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View Full Version : Here are your peaceful protesters

07-29-2020, 12:18 PM
Antifa is not there, you're nuts. This is a peaceful protest! Sending in "help" is wrong as they have rights!!

61 days now. They should send in even more feds, and then every night sweep in at different directions and take down 100-200 nightly, and don't be gentle about it as these folks should be considered armed and dangerous IMO. After a week or two of that and a few thousand going to jail, maybe others will start thinking twice. And the first night? Make it clear they are ALL being charged with felonies of some sort, and stick with it.

Before anyone hears on CNN or elsewhere that these nitwits are only setting off fireworks, don't let them fool you. Many are altering types of fireworks and making them into more or less mortar rounds and other explosives. That's on top of all the other fireworks, frozen bottles & urine and other crap they are using. :rolleyes:

This shit has got to stop. Who said that?


‘F**k It. If One Of Them Cops Got Killed, Good’: Two Portland Protesters Laugh Off Explosion Near Federal Courthouse

A couple of protesters in Portland laughed off the idea that an explosion near a federal courthouse could have killed or injured a police officer.

Daily Caller chief video director Richie McGinniss spoke with two protesters in Portland, Oregon, after an explosion, asking whether they thought law enforcement officers could have been hurt or even killed by such a blast.



“You guys see that explosion?” McGinniss asked.

One of the protesters replied that he had seen “lots of cool explosions.”

“Did you see that one right up against the wall though? That big one?” McGinniss pressed, pointing toward the courthouse.

The protester said that he remembered the explosion in question.

“What do you think about that?” he continued.

McGinniss then asked whether the protesters thought such a blast would hurt police officers if it blew up too close to where they were posted. The protester responded with a “thumbs up.”

“Well, yeah, oh my god, yeah,” the protester said, noting that he had not been the one to throw the explosive.

“What would you think if that did blow up around the cops, like what if one of the cops died?” McGinniss asked.

The first protester just laughed while the second, who had been silent up to that point, replied, “F**k it, if one of them cops got killed, good.”

Rest - https://dailycaller.com/2020/07/29/portland-oregon-protesters-laugh-off-explosion-federal-courthouse-cops-killed-twitter-video/

07-29-2020, 12:26 PM
Sweet, the next page I visit shows one of them getting busted for the explosion in this story - and his own Grandmother did him in!!

None of these explosives will take a building down or anything like that, but no doubt if an unaware officer gets hit, some serious damage can be done. I hope folks getting caught doing shit like this get a minimum of 20.

Grandma bought the scumbag the vest he is wearing. She also left a review of the vest - showing a photo of him wearing it at the protest!! :laugh2::laugh:


Antifa Terrorist Who Threw Bomb at Federal Agents in Portland is Identified — BY HIS GRANDMOTHER!

As reported earlier this morning by Cassandra Fairbanks — An Antifa militant in Portland threw what appears to be an improvised explosive device at the federal courthouse in Portland on Monday evening.

Rioters have been attacking the building for over 60 days.



The bomber has been identified — Thanks to his grandma!

Thanks to the internet sleuths at 4Chan.

Here is video of the terrorist throwing the bomb at federal agents!

Here is a high resolution of him with a naked protesters.

His leftist grandmother bought him the vest online.

She wrote a review on the product at Hibbett.com.


Here is more at Anime Gorella.



07-29-2020, 08:26 PM
Serves his ass right. My grandmother'd probably done the same. That's if she didn't drag me by the ear to the police herself :)

They need to quit screwing around and call in some troops.

07-31-2020, 12:11 PM
The never ending "peaceful protesting" continues in Portland. Non stop fight between officers defending the federal building, and younger white folks mainly, looking to destroy the building, and purposely looking for confrontation with the officers.

The BLM movement during the days in many places was a ton of black folks, but most was peaceful. The violence breaking out in so many places were folks almost exclusively dressed in black, white younger folks, all kinds of protection and the ready to fight back, and many many coming with all kinds of weapons. Very very organized and prepared at times.

And having a wall of Mom's for protection on the front line one night, and another night it was a front line of veterans. Reporters and more called BS on this and said many were one and the same, just wearing different t-shirts and items to try and look the part.

The women, far be it from me, didn't look like your typical collection of Mom's. Unless all teenage and very young mothers.

