View Full Version : Kamala Harris Scored As Most Liberal US Senator In 2019, Analysis Says

08-13-2020, 04:28 PM
Funny seeing CNN and others trying to paint her as a moderate, as if lying will get people to vote for them anyway.


Kamala Harris Scored As Most Liberal US Senator In 2019, Analysis Says

Sen. Kamala Harris, Joe Biden’s newly picked running mate, was rated the “most liberal” U.S. senator in 2019, beating out Sen. Bernie Sanders, a Democratic Socialist, and Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Massachusettstan).

The rating was compiled by GovTrack, an organization that tracks U.S. lawmakers’ voting records and touts itself as “one of the oldest government transparency websites in the world.”

“Our unique ideology analysis assigns a score to Members of Congress according to their legislative behavior by how similar the pattern of bills and resolutions they cosponsor are to other Members of Congress,” the group says on its website. “The score can be interpreted as a conservative — liberal scale, although of course it only takes into account a small aspect of reality.”

Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) comes in at No.1 “most conservative,” with a 1.0 rating. Harris comes in No. 100, with a 0.0 rating.

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/08/kamala-harris-scored-liberal-us-senator-2019-analysis-says/

08-14-2020, 02:48 PM
Funny seeing CNN and others trying to paint her as a moderate, as if lying will get people to vote for them anyway.

And it continues. Do they think perhaps some will fall for it and simply vote for 'her' because she is a moderate? Though her voting record speaks another story entirely. How they say this crap with straight faces is beyond me.


NBC is a JOKE: Harris ‘Under New Scrutiny’...For Being ‘Not Progressive Enough’

NBC has launched an orchestrated effort to lie about the radical left-wing ideology of Democratic California Senator and vice presidential candidate Kamala Harris. Just minutes after Joe Biden selected her on Tuesday, the network claimed leftists would “hand-wring” over her being too moderate, then on Wednesday, it declared she had a “moderate political reputation,” finally on Thursday, the propaganda media outlet actually argued Harris was under “scrutiny” for being “not progressive enough.”

Pushing the deception on Thursday’s Today show, co-host Savannah Guthrie proclaimed: “Before she got to the national stage, Senator Harris was a prosecutor in California. And this morning, her record is coming under new scrutiny, as would be expected, as she’s now at the top of the ticket.”

Correspondent Gabe Gutierrez then had the gall to suggest the “scrutiny” was over the left-wing Democrat not appealing to the far left: “Senator Harris has faced criticism from all sides. Some Republicans are now blasting her for being too far left, but she has plenty of critics in California who say she was not progressive enough.”

“Now that she’s sharing the national stage with Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and her record as a prosecutor are under renewed scrutiny,” the reporter asserted, before laughably fretting: “But even as a Democratic rising star, she frustrated some on the left.” A soundbite ran of San Francisco Democratic Party chair David Campos complaining: “She did not turn out to be, from our perspective, the progressive prosecutor that she promised to be when many of us supported her.”

Rest - https://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/kyle-drennen/2020/08/14/nbc-joke-harris-under-new-scrutinyfor-being-not-progressive-enough

Not that it means much, but funny seeing Obama's speech writer chime in:

'Hilarious': Obama's Former Speechwriter Thrilled Media Calling Radical Kamala, a ‘Moderate’

When even Obama’s former speechwriter has to come out and tell the media they’re downplaying how radical Kamala Harris is, it’s pretty bad.

But that’s exactly what happened during the Obama alumni podcast, Pod Save America Thursday. Former speechwriter and co-host Jon Favreau mocked the media’s characterization of Harris’s politics while taking glee in the idea that progressives were now being covered as moderates.

After spending several minutes gushing over Harris as charming and funny, (“I think her charisma--I think she’s the best speaker on a Democrat party major ticket since Barack Obama!”) Favreau asked his co-hosts what they thought about some progressive pushback to Biden’s choice.

Former Obama senior adviser Dan Pfeiffer was encouraged by Biden moving to the extreme left on issues like climate and student debt. He encouraged progressive this was a “sign” they would get what they want in a Biden-Harris administration:

“The progressive activists are going to have a real opportunity to have a real influence on the agenda in a Biden-Harris administration,” he gushed.

Rest - https://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/kristine-marsh/2020/08/14/hilarious-obamas-former-speechwriter-thrilled-media-calling

08-14-2020, 03:30 PM
Every four years we have to listen to this crap. :rolleyes:

And yes, there ARE people out there buying it:cuckoo: