniform where Aunt Betty then took me to church. Unknown to me, she had let everyone know that I was in town, in the Air Force and on leave.

The church was packed with people I knew from 10 plus years earlier, and others I did not know. They were there for church, but they were also there to see me and wish me luck. (Such is small town America.)

Now, as I look at the spoiled brats of the NFL, I have feelings of disgust for all of the players, the coaches, the owners, and the NFL league officials.

The NFL and its millionaire players are doing similar to the Vets and the people of the US today, as to what happened to returning Viet Nam vets in the late 60’s and early 70’s. For all practical purposes, these elitist fools are spitting on each of us, showing us their complete disregard for our service, our dedication, and our loyalty to the US.

Yes, the players have their right of free speech to protest, but that free speech has been given to them on the backs of those who have served our country through the military. For all too many Vets, they made the ultimate sacrifice to protect that right.
I too, have the right to protest your actions. And I choose to do so. My protest has taken the form of never watching another NFL football game, going to a game, or buying any product that is NFL affiliated.

For me, you have forfeited all rights to my supporting you. You have “spit” on me, on all Vets, current military, police and all of middle America and the small towns and cities of America.
May you all rot in hell, you ungrateful elitists……"



I say. ""ffkk'em feed 'em fishheads""..:mad::mad::mad::gunner3:
The injun blood in me says, ""give'em an arrow in the heart and a blade in the gut"", ""then scalp 'em for good measure""..
Overpaid ass-clowns... pitiful vermin....-Tyr