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View Full Version : Covid nursing home decisions was a disgrace

08-01-2020, 03:46 PM
45% of ALL deaths were in nursing homes, even though that population makes up for .6 percent of our population! Some of these decisions around the nation should at minimum be investigated and prevented in the future, but those responsible should be held accountable as well. Even if that only means getting voted out. They sure don't accept any responsibility. :rolleyes: So many really didn't stand a chance once these orders were issued. Some of our most vulnerable citizens and go ahead and send the virus right to them.


These Five Democrat Governors Behind Tens of Thousands of Coronavirus Deaths Sent COVID-19 Patients to Nursing Homes


An updated study revealed 45% of all US coronavirus deaths occurred in nursing homes.

That comes out to 73,733 Deaths in US Nursing Homes!

That is a bloodbath!!

Italy also saw 40% of their coronavirus deaths in nursing homes.

Only 0.6% of the US population lives in nursing homes but over 45% of the coronavirus deaths were in these centers.

These five Democrat governor sent COVID-19 patients into nursing homes.

Democrat Governor Andrew Cuomo in New York state.


Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom in California.


Democrat Governor Tom Wolf in Pennsylvania


Democrat Governor Phil Murphy in New Jersey



Democrat Governor Gretchen Whitmer in Michigan.



08-01-2020, 04:08 PM
Where are the lawsuits from the right? I hate to quote Rush, but he is on my radio from home to 7-11 and back :). The left has sued for so much as a bent eyelash they think they can trace to Trump.

Where are the lawsuits against these people? From the government AND individual civil suits. Does anybody on the right do anything but bitch about shit? I'm not blaming (just) Trump. The head Dem hasn't filed all the left's lawsuits.

We got all these new, conservative justices. They aren't any good if the lawsuits aren't put before the court.