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08-24-2020, 02:55 PM
The amount of times that folks have wished death on Trump, or hoped that he would be taken out somehow. And others wishing harm of any kind to him or his family.


Never Trumper's Violent Death Wish for GOP Shocks Even MSNBC Host

If none is so zealous as the convert, none is so hateful as the defector.

Appearing on MSNBC's AM Joy today, Never Trumper Tom Nichols today epitomized that hatred of his former party, the GOP. Guest-host Jonathan Capehart had assembled a panel of Never Trumpers to discuss the future of the party.

Here's how Nichols, now a member of the Trump-hating Lincoln Project, expressed this violent death wish for the GOP:

We [Never Trumpers] all have a sentimental attachment to the Republican party. We all loved Old Yeller. But at some point you have to take Old Yeller behind the barn and put him down."

Nichols' violent death wish for the Republican party shocked even the liberal Capehart, sending him into a stumbling response: "Wow! That, that, that's an analo-, an analogy."

If an actual Republican called for the Democrat party to be taken behind the barn and "put down," he'd be accused of a hate crime, of fomenting violence, etc. But no such fate awaits Nichols, of course.

Rest - https://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/mark-finkelstein/2020/08/23/never-trumpers-violent-death-wish-gop-shocks-even-msnbc-host

08-24-2020, 07:09 PM
Guess you better accuse me of a hate crime then. I want the Dem Party completely burned to the ground and the ashes sifted through.

08-24-2020, 09:56 PM
Guess you better accuse me of a hate crime then. I want the Dem Party completely burned to the ground and the ashes sifted through.

Hell Yeah...me too...Damn roaches earned it...

08-25-2020, 10:01 PM
Hell Yeah...me too...Damn roaches earned it...Some of these people just don't need to be alive. Been saying that for quite a few years.

I don't even care if they're deceased. Just out of power, and somewhere they can't ruin any more lives than their own. Fact is, Never Trumpers have sold their ideals down the river over their insane hatred for one person. They need to quit trying to fool themselves or thinking they're fooling anyone else claiming to be conservative. Is that conservative like Mitt Romney:rolleyes:

So they throw their lot in with a political party that is trying to destroy the Constitution and the Nation with it. Brilliant :rolleyes:

08-26-2020, 01:44 AM
Some of these people just don't need to be alive. Been saying that for quite a few years.

I don't even care if they're deceased. Just out of power, and somewhere they can't ruin any more lives than their own. Fact is, Never Trumpers have sold their ideals down the river over their insane hatred for one person. They need to quit trying to fool themselves or thinking they're fooling anyone else claiming to be conservative. Is that conservative like Mitt Romney:rolleyes:

So they throw their lot in with a political party that is trying to destroy the Constitution and the Nation with it. Brilliant :rolleyes:

Ok, the voting for Hillary or Biden I just couldn't do. I could vote against Trump, but not for either of the two that have run against him. Obviously I don't have a problem for voting on principles, but then it's got to be consistent and voting for Biden or Hillary would not be voting for more civility nor more honesty.

08-27-2020, 05:26 PM
Ok, the voting for Hillary or Biden I just couldn't do. I could vote against Trump, but not for either of the two that have run against him. Obviously I don't have a problem for voting on principles, but then it's got to be consistent and voting for Biden or Hillary would not be voting for more civility nor more honesty.

Voting against the Republican nominee means (for me) there is someone better, and that represents my ideals and political philosophy better. AND has a chance to win. I mean, *I* fit all the preceding prerequisites for me but I don't think one vote (mine) is going to cut it :). I would have no problem voting "for" that nominee over a Republican. I'm not one.

That's not our options. Our options are the current President, or left/progressive Hell. I don't like the do nothing-ism of the GOP. But it's better than marching the Nation off a cliff.

Which tells me these Ne'er Trumpers are either stupid, or are letting their dislike for Trump personally make their professional decisions. In the Marines, that gets people killed and is unacceptable.

08-27-2020, 06:09 PM
Voting against the Republican nominee means (for me) there is someone better, and that represents my ideals and political philosophy better. AND has a chance to win. I mean, *I* fit all the preceding prerequisites for me but I don't think one vote (mine) is going to cut it :). I would have no problem voting "for" that nominee over a Republican. I'm not one.

That's not our options. Our options are the current President, or left/progressive Hell. I don't like the do nothing-ism of the GOP. But it's better than marching the Nation off a cliff.

Which tells me these Ne'er Trumpers are either stupid, or are letting their dislike for Trump personally make their professional decisions. In the Marines, that gets people killed and is unacceptable.
I think that what you are saying is what happened. Last election, there were many Dems unhappy with their very, very flawed character, many more than on the right with theirs. All of us know, it played out. I could see, from my perspective, more hope for the future from those disillusioned Dems, than from what I was seeing and hearing from the right.

Then the election. Contrary to what many argued about my posts, I did see what Trump was doing right and credited him for it. Unlike many here, I saw much wrong about what he was doing and saying and didn't ignore that either.

Then the Democrat leadership and left extremists stood up. So I found myself facing a choice of voting against the very bad personality (which isn't just tweets and isn't of 'small matters') or true contempt for our system of government and people from the Democrats. Falsely charging and trying the fairly and legally elected President; the disrespect of the office by the Speaker of the House at the State of the Union Address; the undermining of all attempts-successful and not, to combat the virus.

So, I have to vote. The Democrats made it possible to vote for the 'occupant of the executive office' over the committee to undermine. Becomes easier that way.

08-27-2020, 06:37 PM
I think that what you are saying is what happened. Last election, there were many Dems unhappy with their very, very flawed character, many more than on the right with theirs. All of us know, it played out. I could see, from my perspective, more hope for the future from those disillusioned Dems, than from what I was seeing and hearing from the right.

Then the election. Contrary to what many argued about my posts, I did see what Trump was doing right and credited him for it. Unlike many here, I saw much wrong about what he was doing and saying and didn't ignore that either.

Then the Democrat leadership and left extremists stood up. So I found myself facing a choice of voting against the very bad personality (which isn't just tweets and isn't of 'small matters') or true contempt for our system of government and people from the Democrats. Falsely charging and trying the fairly and legally elected President; the disrespect of the office by the Speaker of the House at the State of the Union Address; the undermining of all attempts-successful and not, to combat the virus.

So, I have to vote. The Democrats made it possible to vote for the 'occupant of the executive office' over the committee to undermine. Becomes easier that way.The Democrats made it possible for me with Bill Clinton. Different circumstances and priorities then, but he flat screwed us in the military. They have gotten only progressively worse since.

And I'm not going to blame just Trump for my opinion of the GOP. They're a bunch of ball-less chickenshits. That started in the 90s, long before Trump.