View Full Version : Now we know where Alan Colmes came from!

09-15-2007, 02:34 PM
Ya know....I've been TRYING to place my finger on where I had seen him before as a kid! He was a Sleestak on that show called Land of the Lost (http://www.landofthelost.com)!


09-15-2007, 06:49 PM
Ya know....I've been TRYING to place my finger on where I had seen him before as a kid! He was a Sleestak on that show called Land of the Lost (http://www.landofthelost.com)!

He's a loser.

He hasn't realized that his career is a joke and he fucking sucks.

Faux just uses him to try and cover up their hideous right-wing agenda.
"Were balanced! We swear!"

They knew from the beginning that Hannity was a loud right-wing mouth piece that would bitch slap soft spoken Colmes with his hideous lies.

09-15-2007, 08:03 PM
He's a loser.

He hasn't realized that his career is a joke and he fucking sucks.

Faux just uses him to try and cover up their hideous right-wing agenda.
"Were balanced! We swear!"

They knew from the beginning that Hannity was a loud right-wing mouth piece that would bitch slap soft spoken Colmes with his hideous lies.

So you are saying that Colmes is a liar and a pussy. Man up there and show us one lie. And no, I don't need you to show me a pussy....

09-15-2007, 10:04 PM
So you are saying that Colmes is a liar and a pussy. Man up there and show us one lie. And no, I don't need you to show me a pussy....
Well Yurt, maybe you could work on your reading comprehension and point out exactly where I called Colmes a liar???

Perhaps your illiterate eyes saw the word liar (in reference to Hannity) and automatically assumed that because I mentioned Colmes in the beginning of my statement that I was talking about him?

As for the pussy, he absolutely is. Al Franken sites numerous examples in his book "Lies and the lying liars who tell them" where Colmes was a complete pussy.