View Full Version : Black Democrat Turns On His Own Party –

08-31-2020, 09:33 PM
`And all we do in America right now is talk about color. Every issue is about race and about color instead of sitting down at the table…`


https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=132&v=h7VMz4M1WWU&feature=emb_ logo

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-01-2020, 06:03 AM
`And all we do in America right now is talk about color. Every issue is about race and about color instead of sitting down at the table…`


https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=132&v=h7VMz4M1WWU&feature=emb_ logo

Absolutely brilliant and courageous was his words--every word..
He spoke the truth, he spoke exactly how I feel about what is going on-- what is being--ALLOWED--- TO GO ON IN THIS NATION!
These vermin doing this violence are not heroes, and they damn sure are not peaceful!
They are--DESTROYERS-- vermin hellbent on destruction, murder chaos and mayhem.
Yet their faithful ally the mainstream media, the third arm of the dem party is in on it to the hilt.
Both entities are enemies of this nation-- that is the cold hard and naked truth of it.
He asked what has become of us that we allow this to go on unchallenged.
I ask that myself.
If it comes to my--home- my yard -it will not be unchallenged.
Should that threat that serious tragic action take place--the vermin will not see a hiding coward..
They will see what a true American stands for and exactly what that --true- American will not and will never stand for..
Either we wake up to what and who the real enemy is or else we will eventually perish.
History teaches that...
Ask the Roman Empire. Destroyed by the division from within.
Either learn history and profit from it or else be doomed to repeat it...
I read and study history, have done so since age 9 --still read and study history--it is a fascinating subject.
I saw much of this coming from 4 years ago.
Thus I relocated to these hills and away from the city.
This is -my- property... Not something up for grabs by a stupid, destructive and hellish mob of idiots, political activists, communists/socialists/liberals and /or people claiming to be victims from over a 150 years ago.....
I will defend my family , my home , my property and those seeking to attack to hurt me or mine will regret ever having had that ignorant and foolish thought.
A fact..
A man must stand for something or else he will fall for anything.
I see tens of millions now not standing.. Not demanding. Not taking any action at all.
I have family, family I so dearly love and I would gladly die (if need be) to save.
I was raised to be a true American.......--Tyr