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View Full Version : Voters Say ‘Growing Level of Violent Protest’ Important to Their Vote in November

08-13-2020, 01:57 PM
Another democrat tactic/plan, that will go full circle and bite them in their asses in the end. Most people have had enough of this shit, months ago.


Voters Say ‘Growing Level of Violent Protest’ Important to Their Vote in November

Voters support law enforcement cracking down on violent protests with a majority indicating that the “growing level of violent protest” is important to their vote in November, a Rasmussen poll released Thursday found.

The revelation could bode well for President Donald Trump, who has made sweeping efforts to address the chaos in Democrat-run cities such as Portland.

The survey found that 72 percent of likely voters remain concerned about the growing level of violent protests across the country, and 62 percent said the “growing level of violent protest” is important to their vote in November’s election. Over one-third, or 35 percent, indicated that it is “very” important. That sentiment follows President Trump’s vow to end violence in Democrat-run cities like Portland and Chicago, which have experienced surges of violence — hallmarked by vandalism, looting, and other criminal behavior — in recent weeks.

“Look at what’s going on. All run by Democrats. All run by very liberal Democrats. All run really by [the] radical left. We can’t let this happen in the cities,” Trump said, praising federal forces defending federal property in Portland at the time.

“They grab ’em, a lot of people in jail, their leaders, these are anarchists, these are not protesters … these are people who hate our country and we’re not going to let it go forward,” he added.

Trump came under fire from the far left, including several Democrat mayors, over the decision to deploy federal forces in Portland. DHS and Oregon eventually struck a deal to remove federal officers and rely on state and local police. Over a dozen riots have been declared since.

The Rasmussen survey also asked respondents how they feel about police moving to quell the violence — a controversial subject in the wake of the Black Lives Matter movement, as many BLM activists hold the belief that police institutions are inherently racist and, therefore, the problem.

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/law-and-order/2020/08/13/poll-voters-say-growing-level-of-violent-protest-is-important-their-vote-november/