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View Full Version : Minus the War Profitteers, What Would This War Look Like?

09-15-2007, 12:06 AM
I suspect it would not look like anything that common Americans would want to become involved in. I continue my belief there is no greater sin than profitteering in the blood of true believers.

09-15-2007, 02:59 AM
and what on earth are you talking about now?

09-15-2007, 06:20 AM
2. Titan
3. Bechtel
4. Aegis Defense Services
5. Custer Battles
6. General Dynamics
7. Nour USA Ltd.
8. Chevron
9. ExxonMobil
10. ConocoPhillips

Just <a href=http://www.alternet.org/waroniraq/41083/?page=4>10 of the most brazen war profiteers</a> feeding on the still breathing carcass of Iraq. Haliburton and KBR are just the most though.

And let's not forget Hunt Oil, which recently signed an oil deal with Iraqi Kurds, effectively scuttling any plan the Iraqi government, such as it is, might arrive at to share oil revenues equitably amongst all of Iraq's people. Divide and conquer, then profit from the chaos.

This is what the Iraq war was, and is, all about.