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08-18-2020, 01:16 PM
Causing a lot of angst today, remarkable:


08-18-2020, 01:36 PM
Thought I posted that one, but it's one of those videos that should or needs to be repeated on the national stage all the way til election day.

It's nothing attacking, simply showing actual video footage of Joe in the past, showing him tossing out his words quickly and with thought. And then more video footage taken in the past year since he started campaigning. This new footage clearly shows his decline. It amplifies the fact that he is much slower today, much more confused & gets caught up in his own thinking and speaking and as if he can't multi-task the 2 of them. That would be called a mental decline.

Most would instantly take it as offensive, and shouldn't be aired and anything to once again vilify from day one and make no attempt to discuss the underlying facts. Which is why they avoid just that with him today as he hides from the press and citizens. They are truly hoping to hide him and any of his decline, as much as possible up to election day.

08-18-2020, 06:53 PM
I think everyone knows this. Democrats included, especially Democrats in Washington, DC

Newt Gingrich cited a Rasmussen poll where 49% of Democrats did not believe Joe Biden would serve out his first term.

If Biden wins, it will be bait and switch. Kamala Harris will wind up in the Oval Office.

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08-18-2020, 07:10 PM
I think everyone knows this. Democrats included, especially Democrats in Washington, DC

Newt Gingrich cited a Rasmussen poll where 49% of Democrats did not believe Joe Biden would serve out his first term.

If Biden wins, it will be bait and switch. Kamala Harris will wind up in the Oval Office.

Effing unbelievable. Knowing all of this, and admitting as much, and they'll be overly enthusiastic and vote for him anyway. So many reasons to avoid that ticket like the plague. Even knowing the vp would be Kamala, still way way too many unknowns.


59% Think Biden Unlikely to Finish A Four-Year Term in White House

Likely Democrat nominee Joe Biden is expected to announce his vice presidential running mate any day now, and most voters think it’s likely that person will be president within the next four years if Biden is elected in November.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 59% of Likely U.S. Voters believe it’s likely Biden’s running mate will be president before the end of Biden’s four-year term if he wins this fall, with 39% who say it’s Very Likely. Thirty-five percent (35%) consider it unlikely that Biden’s vice presidential choice will be president before his four-year term ends, but that includes only 14% who think it’s Not At All Likely. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

Even 49% of Democrats think it’s likely Biden’s vice president will become president in the next four years, although that compares to 73% of Republicans and 57% of voters not affiliated with either major party.

Rest - https://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/elections/election_2020/59_think_biden_unlikely_to_finish_a_four_year_term _in_white_house

Poll reveals half of Democrats don't think Joe Biden will serve all four years of his term if elected president as he prepares to announce his female VP pick midweek

A new Rasmussen Reports poll shows that more than half of the voters surveyed, and nearly half of Democrats, don't believe Joe Biden will complete all four years
59 percent believe it 'likely' that Biden's running mate would become president
The survey suggests younger voters in particular are convinced that Biden would not finish his first term if elected president
38% of voters, including 20% of Democrats, believe Biden, who would be 78 if he wins the White House, is suffering from some form of dementia

More than half of Democrats do not believe Joe Biden would serve all four years as president should the 77-year-old be elected this November.

In a poll by Rasmussen Reports, some 59% of possible voters believe that whomever is chosen as Biden's vice president would take over before the end of his first term in 2025.

And 49% of Democrats who responded to the survey suggested that many are not fussed who takes over the presidency, so long as it's not President Trump.

Rest - https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8613893/Poll-reveals-half-Democrats-dont-think-Joe-Biden-serve-four-years-elected-president.html

08-18-2020, 07:19 PM
...His deterioration is glaringly obvious. 81 days till election can literally be a lifetime for Joe. Those

who .....

stand idly by and don't intervene are setting this man up for the ultimate embarrassment except he'll

be too far gone to know.

***BTW... anybody heard from or seen Robert Mueller lately? Sad.

08-18-2020, 07:56 PM
I got another CRANK call from Joe in his basement today...telling me that Jill has him locked down there with a PORTA POTTY, and the DNC sends his meals to him every morning. He's gotten used to eating "CROW" and saving the bones to hold his eyes open during the Convention on CNN.:laugh::laugh::laugh: