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View Full Version : Time for a Federal Law regarding violence against individuals based on politics

08-30-2020, 05:57 AM
This has gone on far too long. It is time to get Congress to draft legislation to make it a FEDERAL crime with fines and prison time for intimidating, physically assaulting, or killing a person for expressing his political beliefs.

Some might say that this is a free speech issue. Yes, it is. And that First Amendment is under assault and has been for quite some time.

No one should have to feel afraid to put a Trump sign on their front lawn or wear a MAGA hat in public without being physically assaulted or abused by a bunch of far Left knuckleheads. This type of Gestapo Storm Trooper nonsense has to end, and now.

On Friday’s broadcast of Fox News Channel’s “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) and his wife Kelley Paul discussed their confrontation with an angry mob protesting outside the White House in Washington, D.C. following the completion of the Republican National Convention.
Kelley Paul recounted the emotions of that experience, saying she felt protesters endangered her life.

More at ....


Crazed Mob at Binghamton University (in my home town)


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-30-2020, 08:01 AM
This has gone on far too long. It is time to get Congress to draft legislation to make it a FEDERAL crime with fines and prison time for intimidating, physically assaulting, or killing a person for expressing his political beliefs.

Some might say that this is a free speech issue. Yes, it is. And that First Amendment is under assault and has been for quite some time.

No one should have to feel afraid to put a Trump sign on their front lawn or wear a MAGA hat in public without being physically assaulted or abused by a bunch of far Left knuckleheads. This type of Gestapo Storm Trooper nonsense has to end, and now.

More at ....


Crazed Mob at Binghamton University (in my home town)


Yet another reason that conservatives should go heeled.
Preferable with a fine 45 caliber automatic pistol and at least two extra loaded to max magazines as a back up supply..
The 2nd Amendment to defend ones own life and our freedoms...
These leftist terrorists need to be stopped and need to be eradicated.
As they are now waging a war with the full support and help of the damn dem party! That is a solid fact.....
To go around unarmed in this current world as has been engineered by the the dem party is quite foolish, imho...
One should be heeled and ready to defend life and limb...
Better to be alive and judged by 12 than to be dead and carried to an early grave by 6....
This is the dem party and its faithful third arm - the lame-stream, mainstream media fault-as they have engineered this and are
to be held accountable eventually, if this nation is to survive, imho.
Either this government starts arresting and punishing this-these criminals- or else we will end up in a civil war.
If you have no guns and no ammo-- you may end up being one of the early victims, imho.
Home defense is a priority and one that should not be ignored...
Remember this important part --EXTRA Ammo...
Last week I bought extra for home defense..
Survival is most often gained by those that prepared beforehand my friends... A solid gold fact.. --Tyr


The phrase “go heeled” is an old west term meaning “to carry a gun”.

Kurt Russell and Billy Bob Thornton had an eloquent conversation about it in the movie “Tombstone...