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View Full Version : Rudy Giuliani is a liberal

09-14-2007, 05:25 PM
If you support Rudy Giuliani, you are NOT a Conservative.

<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/64aItXm2Pc4"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/64aItXm2Pc4" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>

Abbey Marie
09-14-2007, 06:05 PM
Unless you are voting Republican, what do you care?

09-14-2007, 06:20 PM
I am going to vote for the person who most reflects my viewpoint. If it comes down to a race between Rudy and any Democrat, its going to be Rudy anytime. Id rather see a few of my issues pushed forward than none of them.

With that said, I am not planning to vote for Rudy in the primary. I am just happy that I can look to most of the Republican candidates and find them mostly good on the issues and with much more leadership experience than any of the Democrats.

Abbey Marie
09-14-2007, 06:31 PM
I am going to vote for the person who most reflects my viewpoint. If it comes down to a race between Rudy and any Democrat, its going to be Rudy anytime. Id rather see a few of my issues pushed forward than none of them.

With that said, I am not planning to vote for Rudy in the primary. I am just happy that I can look to most of the Republican candidates and find them mostly good on the issues and with much more leadership experience than any of the Democrats.

That's exactly how I feel.

09-14-2007, 07:43 PM
If you support Rudy Giuliani, you are NOT a Conservative.

<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/64aItXm2Pc4"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/64aItXm2Pc4" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>

Correctamundo Gentleman Jack, Rudy is as lib as lib gets. If he gets the nomination I will vote constitution party, many other Repubs here in Carroll County, MD feel the same.

Don't matter anyway, its Hillary in a cakewalk in '08.

09-14-2007, 07:45 PM
That's exactly how I feel.

Answer this question honestly Avatar; of all the isuues you felt strongly about pre 2000 election which ones have been advanced by the Bush administration?

09-14-2007, 09:57 PM
Correctamundo Gentleman Jack, Rudy is as lib as lib gets. If he gets the nomination I will vote constitution party, many other Repubs here in Carroll County, MD feel the same.

Don't matter anyway, its Hillary in a cakewalk in '08.

I admire you for your intellectual honesty. I only vote Libertarian because I'm a small government/less taxes/make the government stay the hell out of my life conservative, and I used to think the Republicans were the way to go. However, anyone with a brain quickly realizes that supporting the GOP is supporting big government, end of story. If no Libertarians are running, I generally will also support the Constitution Party.

09-15-2007, 03:04 AM
Answer this question honestly Avatar; of all the isuues you felt strongly about pre 2000 election which ones have been advanced by the Bush administration?

Tax cuts, Conservative judges, Strong character, Respect for the troops.

Shame he didnt do more. He had potential, but then he did a bunch of other stuff no one wanted. like guest worker programs etc.

09-15-2007, 10:44 AM
Tax cuts, Conservative judges, Strong character, Respect for the troops.

Shame he didnt do more. He had potential, but then he did a bunch of other stuff no one wanted. like guest worker programs etc.

Tax cuts were miniscule, basically an appeaement.

Conservative judges.........well that was a plus although there has been very little action by these judges.

Strong Character..........you're kidding, right?

Respect for the troops..............well every pres has had that.

09-16-2007, 02:47 AM
Unless you are voting Republican, what do you care?

Because I believe in Goldwater Conservativism, and I'm sick of the people who currently support the Republicans.

There isn't really a discussion as to current Republicans; if you support the current Republican party, it means you are a big government liberal. END of story.

09-16-2007, 08:05 AM
Because I believe in Goldwater Conservativism, and I'm sick of the people who currently support the Republicans.

There isn't really a discussion as to current Republicans; if you support the current Republican party, it means you are a big government liberal. END of story.

Wrong. One can support Republicans simply because they aren't as retarded as Democrats.

I'll not argue that conservatism seems to have gotten lost in the shuffle ...

Abbey Marie
09-16-2007, 12:40 PM
Because I believe in Goldwater Conservativism, and I'm sick of the people who currently support the Republicans.

There isn't really a discussion as to current Republicans; if you support the current Republican party, it means you are a big government liberal. END of story.

Oh, cool! I love it when a poster tell us the entire story. It makes it so easy. Who needs all that thinkin' for ourselves n stuff, anyway. :rolleyes:

09-16-2007, 06:58 PM
Vote Libertarian! Now, all of you line up and tell us why this would be a foolish decisin. Like, the democrats will win because LP votes take from GOP's. Ah.........I don't believe in legalizing drugs. Let's see......what are the same old tired arguments that support why we are willing to continue to spiral into socialism?

