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View Full Version : Cuomo: ‘Have to Be Blind’ to See Nursing Home Investigations as Not Political, Dismis

08-10-2020, 04:57 PM
Of course it's political, he's a politician.

But not for voting reasons. There are a lot of deaths to speak for, and they were a direct result of sending infection into some of the most vulnerable folks in nursing homes.

This should be looked into and found out what mistakes were made. At minimum to expose it so that it never happens again.

Cuomo doesn't want an investigation and have his name attached to the stupid decision and the deaths. Just man up - admit you made a mistake and then moved on from there. :rolleyes:

So the "accused" is the one who dismisses the idea of an inquiry, and the accused claims to have already done so himself. Ok then.

He states that if you look at the list of nursing home deaths by percentage in your state, that NY would be near the bottom. Hell, there were 6,312 nursing home deaths in NY. Only 7 states had that many TOTAL deaths in their state. :rolleyes:

I believe there's a patent for that one already - https://i.imgur.com/QEn4ALV.jpg


Cuomo: ‘Have to Be Blind’ to See Nursing Home Investigations as Not Political, Dismisses Idea of Independent Inquiry

During a press conference on Monday, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) dismissed the inquiries into the state’s nursing home policies during the coronavirus pandemic as something that “you’d have to be blind to realize it’s not political.” And dismissed the idea of having independent experts look into the matter by saying that he already did and there is no one who is trusted by all members of both parties.

Cuomo responded to a question on the investigation by state lawmakers, his past characterization of other investigations as partisan, and whether he would support an independent investigation by saying, “I wouldn’t do an investigation as to whether or not it’s political. Everybody can make that decision for themselves. I think you’d have to be blind to realize it’s not political. Just look at where it comes from and look at the sources and look at their political affiliation and look at who wrote the letter in Congress and look at what publications raise it and what media networks raise it. It’s kind of incredible. Look at the basic facts on where New York is versus other states, right? You look at where New York is as a percentage of nursing home deaths, it’s all the way at the bottom of the list of states. So, I don’t think anyone — what’s political, what’s not political, everyone can make their own decisions.”

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/clips/2020/08/10/cuomo-have-to-be-blind-to-see-nursing-home-investigations-as-not-political-dismisses-idea-of-independent-inquiry/