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View Full Version : Big Deal: Israel & UAE More of This. . .

08-13-2020, 11:30 AM
Less of tweets like nonsense on Hong Kong:


Israel and UAE reach historic peace deal, Israel to suspend annexation
The peace deal was the product of lengthy discussions between Israel, the UAE and the United States that accelerated recently, White House officials said.

Israel and the United Arab Emirates reached a historic peace deal on Thursday that will lead to a full normalization of diplomatic relations between the two Middle Eastern nations in an agreement that US President Donald Trump helped broker.

Under the agreement, Israel has agreed to suspend applying sovereignty to areas of the West Bank that it has been discussing annexing, senior White House officials told Reuters.

The peace deal was the product of lengthy discussions between Israel, the UAE and the United States that accelerated recently, White House officials said.

The agreement was sealed in a phone call on Thursday between Trump, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Sheikh Mohammed Bin Zayed, crown prince of Abu Dhabi, who said in a statement that Israel had agreed to stop annexation and that in exchange the UAE and Israel "agreed to cooperation and setting a roadmap towards establishing a bilateral relationship."

US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman, who was in the White House on Thursday, said that "the normalization of relations between Israel and the UAE will make Israel stronger and safer and will likely lead to additional exciting opportunities and incremental prosperity for Israel, its neighbors and the entire region."


08-13-2020, 01:49 PM
It would be fantastic if it sticks, a hell of a start anyway.


Trump Announces Peace Deal Between Israel, UAE; ‘Full Normalization’

President Donald Trump announced Thursday morning that Israel and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) had reached a peace deal and would achieve the “full normalization” of relations, the first peace agreement between Israel and any Gulf Arab state.


President Trump called the new agreement the “Abraham Accord,” after the common ancestor of Judaism, Islam, and Christianity. In a statement (above), the president called the agreement a “historic diplomatic breakthrough.”

Trump told reporters that he had spoken by telephone to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and UAE Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed al Nahyan. “This is a truly historic moment. Not since the Israel-Jordan peace treaty was signed more than 25 years ago has so much progress been made towards peace in the Middle East.”

President Trump added: “Now that the ice has been broken, I expect more Arab and Muslim countries will follow the United Arab Emirates’ lead.”

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/middle-east/2020/08/13/trump-announces-peace-deal-between-israel-uae-full-normalization/

08-13-2020, 04:54 PM
And of course if you watch CNN - it's absolutely nothing, just political timing. Nothing accomplished here, no need to look. :rolleyes:


Everything Is Awful: CNN Shills Spin Trump’s Mideast Deal as Pure Politics

After Donald Trump announced a historic diplomatic deal between Israel and the United Arab Emirates on Thursday, CNN Newsroom host Kate Bolduan and White House correspondent Kaitlan Collins spent more time wondering how Trump will use the deal to boost his re-election chances with Collins going so far as to insinuate the timing of the announcement is suspiciously close to the election.

After summarizing administration officials' statements on the importance of the deal and how it will help the U.S. and our allies stand up to Iran, Collins noted the timing, "We should note they're announcing this agreement with the president's election coming up, certainly something he's going to try to tout on the campaign trail in the next few weeks as he's making his case to voters."

Bolduan concurred that seeing domestic politics in the greatest diplomatic breakthrough in a quarter-century was critical, "Kaitlan, it cannot go unnoticed as you're noting how many people were coming in the room, I took notice some of the language you heard from the president, right? 'We don't need the oil, I kept us out of war, we don't have to be there,' he joked that he actually wanted the deal to be named after him, it is very clear that he thinks this is a winning re-election message. That that can't go unnoticed."

In response, Collins recalled, "[Trump] was talking about the negotiations between the UAE and Israel, something that is ongoing for a long time, but for them to take this step, that's what the president was praising there" and wondered "Why now? Why is this the time that the UAE and Israel are coming to this agreement?"

Rest - https://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/alex-christy/2020/08/13/everything-awful-cnn-shills-spin-trumps-mideast-deal-pure-politics

08-13-2020, 05:14 PM
And of course if you watch CNN - it's absolutely nothing, just political timing. Nothing accomplished here, no need to look. :rolleyes:


Everything Is Awful: CNN Shills Spin Trump’s Mideast Deal as Pure Politics

After Donald Trump announced a historic diplomatic deal between Israel and the United Arab Emirates on Thursday, CNN Newsroom host Kate Bolduan and White House correspondent Kaitlan Collins spent more time wondering how Trump will use the deal to boost his re-election chances with Collins going so far as to insinuate the timing of the announcement is suspiciously close to the election.