Vote Libertarian and watch things get better QUICK! 6 or 7% is all it would take to convince these idiots they are on the wrong trail.

09-16-2007, 07:29 PM
Wrong. One can support Republicans simply because they aren't as retarded as Democrats.

It's cowardly for someone who believes in Conservatism to vote the Republicans strictly because,while the GOP is a liberal party, they are a tiny bit less liberal than the Dems.

09-16-2007, 07:30 PM
Oh, cool! I love it when a poster tell us the entire story. It makes it so easy. Who needs all that thinkin' for ourselves n stuff, anyway. :rolleyes:


Once again, you fail to address the issue. Very typical.

Abbey Marie
09-16-2007, 08:44 PM

Once again, you fail to address the issue. Very typical.

When did you join- last week? And you know all about me. Just like you know all about all political parties. :laugh2:

09-16-2007, 10:31 PM
It's cowardly for someone who believes in Conservatism to vote the Republicans strictly because,while the GOP is a liberal party, they are a tiny bit less liberal than the Dems.

Ever think that someone might not believe in conservatism? They might believe in conservative principle and rather see them advanced then not advanced?

09-16-2007, 10:57 PM
Ever think that someone might not believe in conservatism? They might believe in conservative principle and rather see them advanced then not advanced?

You're completely missing the point.

Conservative principles are NOT being advanced by the current crop of Republicans AT ALL.

- A LIBERAL Wilsonian War
- One of the largest increases in government by an administration
- No REAL tax relief

If you believe in Conservative principles, you're either believing the lies of the administration or too dumb to see the truth.

09-17-2007, 06:04 AM
It's cowardly for someone who believes in Conservatism to vote the Republicans strictly because,while the GOP is a liberal party, they are a tiny bit less liberal than the Dems.

It's foolish in the extreme to waste a vote on a candidate that doesn't have a chance in Hell.

Who pray tell is the Libertarian candidate du jour?

I wouldn't mind a viable 3rd party, but the fact is, the two in control keep them shut out. And I'm certainly not so sure libertarian is the viable option.

Attempting to appeal to emotion by using the word "cowadly" is just theatrics. Nothing cowardly about using fact and logic to keep damage to a minimum.

09-17-2007, 06:08 AM
You're completely missing the point.

Conservative principles are NOT being advanced by the current crop of Republicans AT ALL.

- A LIBERAL Wilsonian War
- One of the largest increases in government by an administration
- No REAL tax relief

If you believe in Conservative principles, you're either believing the lies of the administration or too dumb to see the truth.

Yeah, cuz we know John Kerry would have been MUCH closer to conservatism than GWB.:laugh2:

09-17-2007, 06:09 AM
Yeah, cuz we know John Kerry would have been MUCH closer to conservatism than GWB.:laugh2:

well, he did take alot of different and contrary positions. Some of them were bound to be conservative.

09-17-2007, 06:23 AM
well, he did take alot of different and contrary positions. Some of them were bound to be conservative.

That was only on odd-numbered days.:laugh2:

09-17-2007, 09:39 AM
Yeah, cuz we know John Kerry would have been MUCH closer to conservatism than GWB.:laugh2:

Anyone with an understanding knows that GWB and Kerry were equally liberal, just with different issues.

09-17-2007, 09:42 AM
It's foolish in the extreme to waste a vote on a candidate that doesn't have a chance in Hell.

The whole "wasted vote" argument is tired. Our history is filled with enough examples of third parties morphing into major parties that it completely takes the validity out of your argument.

Who pray tell is the Libertarian candidate du jour?

The LP goes through a primary just like the GOP, so there isn't one yet. However, we do have a lot of great candidates running/

I wouldn't mind a viable 3rd party, but the fact is, the two in control keep them shut out. And I'm certainly not so sure libertarian is the viable option.

The LP is more viable than any other third party

Attempting to appeal to emotion by using the word "cowadly" is just theatrics. Nothing cowardly about using fact and logic to keep damage to a minimum.

No, it's the truth. You are a COWARD if you sell out your conservative principles for the incredibly big government Republican Party.

09-17-2007, 10:38 AM
The whole "wasted vote" argument is tired. Our history is filled with enough examples of third parties morphing into major parties that it completely takes the validity out of your argument.

