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View Full Version : Bill Clinton at orgy island with Epstein?

08-02-2020, 07:46 PM
The logs of Epstein's private plane already show Clinton taking trips at least 26 times. There is at least one photo out there of him with Ghislaine Maxwell getting prepped to board and flight.


Taking trips to this orgy island where both Chauntae Davis and Virginia Giuffre witnessed him there with the younger girls. This is all coming out from recently released court documents.

And the MSM? Couldn't care less apparently. :rolleyes: Appears not one tv station covered the story. Perhaps they are scared? :dunno:

And being Cilnton - does anyone doubt the story for a single moment?


Leftist Media Ignores Court Docs Alleging Bill Clinton Visited Epstein Island

The corporate and left-wing media has largely ignored details in newly released court documents about the Jeffrey Epstein case, in which one of Epstein’s victims alleged that former President Bill Clinton was seen on the deceased sex offender’s private island in the company of two young girls.

Analysis by the nonpartisan bias-checker Ground News, which tracks coverage of news stories and assigns a “bias rating” to stories based on coverage or lack of coverage from partisan media, found that coverage of the story came mainly from right-wing outlets.

Just five left and left-leaning sources have covered the story, compared to twenty-five right, right-leaning, or “far right” news outlets that have done so.

Ground News rated the story as a “blind spot” for the left due to lack of coverage from left-wing publications.

The left-wing outlets that covered the story are Newsweek, New York Daily News, Yahoo! News, The Intellectualist, and the Italian news site La Repubblica.

Outlets rated by Ground News as right, right-leaning, and far-right that have covered the story include Breitbart News, the Daily Caller, the Geller Report, InfoWars, The Gateway Pundit, The Blaze, The New York Post, The Daily Mail, The Sun, Red State, HotAir, Fox News, World Net Daily, National Review, The Washington Examiner, PJ Media, ZeroHedge, WayneDupree.com, and Cernovich.com.

The story was also covered by two outlets rated as centrist by Ground News, USA Today and Political Wire.

CNN, MSNBC, The New York Times, The Washington Post, and many other leading left-wing outlets in the U.S. have failed to cover the story, according to Ground News.

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/tech/2020/08/02/leftist-media-ignores-court-docs-alleging-bill-clinton-visited-epstein-island/

Black Diamond
08-02-2020, 08:15 PM

08-02-2020, 08:27 PM
The logs of Epstein's private plane already show Clinton taking trips at least 26 times. There is at least one photo out there of him with Ghislaine Maxwell getting prepped to board and flight.


Taking trips to this orgy island where both Chauntae Davis and Virginia Giuffre witnessed him there with the younger girls. This is all coming out from recently released court documents.

And the MSM? Couldn't care less apparently. :rolleyes: Appears not one tv station covered the story. Perhaps they are scared? :dunno:

And being Cilnton - does anyone doubt the story for a single moment?


Leftist Media Ignores Court Docs Alleging Bill Clinton Visited Epstein Island

The corporate and left-wing media has largely ignored details in newly released court documents about the Jeffrey Epstein case, in which one of Epstein’s victims alleged that former President Bill Clinton was seen on the deceased sex offender’s private island in the company of two young girls.

Analysis by the nonpartisan bias-checker Ground News, which tracks coverage of news stories and assigns a “bias rating” to stories based on coverage or lack of coverage from partisan media, found that coverage of the story came mainly from right-wing outlets.

Just five left and left-leaning sources have covered the story, compared to twenty-five right, right-leaning, or “far right” news outlets that have done so.

Ground News rated the story as a “blind spot” for the left due to lack of coverage from left-wing publications.

The left-wing outlets that covered the story are Newsweek, New York Daily News, Yahoo! News, The Intellectualist, and the Italian news site La Repubblica.

Outlets rated by Ground News as right, right-leaning, and far-right that have covered the story include Breitbart News, the Daily Caller, the Geller Report, InfoWars, The Gateway Pundit, The Blaze, The New York Post, The Daily Mail, The Sun, Red State, HotAir, Fox News, World Net Daily, National Review, The Washington Examiner, PJ Media, ZeroHedge, WayneDupree.com, and Cernovich.com.

The story was also covered by two outlets rated as centrist by Ground News, USA Today and Political Wire.

CNN, MSNBC, The New York Times, The Washington Post, and many other leading left-wing outlets in the U.S. have failed to cover the story, according to Ground News.

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/tech/2020/08/02/leftist-media-ignores-court-docs-alleging-bill-clinton-visited-epstein-island/Hell, I thought this was common, grade school knowledge. The left is going to pretend it never happened?:laugh2:

Black Diamond
08-02-2020, 08:29 PM
Hell, I thought this was common, grade school knowledge. The left is going to pretend it never happened?:laugh2:

Well if he were "republican" and bullshitting about his sex life...

Black Diamond
08-02-2020, 08:31 PM
Well if he were "republican" and bullshitting about his sex life...

Or worse... You're about to be confirmed as Supreme Court Justice and some party from 30 years ago that the accuser barely remembers...