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08-27-2020, 09:57 AM
And nope, not in any way minimizing it. Even just one innocent man shot and killed is too many.

With the NBA canceling their games, a handful of players spoke out about how much they love America - but that no matter what they do or try, America hates them, or similar to that fact.

So they have millions of fans. They get paid millions of dollars. They get trekked around the nation in planes and buses, and the best of the best hotels & just 5 star treatment wherever they go. But not far off from Kaepernick, they use their millions and their reach to talk BS like this. Not all mind you, but far too many.

Then baseball and others did the same yesterday. And then a tennis player in the semi-finals bailed on her match - cause she's sick of the genocide happening non-stop around our nation.

Some of these seem like attention whores, jumping onto a movement or whatever -- and doing what they think the masses will like and garner them the headlines for 15.

I truly feel for those innocent people killed and all of their loved ones. Black lives matter in America as much as whites or any other race or religion. And while the headlines, agendas and MSM would make you think thousands are shot yearly, and as if only blacks are ever shot.


That is a lot of black folks shot when they make up 12-13% of our population. Hispanic folks make up about 16-17% of our population and not much lower stats than blacks shot.

The main issue would be "unarmed black men" being shot.

But how many of the shootings were of armed men?
How many convicted of felonious crimes?
How many shootings investigated - how many were found to be bad?

In other words, ya need to know the underlying circumstances of each shooting. If someone is armed and runs or fights back, then I don't care the color. Was it a wanted felon, or wanted in general? Any criminal history? If so, any weapons charges that they may know going into an event? So many things dictate happens with each individual case.

Again though, that said, even one bad shooting is too many. And as to the title, and those specific numbers - I am NOT minimizing it, if anything, exposing it. It IS a higher percentage than other races. But still, everyone should look at the merits of each shooting alone.

08-27-2020, 11:15 AM
With the NBA canceling their games, a handful of players spoke out about how much they love America - but that no matter what they do or try, America hates them, or similar to that fact.

Just came across another story with the same theme.

This year, the peaceful protests (I'm not going to address the scumbags) - are widely made up of many races. In fact, seemed to me that in the majority of them there were more whites than anyone and more than ever before. Seems like much of the nation is in agreement over bad shootings and black lives being as important as anyone else. More than ever before were pissed at the Floyd death and more than ever before condemned. I see a LOT of improvement around the nation in race terms. The shootings here and there sure put a dent in police/community issues in certain cities - but that does nothing to detract from the "people" around the nation, IMO.

So for another coddled millionaire to talk about people not caring, it gets aggravating to me. How about "The police STILL don't get it" - or "The police still don't care" - or even maybe "Some of the police obviously don't get it or don't care" - but like so many others, they lump in masses.


Mets’ Smith Pleads Through Tears: ‘People Still Don’t Care’

NEW YORK (AP) —Mets slugger Dominic Smith doesn’t care if white teammates join him in kneeling for the national anthem. Doesn’t need them to cut a check to his charity, either.

“If you give your time, that’s the only way we can change,” he said.

Smith spoke through tears Wednesday night after deciding for the first time to protest during “The Star-Spangled Banner” before New York played the Miami Marlins. It was a last-minute decision, spurred by reports he’d seen moments earlier about athletes boycotting games across the country.


Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/sports/2020/08/26/watch-mets-smith-pleads-through-tears-people-still-dont-care/

08-27-2020, 11:33 AM
There is no doubt that all lives are important, regardless of their color or religion.
If there are problems in society, politicians try to make the most of it.
It is important to remember that we are all human beings. We can all be hurt. We all cry when we lose loved ones. We are all able to be compassionate.
Faith in God can change people for the better, we just need to remember that God is and he loves us all.

08-27-2020, 11:43 AM
There is no doubt that all lives are important, regardless of their color or religion.
If there are problems in society, politicians try to make the most of it.
It is important to remember that we are all human beings. We can all be hurt. We all cry when we lose loved ones. We are all able to be compassionate.
Faith in God can change people for the better, we just need to remember that God is and he loves us all.

Well said.

Sometimes all it takes is for a tragic event for folks to lose sight of that. :(

08-27-2020, 04:20 PM
All I'm getting a real good dose of is how many people are brainwashed by the left, media, politicians -- anyone with the agenda of making a buck off ensuring racism lives and remains that way.

I don't care how many blacks are shot as opposed to any other ethnicity/race. Don't be a fucking bad guy. More blacks are murdered by blacks than anyone else, and more blacks are murdered by blacks than are even shot by white cops and it pisses me off that this Nation will go THIS far without addressing actual facts. This is just an excuse for those who make money off it because they can't get a real job.

The criminals out there just being criminals aside, there apparently are a LOT of just stupid people of ALL races out there acting like we live in 1930s rural Mississippi. I'm sick of the excuses and the crying. If there is any "systemic racism" out there it's against whites, not blacks. They have all the protection in the World from systemic racism while we have none.

Y'all want to defend this bullshit and give it credence, go ahead. I refuse to.