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View Full Version : DNC Faked Kamala Supporters

08-20-2020, 11:17 AM
Looks like there were only going to be about 30 people on screen. They couldn't find 30 legit folks to put on screen? Obviously she has way many supporters than that, so why lie and fake shit? :rolleyes:

Seems like all they do is always calculated lying.


CAUGHT: DNC Faked Kamala Supporters! – Used Double Images of Kamala Fans in Crowd Shot

Holy Smokes!

Kamala Harris delivered her DNC virtual convention speech on Wednesday night from somewhere.

After she was done there was dead silence and then some women only appeared on a screen and she waved at them.
It did not look like they could see her because they did not react.

But then somebody noticed the crowd was faked!

But the DNC faked the crowd of supporters.
They used double images of the same people to make their crowd shot!


Via Trump legal adviser Jenna Ellis—


Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/08/omg-dnc-faked-convention-crowd-used-double-images-kamala-supporters-crowd-shot/

08-20-2020, 12:27 PM
This is just funny! They couldn't get enough Democrats to figure out Zoom or whatever platform they were using? LOL! How much time did they have to pull it together?

08-20-2020, 12:30 PM
This is just funny! They couldn't get enough Democrats to figure out Zoom or whatever platform they were using? LOL! How much time did they have to pull it together?

Even if you watch it in live time, it was so easy to notice. WTF were they thinking? Dang, they were better off making fake people. But on a massive screen they make duplicates.

Maybe declining Joe is making the videos :dunno:

08-20-2020, 07:44 PM
This is just funny! They couldn't get enough Democrats to figure out Zoom or whatever platform they were using? LOL! How much time did they have to pull it together?:laugh:

08-20-2020, 07:52 PM
"FAKES" for a "FAKE " says it all. It was the best they could do.