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View Full Version : Sleazy Democrat Rep. Eric Swalwell Attacks Republican Senators

08-08-2020, 10:33 AM
Just gonna run with this Russia thing forever. I wonder what they'll be saying if and when the next Democrat takes office. And what will they then be saying when a republican returns fire and claims they had help from Russia? :rolleyes:

If you have evidence of this stuff, then drop it for us all to see. If not, then STFU already.


Sleazy Democrat Rep. Eric Swalwell Attacks Republican Senators – Accuses Them of Working for Russia

Yesterday two Republican Senators called out Democrat leadership for “knowingly” spreading disinformation on foreign Intel. They were right of course. This is why sleazy Democrat Rep. Eric Swalwell came to the Democrat’s rescue.

Rep. Eric Swalwell, who ran for President but had to drop out after polling at 0%, again stood up for his fellow crooks in Congress who have pushed Russia collusion over the past four years, knowing it was all a lie.

Yesterday, we reported, in a rare rebuke, Senators Ron Johnson (R-WI) and Chuck Grassley (R-IA) sent a letter to top Democrats accusing them of spreading disinformation on foreign Intel. The letter was sent to House Intel Chairman Adam Schiff, Speaker Pelosi, Vice Chair of the Senate Intel Panel Mark Warner and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer.

This was too much for Swalwell who was also parroting the Russia collusion lie. Swalwell responded on Twitter by labeling the letter Russia propaganda:


Swalwell also pushed the Russia collusion lie for years. It’s not clear if he is so ignorant that he believes it or so dishonest that he knows it’s rubbish and pushes it anyways. He is certainly dishonest and not too bright.

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/08/sleazy-democrat-rep-eric-swalwell-attacks-republican-senators-accuses-working-russia/

08-08-2020, 07:19 PM
He is nourished by the smell of his own brain waste we call Farts. He inhales the DNC stupidity gas that comes from the Washington Swamp, and deteriorates with full doses of TDS reminders that obscure all honest facts with Democrat repeated Lies.


08-08-2020, 07:29 PM
Never heard of him. Every time I turn around another nobody, dipstick Dem heard from:rolleyes:

Still hung on Russian collusion, huh?:laugh: