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08-25-2020, 02:04 AM
Two speakers I really liked and hope we see in the future-neither an 'unknown.'

Tim Scott and Nikki Haley. Both have compelling personal stories, both know how to tell their stories.

08-25-2020, 11:24 AM
Two speakers I really liked and hope we see in the future-neither an 'unknown.'

Tim Scott and Nikki Haley. Both have compelling personal stories, both know how to tell their stories.

I only watched part of and clips of the DNC convention.... but the comparison between the GOP convention and the DNC one is a stark contrast. Stark being the key word...lol. The DNC focused only on the negative, per usual. They didn't seem very confident or hopeful for the future at all. In fact... they seemed quite desperate. :laugh:

08-25-2020, 02:17 PM
There is a difference between the DNC and RNC these two weeks and it can be summed up in two four letter words

The RNC is all about HOPE

The DNC was all about RACE.... (or should I have saId MARX?)

08-25-2020, 09:48 PM
If this is veering too far off, I promise I won't throw a tantrum if anyone splits it off to a separate thread :)

A red flag for me about the DNC Convention is their "Green New Deal". I call it just shifting who has the power, money and control from the oil industry but that's beside the point.

The best way I have heard it put is that Trump has made us oil independent again for the first time since the 60s. In turn, it has lessened the need for our presence and trying to control the Middle East.

The Green New Deal will make us completely dependent on foreign oil which will put us in the position of having to control (protect) the ME.

I'm hitting on just this one issue in the Green New Deal because it's a BIG issue. Dependence on the most tumultuous region in the World at is just plain stupid the way I see it. I think anyone that thinks it's okay, much less a great idea, is red brick dumb and shouldn't be allowed to vote on mental capability issues.

08-26-2020, 01:40 AM
If this is veering too far off, I promise I won't throw a tantrum if anyone splits it off to a separate thread :)

A red flag for me about the DNC Convention is their "Green New Deal". I call it just shifting who has the power, money and control from the oil industry but that's beside the point.

The best way I have heard it put is that Trump has made us oil independent again for the first time since the 60s. In turn, it has lessened the need for our presence and trying to control the Middle East.

The Green New Deal will make us completely dependent on foreign oil which will put us in the position of having to control (protect) the ME.

I'm hitting on just this one issue in the Green New Deal because it's a BIG issue. Dependence on the most tumultuous region in the World at is just plain stupid the way I see it. I think anyone that thinks it's okay, much less a great idea, is red brick dumb and shouldn't be allowed to vote on mental capability issues.

I agree with you, you might want to start something though on DNC Convention, though up to you. ;)