And I personally am NOT one to judge whether someone looks like a veteran or not. But based on reporters feedback and first appearances, these are supposedly antifa playing the dress up game the next night.

Some of the supposed vets:



Mom's too


How some of these supposed Mom's feel:


Many articles covering this and quite a few reporters reported back seeing folks in parks prepping, and putting on matching t-shirts and such. This is just one, but I liked it, even if Limbaugh, so bite me. :) And keep in mind, Soros was nailed in the past for paying protesters - and BLM /Actblue have it in their expenditures that they are paying TONS of citizens money, like 250-300 range....

Rush Limbaugh: Protesters in Portland are “actors,” not real mothers and veterans

Limbaugh: “They are all being paid, and they’re putting on different uniforms — different T-shirts and so forth — to look like veterans, to look like mothers.”

RUSH LIMBAUGH (HOST): A couple of sound bites here to illustrate what is happening. Here is Jerry Nadler, the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, reaming the attorney general, Bill Barr — or trying to.


REP. JERRY NADLER (D-NY): You really can’t hide behind legal fictions this time, Mr. Barr. It’s all out in the open, where the people can see what you are doing for themselves. The president wants footage for his campaign ads — and you appear to be serving it up to him as ordered. In most of these cities, the protests had begun to wind down before you marched in and confronted the protesters.

And the protesters aren’t mobs. They are mothers and veterans and mayors. In this moment, real leadership would entail de-escalation, collaboration, and looking for ways to peaceably resolve our differences. Instead, you used pepper spay and truncheons on American citizens. And now you are projecting fear and violence nationwide, in pursuit of obvious political objectives. Shame on you, Mr. Barr. Shame on you.


RUSH: Folks, every bit of that is just not true. “It’s all out in the open. People can see what you’re doing for themselves. The president wants footage for his campaign ads, and you appear to be serving it up to him.” As though it’s all peaceful out there. “Yeah, there’s just — there are no mobs. There’s mothers, there are veterans, there are mayors.”

There aren’t any mothers. There aren’t any veterans. These are people that are actors — they are paid. They’re antifa. They are Black Lives Matter. And they are all being paid, and they’re putting on different uniforms — different T-shirts and so forth — to look like veterans, to look like mothers. But they are all violent, leftist, anti-American protesters, in association with the Democrat Party.

Bill Barr is not creating these protests. He’s not creating the video. It’s the Democrats who are trying to suppress the video, and make it look like something that it isn’t. I mean — this is what I meant when I said it is surreal and it’s difficult to describe. Because there is reality that you can see — it’s staring you in the face. And right to your face, these Democrats are attempting to redefine what’s going on. “Bill Barr is responsible for the violence to give Donald Trump campaign ad video.”


07-31-2020, 07:47 PM
About 75 years ago, kids this age were also carrying guns and witnessing lots of explosions, too. The difference was back then, they didn't think they were cool. They were scared shitless but did their duty just the same. They didn't support movements like Black Lies Matter because they were too busy defending the world against the Nazis. Some of those kids came home in boxes, some came home minus an arm or a leg.

I think these half wit butt fucks could learn a lesson or two from them.


07-31-2020, 07:52 PM
If Biden wins then civilization vanishes for the next 1000 years

Other than that, this is not an important election

07-31-2020, 08:32 PM
I cannot emphasize enough how much anti-respect I have for these people. They are fools if they think they are helping any problem in this world, and they are ultra-fools for not realizing that they are the biggest problem around. But more than that, they are all Nazi Brownshirts for the disgusting violence they commit.

I can definitely say that if I were the Mayor of one of these cities, the Police Department's Rules of Engagement would not be anything close to what they currently are in these cities.

08-01-2020, 10:02 AM
I cannot emphasize enough how much anti-respect I have for these people. They are fools if they think they are helping any problem in this world, and they are ultra-fools for not realizing that they are the biggest problem around. But more than that, they are all Nazi Brownshirts for the disgusting violence they commit.

I can definitely say that if I were the Mayor of one of these cities, the Police Department's Rules of Engagement would not be anything close to what they currently are in these cities.Don't look at me for answers. I'd have already turned a battalion of Marines loose so these wannabe tough guys can get a glimpse of what real men and women look like.