After summarizing administration officials' statements on the importance of the deal and how it will help the U.S. and our allies stand up to Iran, Collins noted the timing, "We should note they're announcing this agreement with the president's election coming up, certainly something he's going to try to tout on the campaign trail in the next few weeks as he's making his case to voters."

Bolduan concurred that seeing domestic politics in the greatest diplomatic breakthrough in a quarter-century was critical, "Kaitlan, it cannot go unnoticed as you're noting how many people were coming in the room, I took notice some of the language you heard from the president, right? 'We don't need the oil, I kept us out of war, we don't have to be there,' he joked that he actually wanted the deal to be named after him, it is very clear that he thinks this is a winning re-election message. That that can't go unnoticed."

In response, Collins recalled, "[Trump] was talking about the negotiations between the UAE and Israel, something that is ongoing for a long time, but for them to take this step, that's what the president was praising there" and wondered "Why now? Why is this the time that the UAE and Israel are coming to this agreement?"

Rest - https://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/alex-christy/2020/08/13/everything-awful-cnn-shills-spin-trumps-mideast-deal-pure-politics

I don't pay attention to CNN on topics such as this. The bias is blatant, no sense in getting the knickers bunched.

08-13-2020, 06:18 PM
And of course if you watch CNN - it's absolutely nothing, just political timing. Nothing accomplished here, no need to look. :rolleyes:


Everything Is Awful: CNN Shills Spin Trump’s Mideast Deal as Pure Politics

After Donald Trump announced a historic diplomatic deal between Israel and the United Arab Emirates on Thursday, CNN Newsroom host Kate Bolduan and White House correspondent Kaitlan Collins spent more time wondering how Trump will use the deal to boost his re-election chances with Collins going so far as to insinuate the timing of the announcement is suspiciously close to the election.

After summarizing administration officials' statements on the importance of the deal and how it will help the U.S. and our allies stand up to Iran, Collins noted the timing, "We should note they're announcing this agreement with the president's election coming up, certainly something he's going to try to tout on the campaign trail in the next few weeks as he's making his case to voters."

Bolduan concurred that seeing domestic politics in the greatest diplomatic breakthrough in a quarter-century was critical, "Kaitlan, it cannot go unnoticed as you're noting how many people were coming in the room, I took notice some of the language you heard from the president, right? 'We don't need the oil, I kept us out of war, we don't have to be there,' he joked that he actually wanted the deal to be named after him, it is very clear that he thinks this is a winning re-election message. That that can't go unnoticed."

In response, Collins recalled, "[Trump] was talking about the negotiations between the UAE and Israel, something that is ongoing for a long time, but for them to take this step, that's what the president was praising there" and wondered "Why now? Why is this the time that the UAE and Israel are coming to this agreement?"

Rest - https://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/alex-christy/2020/08/13/everything-awful-cnn-shills-spin-trumps-mideast-deal-pure-politicsSO CNN has figured out that diplomacy is politics? Who'd have thought THAT?:rolleyes:

08-13-2020, 08:28 PM
Well that was a good story for a few hours, Trump just derailed with birther questions about Harris. Never let a good story fully develop.

Oh well, I guess her record is just so damn good, this is their best shot?


08-14-2020, 04:46 AM
and before a new day is really underway, a beginning towards walking back the Hong Kong remark:

Trump Condemns Recent Attacks on Press Freedom in Hong Kong
BY EMEL AKAN August 13, 2020 Updated: August 13, 2020

WASHINGTON—President Donald Trump on Aug. 13 condemned attacks on press freedom in Hong Kong, calling the recent arrest of media mogul Jimmy Lai and the police raid on his newsroom a “terrible thing.”

“I hate to see what happened to Hong Kong, because freedom is a great thing,” he said at a press briefing, in response to a question from The Epoch Times.

Trump’s comments came after Hong Kong police on Aug. 9 made the high-profile arrest of 71-year-old Lai, founder of local pro-democracy newspaper Apple Daily; Lai is accused of colluding with foreign forces in violation of Beijing’s new security law. Nearly 200 police officers also raided the Apple Daily newsroom.

