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View Full Version : The ‘Mostly Peaceful’ Rioters Break Into Portland Police Union for Third Time

08-09-2020, 03:04 PM
They claimed it was peaceful protesting in Portland and feds coming in created violence... and then further idiots claimed the peace was restored when the feds left.

Truth and facts are, there was much violence and rioting before the feds, and it obviously continues after they leave.

This is what the cities pushing back against Trump created, this is what areas will have when their defunding and abolishing programs push through. :rolleyes:


The ‘Mostly Peaceful’ Rioters Break Into Portland Police Union for Third Time, Light It On Fire… Again

Rioters have broken into the Portland Police Association’s building for the third time, and lit it on fire for the second time, since their riots began nearly three months ago.

Saturday night’s “protest” was declared a riot by the Portland Police Department.



Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/08/breaking-mostly-peaceful-rioters-break-portland-police-union-third-time-light-fire/

08-09-2020, 03:41 PM
They've let this go on until it is going to take troops to take these places back. I still maintain these governors and/or mayors allowing this crap to go on should be held criminally liable.

08-09-2020, 03:49 PM
As a side note: I'm watching this show on the Top 10 Worst places to retire or be a senior citizen. It's only at #5 and MN, CA, OR, and WA have all made the list. And this show pre-dates any of this current crap.

Perhaps these rioters should aim their anger at their inept, corrupt and stupid State and local governments instead of joining the nearest crowd venting?