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View Full Version : Laws vs. Business Policies

08-20-2020, 01:37 PM
Why in the world is this so difficult for people to understand around our nation? And why do so many continue to fight against things, on camera no less, and make asses out of themselves?

It starts off with our regular laws. Then a governor or mayor will push out a mandate in areas where one must wear a mask. Right then and there you already have some folks losing their minds, as God forbid someone tells them what they need to do. :rolleyes:

So now folks go to stores, mostly all types of grocery stores it seems.

Some arguments start with "It's a mandate, no a law, it's illegal for you or anyone to ask"

Others right into it "It's not a law, so screw off"

Some will say "I have a medical condition, you're not allowed to ask me about it, and that's that"

You have the FTBA (freedom to breathe association) using official looking cards claiming exemption, which is horseshit.

Mainly "You cannot tell me to wear a mask. It is not a law. I have rights."

A few ridiculous people telling others that they have a constitutional right not to wear one. One fat lady said she "had a constitutional right to get her pizza".

Anything and everything to avoid wearing a mask. Almost always using the law in their defense. Having no clue, even though people are telling them and they blah blah blah and block it out - that they are private companies and this is their POLICY and if you want to be served - you must wear a mask. That simple, easy concept. But nope.

And folks at all of these stores offer to shop for them and make it as simple as possible. They refuse.

08-20-2020, 02:01 PM
Yeah, I don't get it.

Personally, I abhor wearing a mask. I know I'm not sick, and if everyone else is wearing one, why should I? But, at the end of the day, when all is said and done, I've come to the conclusion that, for now, wearing one is the cost of doing business. I've started to view those who don't wear one, those who don't give you your six feet, as folks who just suffer from a complete lack of respect for their fellow humans beings.

Here's a message to those who refuse to wear a mask: You're not special. Suck it up, buttercup, and maybe we can all get the hell out of this mess a little sooner and we can all go back to normal.

Though I somehow think we will be looking at a new normal...

08-20-2020, 04:18 PM
Yeah, I don't get it.

Personally, I abhor wearing a mask. I know I'm not sick, and if everyone else is wearing one, why should I? But, at the end of the day, when all is said and done, I've come to the conclusion that, for now, wearing one is the cost of doing business. I've started to view those who don't wear one, those who don't give you your six feet, as folks who just suffer from a complete lack of respect for their fellow humans beings.

Here's a message to those who refuse to wear a mask: You're not special. Suck it up, buttercup, and maybe we can all get the hell out of this mess a little sooner and we can all go back to normal.

Though I somehow think we will be looking at a new normal...

My roommate really hates the masks, as both an idea and reality. Thus, she has been ordering everything online and delivered. She goes hiking to get out, but doesn't go to the stores.

Today we celebrated her birthday, I gave her a mask, but the restaurant did not ask her to put it on and she didn't wear it. She had a nice birthday. I may say though, where we went has several rooms, each room has 1 table, thus the server stood 6' or more away and there were no customers within sight distance.

08-20-2020, 04:55 PM
Yeah, I don't get it.

Personally, I abhor wearing a mask. I know I'm not sick, and if everyone else is wearing one, why should I?

The way I try to explain it to folks is like this: (this is based in regular masks, since n95 and medical masks are supposed to be reserved)

So the point of masks isn't to protect you - but it's to protect everyone else FROM you. And yup, just like you, I am confident that I don't have it. BUT there is a time in when you first get it to first showing signs and symptoms. And some, will get the virus and never show symptoms.

So I tell others - this is to prevent them from breathing on others, and breathing air for however far it will carry, and any tiny droplets with it. And if that same person coughs or sneezes, it helps immensely with that as well, and will help keep them from spreading any germs or virus.

So more people wearing them in a tighter place like a grocery store - everyone is very temporarily wearing one - in order to help others from yourself. And the more that participate, that much more gets blocked from moving around in the air.

Who knows who has it at any given moment going into that grocery store. A mask for a few minutes only serves to help everyone going in there.

And yeppers, the cost of doing business. As I was stating, since they can simply decide not to ring you up, or have security toss you, or being filmed and harassed... putting one on saves headaches and gets you service at those registers too!

And I agree, some just think they are special. Those that carry the badges or paperwork from these fake agencies thinking that makes them special and above the policies. Or those turning on their cameras ahead of time - and provoking the issue with medical claims.

08-20-2020, 07:39 PM
Yeah, I don't get it.

Personally, I abhor wearing a mask. I know I'm not sick, and if everyone else is wearing one, why should I? But, at the end of the day, when all is said and done, I've come to the conclusion that, for now, wearing one is the cost of doing business. I've started to view those who don't wear one, those who don't give you your six feet, as folks who just suffer from a complete lack of respect for their fellow humans beings.

Here's a message to those who refuse to wear a mask: You're not special. Suck it up, buttercup, and maybe we can all get the hell out of this mess a little sooner and we can all go back to normal.

Though I somehow think we will be looking at a new normal...
I agree with the bold.

I also completely understand the not wearing one crowd. I hate being told what to do. And I CAN totally see the Orwell or Fritz Lang in face masking a society and basically confining us to our homes "unless on official business", and wait for further word from Big Brother in DC.