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View Full Version : Laura Loomer election results posted - 2 days before election

08-17-2020, 12:11 PM
Same as they do with many polls - make things seem much worse than they are - and then some will then see it as worthless to then participate and stay home.


CBS News Posts Results In Laura Loomer’s Race, DAYS BEFORE ELECTION!

A South Florida CBS affiliate, CBS 12, posted the primary election results for over a half-dozen races last night to their website, days before the final votes are to be counted. Florida’s final absentee ballots and in-person election day voting occurs on Tuesday from 7am to 7pm. Despite this, congressional candidate Laura Loomer, who is running in the Republican primary to take on far-left career politician Lois Frankel, found herself shocked to see that 100% of precincts reporting their tallies late Sunday night.


The “results” showed the establishment candidates facing Loomer with a lion’s share of the votes and the journalist turned candidate barely snagging a few thousand votes. Given the fact that Loomer has built a massive volunteer army and raised over $1,000,000 and spent over $500,000 in the primary, those numbers are statistically impossible. However, if you are looking to suppress excitement among her very dedicated fanbase in the final hours of the election, posting “election results” like this would be one way to demoralize people into staying home and becoming hopeless.

Speaking exclusively to TGP, Loomer blasted CBS12.

CBS12, one of the major local news stations here in Palm Beach County where I’m running for Congress is actively engaging in VOTER SUPPRESSION on their website by posting fake election results! The election is on August 18th! Today is August 16th, yet CBS12’s website claims to have 100% reporting of all precinct votes!


My campaign contacted the station tonight and explained how this is voter suppression, we requested for them to take it down, and they are REFUSING to do so. Call CBS12’s news desk ASAP and ask them why they are posting fake election results to suppress voters ahead of the August 18th Florida Primary election!You can reach them at 561-881-0796.

When CBS12’s leadership was reached by this GP reporter, they claimed that the results have been removed and were intended to be an “internal test” of their election night results tools. This comes less than 12 hours after officials had refused calls from dozens of people who asked them to remove the phony election results.

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/08/cbs-news-posts-results-laura-loomers-race-days-election/

08-18-2020, 12:25 PM
Were all the winners Democrats?

08-19-2020, 01:23 PM
So much for such tiny support for Loomer.

But she has no chance in the election, unfortunately.


Laura Loomer wins GOP primary to challenge Rep. Lois Frankel

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. (AP) — A far-right social media provocateur whose hate speech got her banned from social media won her Republican primary on Tuesday and will challenge Democratic Rep. Lois Frankel for Congress in November.

Laura Loomer also won praise from President Donald Trump early Wednesday, who tweeted that she has a “great chance." Trump's new official residence, his Mar-a-Lago resort, is in the district.

Despite the president's confidence, Loomer, 27, will be a heavy underdog.

Frankel, 72, has been a political fixture for decades in the Palm Beach County district, which is so firmly Democratic that Republicans have only run a candidate in one of the four previous elections since its current boundaries were drawn in 2012. Frankel beat that challenger in 2016 by 27 points.

Loomer received 43% in a six-candidate Republican field, garnering 14,500 votes. Combined, the Republican candidates totaled 34,000 votes. Frankel, running against a political newcomer, received 75,000 votes, or 86% in the Democratic primary, which had 87,000 votes cast.

Rest - https://www.yahoo.com/news/far-provocateur-wins-gop-primary-110234891.html