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View Full Version : Potential of vaccine by end of the year

09-02-2020, 02:32 PM
My first thought is/was, sure, if Biden were to win, wait a month or two, and it would be a Biden Christmas miracle. :rolleyes: :laugh:

Jokes aside, I still see the potential. I know they're going to fast line whatever comes first, and probably second too. Dosage vials are ready, just need a vaccine to put in them. Russia, UK, China (as if) & a few others are working on vaccines. I don't give a crap who is first. Once successful - get it the hell out there to all countries. And then the same with anyone after that. And perhaps in time they will work collectively around the world, or/and time will tell us which is the most effective.

But it wasn't too awfully far back when Fauci was giving off a different level of confidence than he is now (at bottom). So what has changed?


Fauci: ‘Cautiously Optimistic’ We’ll Have Coronavirus Vaccine by End of 2020

National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases director Dr. Anthony Fauci said Wednesday on MSNBC’s “Andrea Mitchell Reports” that by November or December, there could be a “safe and effective vaccine” for coronavirus.

Fauci said, “I’m certain that other countries will be successful in developing vaccines, but I’m also fairly optimistic that we also will have at least one or more candidates that will be available for the American people.

Mitchell said, “The president said that a vaccine is possible before the election. Vice President Pence has said we are a nation of miracles. Is there a risk of promising too much or even of pushing an emergency use authorization for a vaccine before it has been fully proved safe and effective? I know authorizations have been used in the past for vaccines, but that’s the normal time frame of years of study for a vaccine and testing and randomized testing, and we’ve seen the push for emergency use before things are properly vetted.”

Fauci said, “Yeah, I mean, obviously that’s a concern of many people. Right now, if you look at the timetable of the vaccine candidates that we’re involved with, we have three now that are in phase 3 trials. At least a couple of them are more than half completely enrolled. So things are really right on target. As I mentioned many times, and there’s no reason for me to change this projection, I think we’ll know by the end of this year, November or December, that we do have a safe and effective vaccine. And I’m cautiously optimistic, although, you know, you can never guarantee when you’re dealing with vaccines. But I feel cautiously optimistic that we will have that.”

Mitchell interjected, “But that’s the end of the year. That’s not November 3.”

Fauci continued, “That’s the projection, Andrea. Is it conceivable that you may get an answer before then? Yes, it is conceivable that if you get enough infections in the trial that you will get an answer. But I’ve always said, and I’ll repeat it now, that I will not be satisfied regarding the release of a vaccine unless we know that it is safe and effective, both safe and effective. If we get a vaccine that’s safe and effective, I would feel fully comfortable that that’s a vaccine that could be released for the American people to use.”


Also today:

Dr Fauci says coronavirus vaccine trials could be stopped weeks early if data shows shots are safe and effective ahead of the tests' winter end-dates

Dr Anthony Fauci told Kaiser Health News that researchers would have a 'moral obligation' to stop trials early if the data was good enough
The FDA has said a shot should cut rate of symptomatic COVID-19 by at least 50% to get its approval
Three coronavirus vaccines are currently in their final-stage trials in the US
Some experts and Americans are concerned that political pressure, not data, is driving the push to approve vaccines
Currently, the three trials are expected to conclude this winter

Clinical trials for coronavirus vaccines could be stopped weeks early, if data from the tests is 'overwhelmingly' positive that the shots work, and are safe, Dr Anthony Fauci told Kaiser Health News (KHN).

In fact, the nation's top infectious disease doctor said researchers would have a 'moral obligation' to stop the trials short to expedite approval of shots if there is little reason to believe they won't work or will pose significant side effect risks.

There are currently about 120 vaccines under development around the world.

Rest - https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-8690209/Dr-Fauci-says-coronavirus-vaccine-trials-stopped-weeks-early.html

7 days ago:

Dr. Fauci Warns Against Early Approval of Vaccine

During a week in which the FDA approved convalescent plasma as a therapeutic for coronavirus patients, Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation's top infectious disease expert, warned against rushing a coronavirus vaccine. "The one thing that you would not want to see with a vaccine is getting an EUA"—that's an emergency use authorization, which means the treatment is greenlit without full approval from health authorities—"before you have a signal of efficacy," Fauci told Reuters. "One of the potential dangers if you prematurely let a vaccine out is that it would make it difficult, if not impossible, for the other vaccines to enroll people in their trial."

"To me, it's absolutely paramount that you definitively show that a vaccine is safe and effective, both," Fauci continued. "We would hope that nothing interferes with the full demonstration that a vaccine is safe and effective."

Rest - https://www.eatthis.com/dr-fauci-covid-vaccine-warning/

3 weeks ago:

Fauci: COVID-19 Vaccine May Only End Up Being 50% to 60% Effective

Scientists will develop a COVID-19 vaccine, but it could end up only being 50 to 60 percent effective, Dr. Anthony Fauci said Friday.

Speaking during a Brown School of Public Health webinar Friday afternoon, Fauci, who serves as the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said he "believe(s) we'll get an effective vaccine."

"But we don't know if it's going to be 50 percent (effective), or 60 percent. Hopefully, I'd like to see 75 percent or more," he said. "But the chance of it being 98 percent effective is not great. Which means you must never abandon the public health approach."

Rest - https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/fauci-covid-19-vaccine-may-only-end-up-being-50-to-60-effective/ar-BB17HHfH