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08-26-2020, 05:37 PM
And this is not peanuts we're talking about if you read my prior posts on this crap. We're talking millions, tens of millions & then some.

And it goes all over the map, and funneled in various ways.


Far Left Democrats Sent Money to BLM But ActBlue Took the Donations and Are Distributing the Funds to Only Elite-Approved Democrat Candidates

The Gateway Pundit reported on May 30th that the recent riots in Democrat-led cities around the country were coordinated and related to three main groups: 1) US based Islamist Organizations, 2) Domestic terrorists, and 3) Other radical groups and Marxists linked to the Democrat Party.

There clearly was no reason for the mass riots taking place around the country after the death of the individual at the hands of the police in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Nothing warranted the wholesale destruction of property, the murder and and riots around the US since that event. Nothing excused the mass violence and destruction.

The Gateway Pundit was also the first to report that ActBlue was raising money using BLM as its front group for the donations.

The Daily Caller confirmed this and reported that BLM is not a non-profit organization and nonprofit organization (Thousand Currents) said it provides ‘fiduciary oversight, financial management, and other administrative services to BLM.

Candice Owen reported on the BLM – ActBlue relationship and was targeted by a bogus fact-checker. Tom Fitton from Judicial Watch jumped in and stated that the findings confirmed what we and Candice Owen reported:



We next reported that ActBlue in Texas is paying, not only candidates, but thousands of other unidentified individuals.

We still question if ActBlue is paying rioters for their attempts to destroy American cities?

Today we can report that ActBlue uses its monopolistic fundraising site to back only certain candidates the elites in the Democrat Party believe are worthy of their funds (much of which were extorted from US corporations to support BLM).

One radical progressive candidate is finding this out. Democrat Aaron Coleman in Kansas reported yesterday that his ActBlue account was shut down:


Apparently the gods overseeing the Democrat Party don’t deem him worthy.


Hat tip to Cernovich who brought this to our attention:


ActBlue is the cornerstone of the Democrat Party and its move to the left. It calls itself a non-profit but does all its work for Democrats including accepting donations from BLM and then only funding candidates it claims are worthy. Stealing from others and using it to support your own – kinda sounds like communism.


08-26-2020, 06:21 PM
The BLM, Thousand Currents ties are to say the least kind of sketchy. BLM. Is not a non-profit but is sponsored by Thousand Currents through a loophole in the tax laws. Getting a financial statement on BLM is difficult, but from has been reported, most of the money goes to pay staff and consultants, about 20 % of the money is actually used for Social Justice BS. Sounds like a rip iff to me, too

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