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View Full Version : Confirmed: Medical Examiner Thought George Floyd Had ‘Fatal Level’ of Fentanyl

08-26-2020, 04:19 PM
Rodney King, the trials and then the riots. I think this would be crazier if these men somehow get reduced charges. And I can see that's what they will be aiming for. Manslaughter, contributing to his death in some manner... but anything less than murder and all hell breaks loose. And I think a good attorney can make a case for lesser charges.


Confirmed: Medical Examiner Thought George Floyd Had ‘Fatal Level’ of Fentanyl in His System at the Time of His Death

The medical examiner who examined George Floyd’s death believed that Floyd had a lethal amount of fentanyl in his system when he died.

We reported on August 4th in a post by Larry Johnson that we had a video and a transcript of the the altercation with police surrounding George Floyd’s death. Both pieces of evidence show that Floyd was as high as a kite when he was arrested on the day of his death. Johnson said: “…the Minnesota Attorney General tried to keep the public from seeing the video…”


OX9 in Minneapolis reported yesterday:

New exhibits filed in the case against the four former Minneapolis Police Officers accused of murdering George Floyd suggest the Hennepin County Medical Examiner thought George Floyd’s fentanyl levels were at a potentially “fatal level”, but his and other medical examiner’s findings showed he died of a combination of factors.

Six pieces of evidence were filed in the case Tuesday one day after former officer Tou Thao’s attorneys requested the release of the full autopsy reports from the Hennepin County Medical Examiner, the Armed Forces Medical Examiner and the private medical examiners hired by George Floyd’s family.

The Armed Forces Medical Examiner filed a memorandum agreeing with the Hennepin County Medical Examiner’s final conclusion that Floyd’s death was a homicide, saying, “His death was caused by the police subdual and restraint in the setting of severe hypertensive atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease, and methamphetamine and fentanyl intoxication.”

However, two other memos filed Tuesday from the Hennepin County Attorney’s Office about conversations with Chief Hennepin County Medical Examiner Dr. Andrew Baker paint a different picture about the nature of Floyd’s death.

In one memorandum filed May 26 after a virtual meeting with Baker, the Attorney’s Office said Baker concluded, “The autopsy revealed no physical evidence suggesting that Mr. Floyd died of asphyxiation.” Baker told the attorney his investigation was incomplete pending a toxicology report, however.

The other memorandum filed June 1 by the Attorney’s Office indicated Baker said Floyd’s level of fentanyl was “pretty high,” and a potentially “fatal level.”

“[Dr. Andrew Baker] said that if Mr. Floyd had been found dead in his home (or anywhere else) and there were no other contributing factors he would conclude that it was an overdose death,” the June 1 memo said.

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/08/confirmed-medical-examiner-thought-george-floyd-fatal-level-fentanyl-system-time-death/

08-26-2020, 04:25 PM
That may get some mitigation to what the officers did, but the one did do what he did. Over 8 min. on neck.

This was so egregious and folks of all politics and colors were rightly outraged. Unfortunately it was politicized and given as excuse for mayhem, including arson and attempts at murder.

Now I'll wait for facts, trials, whatever comes next, before getting too worked up one way or another on an incident. Probably would have been good advice to myself in March. ;)

08-26-2020, 05:52 PM
That may get some mitigation to what the officers did, but the one did do what he did. Over 8 min. on neck.

This was so egregious and folks of all politics and colors were rightly outraged. Unfortunately it was politicized and given as excuse for mayhem, including arson and attempts at murder.

Now I'll wait for facts, trials, whatever comes next, before getting too worked up one way or another on an incident. Probably would have been good advice to myself in March. ;)

I can easily see charges being reduced for the other 3 officers. I think it was an overcharge and they will allow for lesser charges. Chauvin is another story. They will push and try to reduce things and have multiple medical folks discuss fentanyl, the danger behind it & how it affects the heart rate and breathing. They will paint him as putting the drugs in himself - initially breaking the law - drove himself into a frenzy and contributed at that point to his own death with an overdose and then resisting and putting pressure on his own heart. They'll have all kinds of valid arguments about what fentanyl does to your body, how deadly it is even in tiny amounts, as in specks & how it severely increases the heart rate. And then go on and on about fentanyl overdoses around the nation and heart related issues and hospital visits.... everything known to man, as that's their job to save their clients ass. All decent points and a lot of validity to what this drug does, and they'll have medical pros ready to talk about how it contributed.

I still don't think it's enough to save him. He not only broke the agencies rules and guidelines against types of kneeling and breathing restricting techniques. And the perpetrator long subdued and showing obvious stress and begging for help. Even if he thought he was faking, there was simply no point. He could have turned him on his side, on his stomach, simply stood him up, placed in car anyway, tied his arms/legs with straps if necessary... SO many other options since Floyd was obviously already subdued. Floyd himself was saying he couldn't breathe as were onlookers. And yet subdued, stating he couldn't breath, onlookers the same & yet nearly 9 minutes anyway.

The fentanyl and how much in his system will give the counsel an angle of defense. That's about it IMO. He's gonna need a LOT more than that, I believe.