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07-29-2020, 11:39 AM
At first glance folks will say that this isn't interference. But remember when I spoke of democrats playing the long game?

This shit started in 2016 after Trump won. Folks didn't like it and instantly started trying to have him removed. Democrats started on 2020 at the same time. They knew if they got chaos and BS out there almost daily for 4 years. And that was in addition to the spying and all the illegal crap trying to remove a sitting president.

The media started that day as well. The worst I have ever seen them, ten fold. Lies after lies, and acting like democrat politicians instead of news folks. They were now an arm of the democrats working towards 2020, IMO.

Social media went insane, and not just the millions involved - but the leaders on the back end. Shadow banning, outright banning, things disappearing without explanation, some with. Doesn't happen to the democrats, very one sided.

And even search engines. Many places have covered this and it's not just Breitbart. Many leading conservative media sites out there started seeing losses in traffic and rankings. Dropping a little is one thing but losing every keyword like that is obvious they are removing things.

Add them all up and this collective effort IS being done to interfere, alter or help democrats in 2020, and harm Trump in any way.


Election Interference: Google Purges Breitbart from Search Results

A few days after the 2016 election, at an internal meeting later leaked to Breitbart News, top Google executives, including Sundar Pichai, Sergey Brin, and Kent Walker, lamented President Trump’s victory, comparing Trump voters to “extremists” and discussing their desire to make Trump’s election and the populist movement a “blip” in history.

True to their word, four years later, Google is deliberately working to interfere with the reelection of Trump in 2020.

There are several ways in which Google is interfering in the 2020 election, but this article will focus primarily on one of them: political search bias.

Google Has Been Purging Breitbart Content from Search Results Since the 2016 Election

Search visibility is a key industry measure of how findable a publisher’s content is in Google search. New data shows that Google has suppressed Breitbart’s search visibility by 99.7 percent since 2016.

On April 4, 2016, Breitbart ranked in the top ten search positions (i.e., on the first page of Google search results) for 355 key search terms; but now, as of July 20, 2020, Breitbart ranks in the top ten search positions for only one search term. And, on April 4, 2016, Breitbart ranked in the top 100 search positions for 16,820 key search terms; but now, as of July 20, 2020, Breitbart ranks in the top ten search positions for only 55 search terms.

Moreover, organic Google search traffic to Breitbart (measured by unique visitors) is down 63 percent when comparing the first half of 2016 with the first half of 2020.

The following chart shows the visibility of Breitbart content in the Google search engine since 2011. It shows that Google has nearly eliminated Breitbart content from its search results.

This foregoing graph also shows three major drops in Breitbart’s search visibility (these drops are highlighted by the bright red lines). The first drop took place shortly after (and inferentially in response to) the 2016 election. The second took place in July of 2019. The third took place in May of this year, after which (1) unless a user types “Breitbart” into the search bar (and even then), they are highly unlikely to get any Breitbart content search results, and (2) Breitbart search results for “Joe Biden” and other Biden-related search terms have gone to zero. Even if you specifically search for Breitbart News headlines, you are unlikely to find them in Google search.

Google Just Killed All Search Traffic to Breitbart for Joe Biden and Joe Biden-Related Searches

After Google’s May core search update on or about May 5, 2020, Google search impressions and search traffic to Breitbart for “Joe Biden” and other Biden-related search terms has gone to zero. Zero. The following graph clearly illustrates the foregoing.


On May 1, Google searches for “Joe Biden” generated approximately 30,000 impressions (views, used as a metric for advertisers) for Breitbart links. After May 5, both impressions and clicks went to zero.

Breitbart News spoke to an SEO (Search Engine Optimization) expert, a 25-year industry veteran, whose job consists of analyzing traffic data from Google’s own website performance portal, Google Search Console.

The expert, who wished to remain anonymous, said he had never seen anything like this graph — and that it indicates highly probable manipulation on the part of Google.

“I’ve never experienced such a wholesale removal of rank and visibility on specific concepts on a site as I have seen being applied to Breitbart,” said the expert. “Removal is the key, not dropping in rank, which would be an organic devaluing. These ranks are just simply gone, overnight, while other topics have been untouched.”

“The sheer fact that there are thousands of pages of Breitbart content that reference Biden that were ranking before May 6, that now have no rank or impressions on search is a sign of manipulation, not algorithmic devaluing.”

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/tech/2020/07/28/election-interference-google-purges-breitbart-from-search-results/

07-29-2020, 08:38 PM
I heard about this on the radio today. Freedom of speech was a glaring chink in the Dem armor in 2016. That wasn't going to go unfixed.

I still have a hard time believing they are just bold-faced doing it with no attempt to hide it, and smiling in everyone's faces, lying straight through their teeth while doing it. No pretense of equality or fairness.

And these are "Americans":rolleyes: Maybe we should trade them for some of those people massed on our Southern border. The latter would at least be grateful.