Really? When was the last time it happened? Successfully? Not during my lifetime. Nor even my grandfather's. Kind of takes the validity out of YOUR argument.

The LP goes through a primary just like the GOP, so there isn't one yet. However, we do have a lot of great candidates running/

Like who? What makes the Libertarian party any different than the Democrats of republicans? Y'all hide anarchists in your midst just as the other two try to hide their extremists.

The LP is more viable than any other third party

And has how many Presedential election wins under belt?

No, it's the truth. You are a COWARD if you sell out your conservative principles for the incredibly big government Republican Party.

You need to learn to choose your incredibly stupid labels a little better. If you called me that to my face I'd ram half your teeth down your throat THEN see what name you had for me.

I see absolutely NO difference in supposedly selling out my conservative principles voting Republican than selling them out to vote libertarian.

09-17-2007, 10:50 AM
Really? When was the last time it happened? Successfully? Not during my lifetime. Nor even my grandfather's. Kind of takes the validity out of YOUR argument.

The only reason it hasn't happened in the last 140 years is because of people like you who continue to prop up the current system. If people voted what according to the public policy positions they truly believed in their hearts, there would be no two party system.

Like who? What makes the Libertarian party any different than the Democrats of republicans? Y'all hide anarchists in your midst just as the other two try to hide their extremists.

Thanks for that one captain obvious. Got a real point to make?

You need to learn to choose your incredibly stupid labels a little better. If you called me that to my face I'd ram half your teeth down your throat THEN see what name you had for me.

I know you're a big tough marine and all, but statements like that echo very much that you really don't have much of an argument. We Libertarians are pacifists for that reason alone.

And has how many Presedential election wins under belt?

I think you need to re-read my statement again, because this argument makes no sense. We are the most viable current third party, and you're argument means NOTHING because NO current third party has any presidential election wins under their belts.

I see absolutely NO difference in supposedly selling out my conservative principles voting Republican than selling them out to vote libertarian.

Current Libertarianism is the closest thing around to real conservatism. If you opened up your ears and listened to Ron Paul, things would be much better.

09-17-2007, 11:03 AM
The only reason it hasn't happened in the last 140 years is because of people like you who continue to prop up the current system. If people voted what according to the public policy positions they truly believed in their hearts, there would be no two party system.

Get some reality dude. When the choice is either or, you pick one and hope for the best. The fact is, third parties have failed for a century and a half because they don't offer anything to the majority.

Thanks for that one captain obvious. Got a real point to make?

Yeah ... must have zoomed over .... why should I want to suffer your fools instead of the others?

I know you're a big tough marine and all, but statements like that echo very much that you really don't have much of an argument. We Libertarians are pacifists for that reason alone.

Statements like that are to point out to you that words mean things and calling someone a coward is fightin' words where I come from.

And pacifists are just the first sheep to die.

I think you need to re-read my statement again, because this argument makes no sense. We are the most viable current third party, and you're argument means NOTHING because NO current third party has any presidential election wins under their belts.

You are the most viable third party cuz .... ummmm ... why is that again? You say so?

And my argument is MOST relative since NO current third party has any presidential election wins which INCLUDES yours.

Current Libertarianism is the closest thing around to real conservatism. If you opened up your ears and listened to Ron Paul, things would be much better.

Ron Paul is just another idiot that wants to stuff his head in the sand and pretend the bad guys don't want to shoot his sticking in the air ass off.

09-17-2007, 11:07 AM
And my argument is MOST relative since NO current third party has any presidential election wins which INCLUDES yours.

Wrong...you can't say we're not the most viable third party because we haven't won an election when NO current third party has won an election.

We're comparing viability among the current third parties. NO current third party has won an election, so that does not put us at a disadvantage among the current third party candidates

Get it?

09-17-2007, 11:22 AM
Wrong...you can't say we're not the most viable third party because we haven't won an election when NO current third party has won an election.

We're comparing viability among the current third parties. NO current third party has won an election, so that does not put us at a disadvantage among the current third party candidates

Get it?

Oh I get what you're trying to sell. Can even smell it.

The fact is, I am not wrong. You claim the LP is the most viable 3rd party and yet, I see no evidence of such as was requested. Only your opinion.

So, in MY opinion, based on current evidence presented to support your argument, the LP is "just another" 3rd party. Nothing more.