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View Full Version : A recap of Dems - of just 4 years

08-20-2020, 01:25 PM
I started to think of a list of things that either took place or left me shaking my head in the past 4 years. Of course I had to often reference the internet for quotes and what not. But mostly off the top of my head. And yeah - I know someone could likely make a competing list of sorts, something about the right and Trump. And yoohah for that, just do so and I'll be happy to discuss in another thread. In this one, I am trying to highlight things from the left.

I wish I had did this in some form of making sense order :) But you read it how it appears in my screwed up head.

Prevent Trump taking office by any means
Hillary emails and coverup
Swore they would obstruct his presidency
FISA warrants
Fake dossier
Stzrok & Page
Clapper and Brennan - coincidental analysts CNN, NBC, MSNBC
Mccabe and Comey
Wiretap Trump for a year
Adam Schiff gross lies on TV and in a trial - claimed he had proof in his possession
Guilty plea by FBI's Clinesmith...

Literally changed whistleblower rules day before whistleblower comes forward
Muellers investigation
Joe Biden and Hunter Biden - Ukraine & China

MSM loses it and admits they work for Democrats

Hell breaks loose and protests and violence - democrat and MSM supported
Dems want to eliminate the electoral college
Prisoners voting, and some all for illegals voting too

Tim Kaine calls on liberals to “fight in the streets” against Trump and his supporters. (and now this on MSNBC as well)
Former CNN host Kathy Griffin posts a grotesque photo of herself holding a fake severed head that resembles Trump
Obama-appointed Attorney General Loretta Lynch calls for liberals to march, bleed and die in the streets as they “resist” Trump
Vulgar liberal comedienne Sarah Silverman calls for a military coup against our duly-elected president
Madonna publicly fantasizes about blowing up the White House at the Women’s March in Washington, DC
Woman at anti-Trump rally openly calls for violent revolution. CNN reporter is sympathetic
Liberal preschool teacher tells BLM rally that it’s time to start murdering white conservatives
A letter addressed to Donald Trump Jr. was sent to his home. When Trump’s former wife Vanessa opened the letter, she found a suspicious white powder inside
Tom Arnold took to Twitter to call on fellow Democrats to threaten Barron Trump when Melania takes him to school. The disgusting actor took it even further and called on the Left to go to the Kushner’s kids school
Maxine Waters (CA) called on her supporters to go after anyone in Trump’s cabinet or inner circle - Already, you have members of your cabinet that are being booed out of restaurants…who have protesters taking up at their house, who say, ‘No peace, no sleep… No peace, no sleep’”

“And so, let’s stay the course…Let’s make sure we show up wherever we have to show up and if you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them, and you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere,”

“Mr. President, we will see you every day, every hour of the day, everywhere that we are to let you know you cannot get away with this!”

Obama saying that when it comes to Republicans, you need to “argue and get in their face”, tells his supporters that “we need to punish our enemies”

"Michele (Bachmann), slit your wrist. Go ahead... or, do us all a better thing [sic]. Move that knife up about two feet. Start right at the collarbone." -- Montel Williams

“F*ck that dude. I’ll smack that f*cker’s comb-over right off his f*cking scalp. Like, for real, if I met Donald Trump, I’d punch him in his f*cking face. And that’s not a joke. Even if he did become president — watch out, Donald Trump, because I will punch you in your f*cking face if I ever meet you. Secret Service had better just f*cking be on it. Don’t let me anywhere within a block.”– Rapper Everlast on Donald Trump

“I know how the ‘tea party’ people feel, the anger, venom and bile that many of them showed during the recent House vote on health-care reform. I know because I want to spit on them, take one of their “Obama Plan White Slavery” signs and knock every racist and homophobic tooth out of their Cro-Magnon heads.” — The Washington Post’s Courtland Milloy

“F*** God D*mned Joe the God D*mned Motherf*cking plumber! I want Motherf*cking Joe the plumber dead.” — Liberal talk show host Charles Karel Bouley on the air.

