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View Full Version : Students demand tuition cuts

08-22-2020, 04:46 PM
This is what happens when you coddle them. Brainwash and indoctrinate them from early ages onward. They are now entitled to whatever they want.

And some have already offered 10% - but not good enough for them.

Send them to Portland and tell them they're getting no refund & only shit bombs instead.


Students demand tuition cuts as more colleges pivot to virtual learning

Some schools have offered 10% tuition discounts, which critics say is not nearly enough

Students at dozens of universities have circulated petitions demanding a reduction in tuition, with more schools switching to online teaching or entirely abandoning plans to reopen in response to the coronavirus pandemic.

Schools have recently started to accept new students back, but controversies immediately plagued reopening plans as freshmen classes at several schools ignored quarantine and distance rules.

Purdue, Syracuse and UConn administrations all suspended students over such violations, usually due to a large party – typical of any incoming freshman class.

As coronavirus cases surge in some states, other schools have been forced to reconsider reopening plans. Ithaca College and Michigan State backtracked on initial plans after seeing how some schools struggled to handle safety concerns, with both schools opting for online-only classes.

Rest - https://www.foxnews.com/us/students-demand-tuition-cut-colleges-virtual-learning

08-22-2020, 04:57 PM
Pay the price or leave. Physically or virtually. Either way. Used to go through this with disillusioned Marines who decided they would just be shitbirds until they were kicked out because "it wasn't what they thought it was". YOU signed the paper and agreed to a deal, MFer. Honor your word. That is a verbatim response from me each and every time I encountered such.

Didn't know what you were getting into? Nobody ever does. Quit crying and honor your commitment. Cry on your own time and dime.

08-22-2020, 05:00 PM

Next thing we should hear from the College kids is a threat...."Either you cut our tuition or WE JUST WON'T COME ANYMORE! That should hurt ya! Huh????"

Proving another case of How Ignorance Is Bliss!