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View Full Version : Upper West Side Has 'Had It'

08-22-2020, 02:08 AM
Lawyering up to get their neighborhood back (and they've the $$$ to do so) NIMBY at play:


The Upper West Side rebels in the face of de Blasio’s homeless plague
By Bob McManusAugust 21, 2020

Hell hath no fury like a liberal neighborhood recently mugged by Bill de Blasio. Therein lies a salutary tale.

Manhattan’s leftier-than-thou Upper West Side last month got a vagrant transfusion courtesy of de Blasio’s social-services apparatchiks — hundreds of profoundly troubled men dumped without warning, services or supervision into three hotels in a 10-square-block section of a neighborhood previously best known for Zabar’s bagels and sending Jerry Nadler to Congress.

What followed was predictable enough: “Public urination, defecation, masturbation, aggressive panhandling, cat-calling, failure to wear masks, stalking, drug dealing and crime,” as one disgusted neighborhood eyewitness described it.

Broadway and Amsterdam Avenue in the 70s and 80s were overrun; disorder began to leach into adjoining streets, and local parks became problematic for many dog-walkers, joggers and folks simply out for a stroll.

It wasn’t everywhere, of course, and not all at once. But a little bit of ranting insanity, public drug use and in-your-face card*board-cup shaking can go a very long way indeed.