“..And then there’s Rumsfeld who said of Iraq ‘We have our good days and our bad days.’ We should put this S.O.B. up against a wall and say ‘This is one of our bad days’ and pull the trigger. Do you want to salvage our country? Be a savior of our country? Then vote for John Kerry and get rid of the whole Bush Bunch.” — From a fund raising ad put out by the St. Petersburg Democratic Club

“Cheney deserves same final end he gave Saddam. Hope there are cell cams.” — Rep. Chuck Kruger (D-Thomaston)

“If I had my way, I would see Katherine Harris and Ken Blackwell strapped down to electric chairs and lit up like Christmas trees. The better to light the way for American Democracy and American Freedom!” — Democratic Talk Radio’s Stephen Crockett

“May your children all die from debilitating, painful and incurable diseases.” — Allan Brauer, the communications chair of the Democratic Party of Sacramento County to Ted Cruz staffer Amanda Carpenter

“Violence solves nothing. I want a rhino to f*ck @SpeakerRyan to death with its horn because it's FUNNY, not because he's a #GOPmurderbro.” – Jos Whedon

"Or pick up a baseball bat and take out every f*cking republican and independent I see. #f*cktrump, #f*cktheGOP, #f*ckstraightwhiteamerica, #f*ckyourprivilege."

“I wish they (Republicans) were all f*cking dead!” — Dan Savage

“Sarah Palin needs to have her hair shaved off to a buzz cut, get headf*cked by a big veiny, ashy, black d*ck then be locked in a cupboard.” — Azealia Banks

Then just a few things I'm sure, things and names that I and others have all been labeled.

racist & sexist

Basket of deplorables
Criticizing anything Obama makes you a racist
Terrorist for supporting 2nd amendment
"teabagger" for supporting US Constitution
Homophobe for everything, Xenophobe, Islamaphobic, transphobic, - they do this to control what one says
Biden says we are "virulent people" - "Dregs of society"
Entitled, racist, bigoted, thugs - “Trumpublicans" “Trump-thug-licans”

08-20-2020, 05:21 PM
Can I borrow and use this list you created? Thanks.

I started to think of a list of things that either took place or left me shaking my head in the past 4 years. Of course I had to often reference the internet for quotes and what not. But mostly off the top of my head. And yeah - I know someone could likely make a competing list of sorts, something about the right and Trump. And yoohah for that, just do so and I'll be happy to discuss in another thread. In this one, I am trying to highlight things from the left.

I wish I had did this in some form of making sense order :) But you read it how it appears in my screwed up head.

Prevent Trump taking office by any means
Hillary emails and coverup
Swore they would obstruct his presidency
FISA warrants
Fake dossier
Stzrok & Page
Clapper and Brennan - coincidental analysts CNN, NBC, MSNBC
Mccabe and Comey
Wiretap Trump for a year
Adam Schiff gross lies on TV and in a trial - claimed he had proof in his possession
Guilty plea by FBI's Clinesmith...

Literally changed whistleblower rules day before whistleblower comes forward
Muellers investigation
Joe Biden and Hunter Biden - Ukraine & China

MSM loses it and admits they work for Democrats

Hell breaks loose and protests and violence - democrat and MSM supported
Dems want to eliminate the electoral college
Prisoners voting, and some all for illegals voting too

Tim Kaine calls on liberals to “fight in the streets” against Trump and his supporters. (and now this on MSNBC as well)
Former CNN host Kathy Griffin posts a grotesque photo of herself holding a fake severed head that resembles Trump
Obama-appointed Attorney General Loretta Lynch calls for liberals to march, bleed and die in the streets as they “resist” Trump
Vulgar liberal comedienne Sarah Silverman calls for a military coup against our duly-elected president
Madonna publicly fantasizes about blowing up the White House at the Women’s March in Washington, DC
Woman at anti-Trump rally openly calls for violent revolution. CNN reporter is sympathetic
Liberal preschool teacher tells BLM rally that it’s time to start murdering white conservatives
A letter addressed to Donald Trump Jr. was sent to his home. When Trump’s former wife Vanessa opened the letter, she found a suspicious white powder inside
Tom Arnold took to Twitter to call on fellow Democrats to threaten Barron Trump when Melania takes him to school. The disgusting actor took it even further and called on the Left to go to the Kushner’s kids school
Maxine Waters (CA) called on her supporters to go after anyone in Trump’s cabinet or inner circle - Already, you have members of your cabinet that are being booed out of restaurants…who have protesters taking up at their house, who say, ‘No peace, no sleep… No peace, no sleep’”

“And so, let’s stay the course…Let’s make sure we show up wherever we have to show up and if you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them, and you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere,”

“Mr. President, we will see you every day, every hour of the day, everywhere that we are to let you know you cannot get away with this!”