Lai, an outspoken critic of Beijing, was released on bail on Aug. 11, following widespread public support.

“I think it’s a terrible thing,” Trump said.


08-14-2020, 10:54 AM
IMO, Israel is making a break from counting on the US. Wise. The way our left is and how the US has behaved in general as of late? I'm not counting on us for anything and I live here. I could probably get more help from a foreign country than the US, come to think of it.

08-14-2020, 12:49 PM
Israel-UAE breakthrough proves Trump's critics wrong — again

For nearly four years, Washington foreign policy experts and Obama administration alumni warned that the Trump administration was jeopardizing any prospects for Middle East peace. By withdrawing from the Iran nuclear deal, we were told, the U.S. would alienate itself from its allies. By moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem, it would inflame the anger of millions of Arab Muslims. By recognizing Israeli sovereignty in the Golan Heights, it would estrange the Arab states. By maintaining close relations with the Israeli government, it would imperil the lives of Palestinians.

With such a grim record of prediction, Thursday’s historic announcement that the U.S. brokered a normalization agreement between Israel and the United Arab Emirates — the first Gulf Arab state to announce formal relations with the Jewish State — has the D.C. establishment with its tail between its legs once again. Especially now that so many have accepted prominent roles with the Biden campaign, they might want to consider where they went wrong.

I’d recommend starting with why even the prospect of a Biden administration has been enough to push Israel and many of its Arab neighbors closer together. During the Obama-Biden years, the U.S. prioritized bringing Iran “in from the cold” over regional stability and violence reduction. It also considered Western Europe a higher authority on revolutionary changes to the Middle East balance of power than the U.S. allies who actually live there. The threat of a return to those ways of thinking, and the desire to maximize the advantages of the current administration, helped ink the deal that many saw as impossible.

Rather than instigate a new round of doomsday predictions and too-cute-by-half analyses of how Thursday’s news is somehow “bad” for anyone but the Iranian mullahs, the experts and campaign officials who got this issue so wrong might want to revisit some other previous assumptions.

Rest - https://thehill.com/opinion/international/511921-israel-uae-breakthrough-proves-trumps-critics-wrong-again

08-14-2020, 03:15 PM
Israel-UAE breakthrough proves Trump's critics wrong — again

For nearly four years, Washington foreign policy experts and Obama administration alumni warned that the Trump administration was jeopardizing any prospects for Middle East peace. By withdrawing from the Iran nuclear deal, we were told, the U.S. would alienate itself from its allies. By moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem, it would inflame the anger of millions of Arab Muslims. By recognizing Israeli sovereignty in the Golan Heights, it would estrange the Arab states. By maintaining close relations with the Israeli government, it would imperil the lives of Palestinians.

With such a grim record of prediction, Thursday’s historic announcement that the U.S. brokered a normalization agreement between Israel and the United Arab Emirates — the first Gulf Arab state to announce formal relations with the Jewish State — has the D.C. establishment with its tail between its legs once again. Especially now that so many have accepted prominent roles with the Biden campaign, they might want to consider where they went wrong.

I’d recommend starting with why even the prospect of a Biden administration has been enough to push Israel and many of its Arab neighbors closer together. During the Obama-Biden years, the U.S. prioritized bringing Iran “in from the cold” over regional stability and violence reduction. It also considered Western Europe a higher authority on revolutionary changes to the Middle East balance of power than the U.S. allies who actually live there. The threat of a return to those ways of thinking, and the desire to maximize the advantages of the current administration, helped ink the deal that many saw as impossible.

Rather than instigate a new round of doomsday predictions and too-cute-by-half analyses of how Thursday’s news is somehow “bad” for anyone but the Iranian mullahs, the experts and campaign officials who got this issue so wrong might want to revisit some other previous assumptions.

Rest - https://thehill.com/opinion/international/511921-israel-uae-breakthrough-proves-trumps-critics-wrong-againI'm not taking anything away from Trump at all. But it says right up there " what I basically said. Fear of our left and Iran is greater than their fear of one another. Another sketchy Dem, America and right hating Pali ass-kisser means questionable future US support in a region where Iran, Russia and Turkey are flexing muscle.

Common enemies make for interesting bedfellows. We were Stalin's ally in WWII when he was no better if not worse than Hitler.

The other sunni Arab states will probably fall in line. They don't have much choice.