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09-01-2020, 01:21 PM
Search engines will go downhill if they remove information or change things purposely. Just scour the entire internet and let things fall where they will. That's how folks always knew what was most popular when searching, as it would always have auto-completes to choose from. Well, they still do, but for black lives matter apparently.

I recall a few years ago, when this crap first started, some scoffed at the idea and demanded proof when folks said that they and others were being censored. I believe it first started at Twitter and "shadow banning", but I could be wrong and guess it doesn't matter. But then Facebook, Instagram, Youtube & more I am probably forgetting. The largest of the large though. And all in some way connected and proven leftist. Oh, Reddit too.


Google Refuses to Show Negative Search Suggestions About Black Lives Matter

Google’s search autocomplete feature fails to generate negative suggestions for the term “BLM,” in stark contrast to other search engines.

Typing the words “BLM is” on Google currently only returns the suggestion “BLM israel.” It does not show a long list of suggestions, which is unusual for a popular search term and suggests that a list of suggestions formerly existed but was removed.


Typing “BLM is ” with a space after “is” generates no search suggestions at all — highly unusual for a search term that has recently seen a massive spike in attention from users.


Google search suggestions are usually generated automatically, based on how often and how recently people are typing in specific searches.

A search spelling out “Black Lives Matter” returns a few results which again are positive in nature.


On DuckDuckGo, Google’s privacy-focused competitor, searching for “BLM is ” generates a normal list of suggestions, some of which have negative connotations.


The list includes suggestions like “BLM is actblue,” “BLM is marxists,” “BLM is a cancer,” and “BLM is a front,” as well as “BLM is funded by.” The top three results on the “BLM is funded by” search are from conservative websites, including Breitbart News.


Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/tech/2020/09/01/google-refuses-to-show-negative-search-suggestions-about-black-lives-matter/

09-01-2020, 04:22 PM
I got this


09-01-2020, 04:25 PM
Tried "is BLM" and got this which is a little more accurate leads