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View Full Version : Elizabeth Warren Previews ‘Big List’ of Agenda Items for Biden Administration

08-15-2020, 03:21 PM
Probably how many are looking at it - wish list time. :rolleyes:


Elizabeth Warren Previews ‘Big List’ of Agenda Items for Biden Administration

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) has a “big list” of agenda items for a Biden administration, which she previewed during an appearance at the virtual Netroots Nation conference on Friday.

The former Biden rival — known on the campaign trail for her lofty progressive proposals to implement an “Ultra-Millionaire Tax” and cancel student debt on the first day of her presidency — said she has a “big list” of agenda items for the Biden administration to tackle should Joe Biden (D) defeat President Trump in November:


“Finally, we can demand that our Congress make the real changes statutorily that we need to make. We need to get everybody on a path to citizenship,” she explained. “These are changes we need to make.”

“Here’s the good news, though. It’s a big list. It’s a big list,” she continued, suggesting that demands include action the White House can take unilaterally.

“It’s a list about the things the president will be able to do by himself and with help from Kamala and all of his administration,” she said. “It’s a list of the things Congress needs to do. It’s also a list of the things the agencies themselves need to do.”

Warren added that she has a list for several agencies, including the Department of Education and EPA:

Have I got a list for the Department of Education, oh! And a list for the Treasury Department and a list for the EPA. We got a lot of people who want to do that work. So I think of this as, you ask me what are we going to start doing on January 21, and my answer is, it’s actually all the pieces we start putting in place, at the latest, starting on November 4, the day after the win that people are lined up, and they are ready to go.

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/08/15/elizabeth-warren-previews-big-list-agenda-items-biden-administration/

08-15-2020, 05:02 PM
*yawn* How many more months of losing brain cells do we have to go listening to "dumb"?

She is right about one thing: There are things the President can do unilaterally. Now would be a good time to start.