Obama saying that when it comes to Republicans, you need to “argue and get in their face”, tells his supporters that “we need to punish our enemies”

"Michele (Bachmann), slit your wrist. Go ahead... or, do us all a better thing [sic]. Move that knife up about two feet. Start right at the collarbone." -- Montel Williams

“F*ck that dude. I’ll smack that f*cker’s comb-over right off his f*cking scalp. Like, for real, if I met Donald Trump, I’d punch him in his f*cking face. And that’s not a joke. Even if he did become president — watch out, Donald Trump, because I will punch you in your f*cking face if I ever meet you. Secret Service had better just f*cking be on it. Don’t let me anywhere within a block.”– Rapper Everlast on Donald Trump

“I know how the ‘tea party’ people feel, the anger, venom and bile that many of them showed during the recent House vote on health-care reform. I know because I want to spit on them, take one of their “Obama Plan White Slavery” signs and knock every racist and homophobic tooth out of their Cro-Magnon heads.” — The Washington Post’s Courtland Milloy

“F*** God D*mned Joe the God D*mned Motherf*cking plumber! I want Motherf*cking Joe the plumber dead.” — Liberal talk show host Charles Karel Bouley on the air.

“..And then there’s Rumsfeld who said of Iraq ‘We have our good days and our bad days.’ We should put this S.O.B. up against a wall and say ‘This is one of our bad days’ and pull the trigger. Do you want to salvage our country? Be a savior of our country? Then vote for John Kerry and get rid of the whole Bush Bunch.” — From a fund raising ad put out by the St. Petersburg Democratic Club

“Cheney deserves same final end he gave Saddam. Hope there are cell cams.” — Rep. Chuck Kruger (D-Thomaston)

“If I had my way, I would see Katherine Harris and Ken Blackwell strapped down to electric chairs and lit up like Christmas trees. The better to light the way for American Democracy and American Freedom!” — Democratic Talk Radio’s Stephen Crockett

“May your children all die from debilitating, painful and incurable diseases.” — Allan Brauer, the communications chair of the Democratic Party of Sacramento County to Ted Cruz staffer Amanda Carpenter

“Violence solves nothing. I want a rhino to f*ck @SpeakerRyan to death with its horn because it's FUNNY, not because he's a #GOPmurderbro.” – Jos Whedon

"Or pick up a baseball bat and take out every f*cking republican and independent I see. #f*cktrump, #f*cktheGOP, #f*ckstraightwhiteamerica, #f*ckyourprivilege."

“I wish they (Republicans) were all f*cking dead!” — Dan Savage

“Sarah Palin needs to have her hair shaved off to a buzz cut, get headf*cked by a big veiny, ashy, black d*ck then be locked in a cupboard.” — Azealia Banks

Then just a few things I'm sure, things and names that I and others have all been labeled.

racist & sexist

Basket of deplorables
Criticizing anything Obama makes you a racist
Terrorist for supporting 2nd amendment
"teabagger" for supporting US Constitution
Homophobe for everything, Xenophobe, Islamaphobic, transphobic, - they do this to control what one says
Biden says we are "virulent people" - "Dregs of society"
Entitled, racist, bigoted, thugs - “Trumpublicans" “Trump-thug-licans”

08-21-2020, 12:01 AM
And they think conservatives go low.

Thanks Jim. I want to show this to my granddaughter. She registered as a Democrat this year.

08-21-2020, 12:50 PM
I wouldn't brag and show it to anyone myself. Like I said, it was poorly put together, no particular order & thoughts and quotes put together quickly.

But it's all true and factual. But the scary part is that it all took place in less than 4 years. And some of the stuff said by others - if said by someone on the right - it's time to cancel them, impeach them, get rid of them, and condemn them. All in a days work for the left though. :rolleyes: