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08-22-2020, 12:32 PM
I think it's fairly normal when folks speak out to a recently lost loved one. "I love you" "I'll miss you" and all kinds of other messages.

Everyone grieves in their own way.

But a democrat just couldn't let it be, just couldn't let the man grieve - simply because he doesn't like him. And that IS disgusting to mock someone who is grieving.

Was it a big deal, the comments from this guy? Not really to be honest, just grossly disrespectful. But the way he continued to handle himself in true Dem fashion.... :rolleyes:


Then after his disgusting comment, 2 folks replied from the WH, first from the campaign, and then from Deputy White House Press Secretary Judd Deere. He apparently didn't appreciate them calling him out in public. Well - the way I see it, is that he made public comments and they both simply hit the reply button. He expected them to contact him in private?? The audacity. Don't put yourself out there and speak garbage in public if you don't want folks hearing you or replying.


White House Reporter Mocks President Trump Over Death of Brother Robert Trump

White House reporter Andrew Feinberg mocked President Trump Friday evening over the death of the President’s younger brother Robert Trump. Feinberg is the White House correspondent and Managing Editor of Breakfast Media and is published by The Independent.

Robert Trump’s funeral was held at the White House Friday afternoon. He died last Saturday in New York City at the age of 71.

President Trump tweeted after the funeral, “Robert, I Love You. Rest In Peace!”


A mere ten minutes later Feinberg mocked President Trump, “Not sure twitter works in the hereafter.”

Not sure twitter works in the hereafter. https://t.co/Zh5cpbzJ0V

— Andrew Feinberg (@AndrewFeinberg) August 21, 2020

UPDATE: Feinberg apparently deleted his offensive comments and replies to Trump officials.


Feinberg was rebuked by the Trump campaign’s Tim Murtaugh, who dryly told Feinberg “This is not acceptable.”


Deputy White House Press Secretary Judd Deere followed with a stronger condemnation, “Absolutely disgusting!”

Instead of apologizing to President Trump and Robert Trump’s family when called out, Feinberg attacked Murtaugh and Deere, playing the victim and accusing them of inciting harassment against him.

“Hi, Tim. You know full well how to reach me if have a problem with something I’ve written, and had you chosen to do so, I’d have been happy to address this. What’s unacceptable is you firing up your campaign’s harassment machine instead of acting like an adult.”

“You *definitely* know how to reach me if you have a problem, Judd. Because you and your colleagues have approached me about such matters before — and you know I’ve been responsive — it’s clear that your intent here is to direct harassment, not express any legitimate concerns.”

Hi, Tim. You know full well how to reach me if have a problem with something I've written, and had you chosen to do so, I'd have been happy to address this.

What's unacceptable is you firing up your campaign's harassment machine instead of acting like an adult. https://t.co/wzHCRYuUih

— Andrew Feinberg (@AndrewFeinberg) August 22, 2020

You *definitely* know how to reach me if you have a problem, Judd. Because you and your colleagues have approached me about such matters before — and you know I've been responsive — it's clear that your intent here is to direct harassment, not express any legitimate concerns. https://t.co/6MuXztG4Zp

— Andrew Feinberg (@AndrewFeinberg) August 22, 2020

Photos and video of Robert Trump’s casket leaving the White House with President Trump and family paying their respects.


Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/08/white-house-reporter-mocks-president-trump-death-brother-robert-trump/

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-22-2020, 12:43 PM
I think it's fairly normal when folks speak out to a recently lost loved one. "I love you" "I'll miss you" and all kinds of other messages.

Everyone grieves in their own way.

But a democrat just couldn't let it be, just couldn't let the man grieve - simply because he doesn't like him. And that IS disgusting to mock someone who is grieving.

Was it a big deal, the comments from this guy? Not really to be honest, just grossly disrespectful. But the way he continued to handle himself in true Dem fashion.... :rolleyes:


Then after his disgusting comment, 2 folks replied from the WH, first from the campaign, and then from Deputy White House Press Secretary Judd Deere. He apparently didn't appreciate them calling him out in public. Well - the way I see it, is that he made public comments and they both simply hit the reply button. He expected them to contact him in private?? The audacity. Don't put yourself out there and speak garbage in public if you don't want folks hearing you or replying.


White House Reporter Mocks President Trump Over Death of Brother Robert Trump

White House reporter Andrew Feinberg mocked President Trump Friday evening over the death of the President’s younger brother Robert Trump. Feinberg is the White House correspondent and Managing Editor of Breakfast Media and is published by The Independent.

Robert Trump’s funeral was held at the White House Friday afternoon. He died last Saturday in New York City at the age of 71.

President Trump tweeted after the funeral, “Robert, I Love You. Rest In Peace!”


A mere ten minutes later Feinberg mocked President Trump, “Not sure twitter works in the hereafter.”

UPDATE: Feinberg apparently deleted his offensive comments and replies to Trump officials.


Feinberg was rebuked by the Trump campaign’s Tim Murtaugh, who dryly told Feinberg “This is not acceptable.”


Deputy White House Press Secretary Judd Deere followed with a stronger condemnation, “Absolutely disgusting!”

Instead of apologizing to President Trump and Robert Trump’s family when called out, Feinberg attacked Murtaugh and Deere, playing the victim and accusing them of inciting harassment against him.

“Hi, Tim. You know full well how to reach me if have a problem with something I’ve written, and had you chosen to do so, I’d have been happy to address this. What’s unacceptable is you firing up your campaign’s harassment machine instead of acting like an adult.”

