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View Full Version : ‘Offensive and Otherworldly’ for ‘Right-Wing’ Radio Hosts to Question Biden’s Health

08-09-2020, 02:23 PM
The democrats, for the longest time spoke of Trumps mental health and the 25th amendment (along with other endless crap). Some still attack that angle. But when not, they are attacking him from his hair style, to his accent, how he interacts with his wife, endlessly about his children & anything else they can think of or find.

And now, they are going to say and act like it's offensive to question Biden's health, mental health? When something is obviously amiss, and he is hiding from interviews and everything in his basement? And when he has spoken, mistake after mistake? And not just mistakes, but looking lost, and as if something is wrong? And he may run the country, but it's offensive to ask about his health?

F*&$ off CNN. :rolleyes: Did I ever mention previously that democrats tend o be hypocrites?


CNN’s Stelter: ‘Offensive and Otherworldly’ for ‘Right-Wing’ Radio Hosts to Question Biden’s Health

Sunday on CNN’s “Reliable Sources,” anchor Brian Stelter said it is “offensive and otherworldly” for “right-wing” talk radio hosts to question the state of presumptive Democratic presidential nominee former Vice President Joe Biden’s mental and physical health.

Stelter said, “Let’s go on a trip together to a totally alternative universe. You never hear what’s happening there unless you tune in to right-wing talk radio, but you need to know what they are saying because the most popular, most powerful talkers in the country have trained their sights on Joe Biden. What you are about to hear them say is mind-boggling. Look, whether you like Biden or not, this stuff is offensive and otherworldly.”

In a clip, Rush Limbaugh said, “The contrast in knowledge of events and issues, mental acuity, the contrast between Trump and Biden is striking. That is why they are keeping Biden in the basement.”

In a clip, Mark Levin said, “I actually don’t believe Joe Biden is working out of his house. I believe he’s working out of a nursing home or an assisted living home because that’s what he needs.”

In a clip, Ben Shapiro said, “The big problem for Joe Biden is he is falling apart. He’s just falling apart.”

In a clip, Michael Savage said, “He’s not really running for the office. It’s the communist that he picks as his number two who will be running America within three months after he gets sent to the long, long rest he has worked for all of his life. You know, a blanket over his hips, around the clock suites, around the clock care. The man needs the care right now. I pity the man.”

He added, “Every day, every day, this is what’s airing on the radio. There’s Michael Savage saying, I pity the man. There’s Mark Levin saying, I think Biden’s in a nursing home. What the heck is going on on these programs?”

After pointing out Biden rode a bike over the weekend, Stelter concluded, “We are going to see negative partisanship fuel the next three months, the last three months of this never-ending campaign.”


08-09-2020, 04:23 PM
Stupid. If I, or the media or whoever, are not going to question the mental health of the person being pushed to be President of the US, just who are we supposed to question? :rolleyes: Frankly, I'm questioning the mental stability of anyone that associates itself with the left these days because they have gone WAY past benefit of doubt, misunderstood, or any other excuse and landed straight on too stupid to run this country.

And yes, I recall the all-out attack on Trump's "mental stability" by the Dems early on. Was one of the first things they went after, IIRC. But that was okay :rolleyes:

The People of the United States of America need to send these morons packing come November, and I mean ALL of them. I want them left without a row to hoe. It's what they deserve.