“You *definitely* know how to reach me if you have a problem, Judd. Because you and your colleagues have approached me about such matters before — and you know I’ve been responsive — it’s clear that your intent here is to direct harassment, not express any legitimate concerns.”

Photos and video of Robert Trump’s casket leaving the White House with President Trump and family paying their respects.


Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/08/white-house-reporter-mocks-president-trump-death-brother-robert-trump/

I do not not know that man but-
had that worthless asshole said that in front of me my instant reaction would have been to slap the ffing hell out of him and dare him to take a swing at me -- while praying that the ffing worm had enough guts to make that mistake. So that I could then beat the ffing scum unconscious.
I am not joking.. Be it right or wrong my first thought would be to knock the hell out of the worthless piece of shit..
And yes, I do still have a violent strike in me that rises sometimes. I do not ever deny that reality...-Tyr

08-22-2020, 01:09 PM
From what I've seen and learned of the left over my life - I have zero doubt that many more so got delight out of this and mocked him for losing his brother. :rolleyes:

Did any of them think for a moment how covid affected the funeral, and whether that played a part of having the service there, or elsewhere to attract a crowd even larger? I went back and read through some twitter and it was even more disgusting. :rolleyes:

I didn't think folks would end up finding happiness in death, and then expressing it, but again I underestimated the left.


Critics Bash Trump for Brother’s White House Funeral, Mock His Condolence Tweet: ‘You Went Golfing While He Was Dying’

President Donald Trump’s critics criticized the private White House funeral he held for recently-deceased brother Robert Trump, and mocked Trump’s tweet memorializing his brother.

Following the service, Trump tweeted “Robert, I Love You. Rest In Peace!”

While many people expressed empathy for Trump, there was also a range of other reactions ranging from modest and veiled criticism to more overt hostility and mockery.

News coverage of the funeral noted the rarity of a White House service, that the last funeral held in the People’s House was that of President John F. Kennedy, and that no relative of a president had been so memorialized in almost 100 years.

On MSNBC’s The ReidOut Friday night, host Joy Reid called the move “odd,” and that “It appeared that this was a response to what we saw this week, that he wanted to show his own sort of image of grieving.”

When Reid asked former Sen. Al Franken if he thought it was appropriate for Trump to hold the service at the White House, Franken replied “Everything he does is inappropriate so — you know, I don’t want to say in this instance, this one instance. Everything else he’s ever done is inappropriate.”

There were news cameras present when Robert Trump’s casket was carried from the North Portico, including video of the procession.

Some verified Twitter users slammed the funeral and Trump’s tweet, and some outright mocked him. Objections to the funeral included the cost to taxpayers and the potential political benefit thereof, as well as speculation over the cause of Trump’s death.



Rest - https://www.mediaite.com/news/critics-bash-trump-for-brothers-white-house-funeral-mock-his-condolence-tweet-you-went-golfing-while-he-was-dying/

08-22-2020, 04:59 PM
I think it's fairly normal when folks speak out to a recently lost loved one. "I love you" "I'll miss you" and all kinds of other messages.

Everyone grieves in their own way.

But a democrat just couldn't let it be, just couldn't let the man grieve - simply because he doesn't like him. And that IS disgusting to mock someone who is grieving.

Was it a big deal, the comments from this guy? Not really to be honest, just grossly disrespectful. But the way he continued to handle himself in true Dem fashion.... :rolleyes:


Then after his disgusting comment, 2 folks replied from the WH, first from the campaign, and then from Deputy White House Press Secretary Judd Deere. He apparently didn't appreciate them calling him out in public. Well - the way I see it, is that he made public comments and they both simply hit the reply button. He expected them to contact him in private?? The audacity. Don't put yourself out there and speak garbage in public if you don't want folks hearing you or replying.


White House Reporter Mocks President Trump Over Death of Brother Robert Trump

White House reporter Andrew Feinberg mocked President Trump Friday evening over the death of the President’s younger brother Robert Trump. Feinberg is the White House correspondent and Managing Editor of Breakfast Media and is published by The Independent.

Robert Trump’s funeral was held at the White House Friday afternoon. He died last Saturday in New York City at the age of 71.

President Trump tweeted after the funeral, “Robert, I Love You. Rest In Peace!”


A mere ten minutes later Feinberg mocked President Trump, “Not sure twitter works in the hereafter.”

UPDATE: Feinberg apparently deleted his offensive comments and replies to Trump officials.


Feinberg was rebuked by the Trump campaign’s Tim Murtaugh, who dryly told Feinberg “This is not acceptable.”


Deputy White House Press Secretary Judd Deere followed with a stronger condemnation, “Absolutely disgusting!”

Instead of apologizing to President Trump and Robert Trump’s family when called out, Feinberg attacked Murtaugh and Deere, playing the victim and accusing them of inciting harassment against him.

“Hi, Tim. You know full well how to reach me if have a problem with something I’ve written, and had you chosen to do so, I’d have been happy to address this. What’s unacceptable is you firing up your campaign’s harassment machine instead of acting like an adult.”

“You *definitely* know how to reach me if you have a problem, Judd. Because you and your colleagues have approached me about such matters before — and you know I’ve been responsive — it’s clear that your intent here is to direct harassment, not express any legitimate concerns.”

Photos and video of Robert Trump’s casket leaving the White House with President Trump and family paying their respects.


Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/08/white-house-reporter-mocks-president-trump-death-brother-robert-trump/Completely agree. Don't stick it out there. You put it in writing or on the net, PLAN on it being used against you.